Master and I were talking, and since He knows I like to roleplay now and then, He is allowing me to continue to do so. (*grins* I am soooo lucky)

Anyone is welcome to join in at any time, as long as the flow of the roleplay continues.

The only condition is that He wants to be able to read the progression of the roleplay as it pans out.

Here it goes!

The girl kneeled naked alongside many other hopeful submissives. She more than anything wanted to please her Master, longing for His comfort and caresses. His doting affection and soul. The Academy here, was a training arena, where submissives were sent so that they could learn all they could to better serve their Master's. She wanted to please Him, and by obeying Him and coming here, thought that this would enable her to become better trained, so that she could serve Him at her fullest potential.

The Doms who ran the Academy here, taught the submissives well, instructed, and punished, cared and loved, bending them to Their will. While the submissives were enclosed in the Academy's walls nothing else existed for them. Only until their Master's, after close consultation with the Academy Dom's, advised them to allow their submissive home. What the submissives didn't know is that their Master's assisted in catering their learning program, and while they thought their Master wasn't involved, He was given full accounts of events by the Academy's Doms.

There were also a select group of Domme's and male submissives who were also a part of the Academy, both groups equally as important and functional.

Kneeling before the Dom's in this fashion scared the girl, she tried to maintain her focus on a crack on the floor. She could hear them whispering amongst themselves. She was too afraid to look at the girl's next to her, and tried to think of times with her Master to ease her anxiety.