Quote Originally Posted by IAN 2411 View Post
I will say that as the child was 6 years old the teacher was probably young with no children of her own. I doubt whether he/she has seen a child in a tantrum before unless it was he/she when they were a child. I am probably right in saying that because he/she stood back and let it go on because of his/her inept knowledge of childrens behaviour for so long is the reason why it got worse.
Actually, sometimes the best way to handle a kid throwing a tantrum is to ignore him. The lack of attention can be more of a lesson than a spank on the butt. Of course, you have to make certain they can't hurt themselves or someone else. Once they start throwing things you might have to make them secure. I never had to resort to handcuffs, though.

That is a stupid argument. Are you telling me that if it was your child, that is what you would say? If not, then why would you think other parents would?
Experience. Like lucy, I've had parents tell me to my face that there child would not and DID not do what I saw them doing. I even had one woman tell me her children never tell lies! She got rather upset when I told her that either her children were mutes or she was deluded.

Probably by the time the police got there it was the safest option, for both child and police.
Possibly. I have seen some pretty violent tantrums.

I do agree with lucy that to be charged with assault and damage at six years old is a bit over the top. The mind boggles at the stupidity of that addition. I wonder what the minnimum sentence for that is when she goes in front of Judge Judy?
I agree, it does seem stupid. The only thing I can think of is that it involved some legal rigamarole to help the police cover their butts.