I used to stand up tall and I would never bend my will
Right or wrong I’d fight even if it was all uphill
I realized in time some things are not worth breaking for
I saw how life had shattered me and left me on the floor
And as I wondered where it was that I could go from here
A voice inside reminded me of all that I hold dear
Honesty and loyalty and open-mindedness
Courtesy, humility, and most of all patience
My goal, then, was to be these things, but how could I conform?
If I could never find a way then how would I transform?
And so I sat for many years considering these things
Coupled with my feelings, I began to see a change
I realized I’m not as cold as it may sometimes seem
That somewhere deep inside a gentle creature lives in me
From that point I decided to see where this thing could go
I learned from it and nourished it until I watched it grow
And one day I looked at myself and realized something great
That all these things prepared me to seek out a different fate

I don’t want to look back
I want to learn and grow
I finally found a Master
Someone whom I can show
My weaknesses and strengths
I vow to please Him well
Not hold back anything
Persevere and excel
Into that which He sees
When He looks at His slave
With poise, to be respectful
And constantly behave

When Your command is given
I hear it as my law
And instantly I’m driven
On my belly just to crawl
Toward the Master I love
Holding in high esteem
Begging to be owned by Him
Before I reach His feet

Please, Sir, I will do anything if You just let me show
How much I want to please You and how much I want to grow
I sometimes don’t remember all the rules but now I swear
I’ll never disrespect You any time or anywhere
If I mess up correct me; please, Master, own all of me
So one day I can show You how in-line Your slave can be
I want to please You and I want to give You all of me
The secret things I hide to make sure no one else can see
You have my heart, I trust You more than anyone I know
Tell me—I’ll obey. It’s in Your shadow that I glow
Please collar me and own me, Master, I will always be
Loyal and obedient…worth more than being free