This may be an unusual sort of request; I don't know. I'm new to this, and I want to be introduced - and this is how I envision (fantasize?) being initiated into the BDSM universe. I want to give it a try.

Basically, I want to be someone's toy - online - for a couple days, maybe a weekend. (Not this weekend, because I live in DC and there are inauguration things to tend to, but - possibly the next?) I want to give that man or woman complete control over what I do for a specified period of time. You get to choose what I wear, what I eat, what I do - all the way down to how long I spend in the shower, if you want. Down to the most minute level of detail you care to achieve. Ideally, you would give me tasks to complete, orders to follow ... and I would write back to you in detail about how they went, etc. Or we could do it over IM, I am comfortable with either (I'm in the eastern time zone). I would rather not do pictures or webcams just yet, seeing as we would both be quite new to each other. But I think I could learn, and we could both have fun, without those things at the beginning.

I imagine this being the beginning of a longer-term online relationship, but obviously we can just see how it goes. Mostly I'm interested in having fun and learning a little in a intensive immersion environment. It works for languages, why not this? Anyway, please feel free to PM or emil me (assuming I have my account settings configured the right way) if you're interested. Maybe send me a little sample of something you might have me do? I'm looking forward to finding someone to have fun with.