Quote Originally Posted by foxy lady View Post
...we only ask for a chat room so we could roll play that fantasy

See thats where we may disagree...when one clicks the door with the green arrow found in the upper right corner of their chat screen they will find a wide variety of roleplay orientated rooms in which they can indulge in their fantasies gor or otherwise at their lieasure just fine allready without clogging up the lobby (which as I understand it is for primaraly adult conversation).

witch kinda adds to Torq concerns, it goes without saying that the rules and regulations of this site would be honored, of course newbies and all chatter would be welcomed, the Dominates would be served and the submissive seduced,*smile* and even tho Gor is cruel and unfair ...the reality is that this roll play is suppose to be fun...enjoyable if girl get bullied they will run away and then i will have to serve alone!!! NO ONE WANTS THAT!

Well this site is after all his dominion and we should keep that we are only allowed here at his liesure. Gor..Cruel ? Maby on the rp sites it is, but then I often find those places missing the forest for a single tree when it comes to pretty much all things Gorean.

thank you for the link to Gor philosophies!
Anytime hon.