Vanilla life can be ok for some. For others there can be something missing, something you have tried to ignored. Yet you still have got that itch, that craving, which is eating you up.

I am Dom, and the above has been happening to me over the last few months. The last submissive that I owned online, was release after a four month relationship. It was a mutual agreement, between both of us. She lost a close family member, and wanted to re-evaluate whole of her life. She left her partner a couple of weeks before, we want our own way.

During our brief relationship together, we started to explore the meaning of being a submissive. This was done through pre planned sessions, orders and living by rules, pushing limits, research, discussions and chats. The ultimate aim of our relationship was to bring a balance into her life. For her to accept the whole of herself and not just a part of it.

One major area that she liked about our relationship together was learning to please me. She did not like it when I was disappointed in her, because of her actions. She accepted any punishments that I gave her, and we always chatted afterwards about it. I am a firm believer, that punishments are good to a point. If you punish, somebody yet not told them what they did wrong and what not to do in the future. How can they learn from their mistakes?

I am now ready to start searching for the right online female to become my submissive or slave. I am looking for somebody with the right seed, to be able to grow into a brilliant submissive or slave for me. Through our relationship together, I hope to make you feel secure, trusted and completed.

If you are interested, please send me a PM and tell me about yourself. I am looking for more then just a single line. I want to see your current self, and what you could grow into with my help.