
first let me say, love this site. It helps when working new ideas for my slaves (2 full time, 1 part time as well as 1 male slave).

My dilemma is, my part time slave has the chance to move away next month for 4 months, if I permit her to take a job overseas.
My problem is, since she is a part-time willing slave with no contract to me, she could just say "fuck you I'm leaving" if I demand she stay, so I dont want to really stand in the way of this. However, my concern is 4 months away from me may make her consider not returning to me when she comes home. Shes young & energetic & still deciding where & what she wants to do with her life. Should I just let her go & hope she returns or assume she wont return & get what I can out of her before she leaves. She has been a good slave & has not disobeyed me since I broke her in, I am just wondering if my bond with her is strong enough for her to return after 4 mos. Shes my favorite of all of them, so I really dont want to lose her, but may,

Has anyone else here had this dilemma before & how did it turn out.