Quote Originally Posted by IAN 2411 View Post
To be honest, thir. I have been looking at a lot of Nat/Geo films of late. I find the subject of prehistoric man with the rest of questions along with the known history very interesting. I now have to ask the question, does it all really matter to the multitude? Will finding the missing link further our technology leading us further into the future? Does this finding that the early cave woman might have been more intelligent than the male in knowing that inbreeding was not the way to go help us in our daily lives? Would it be right to say that it might have been instinct for the woman to go and multiply not because of any reason other than boredom or loneliness? If what they say is true about the hand paintings, it would back up my last question. If the woman was back in the cave alone, her doing the hand paintings would pass the time away while her man was hunting. Might it not also be the case that if the woman was doing the hunting and leading the way. Then here in the 21st century where there are a multitude of stay at home husbands, we are evolving by going full circle.

Be well IAN 2411
In what is, despite the best efforts of the Right, a largely secular Western world today, questions like this are part of our shared mythology, and have as much influence on our everyday philosophy and politics as the stories of Genesis had on earlier generations. You only have to look at the way sociobiological arguments emerge in topics like equal pay or gun control.

In the same way that people once invoked the Fall to justify oppressing women, or the midrash about the sons of Noah to justify black slavery, they now invoke the Tarzan myth of Man-the-hunter to justify keeping women in the home, or argue that there is no point trying to control violent crime because "we've always been killers." So yes, having a more realistic idea of where we came from does matter to the multitude. And the fact that popular accounts of it are often wildly misleading, and repeat crude Flintstones pictures that were disproved a century ago, is as worrying as inaccurate current affairs reporting.