I decided to make this thread after watching this particular video, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUI_ML1qkQE

But it raises a good point. Why do theists immediately say that Atheists are angry for having a different view, and assuming that we don't actually have anything to be angry about with religion. So I ask you, what makes you angry about religion?

For me, it is the hypocrites, the attempts by people to teach creationism as scientific fact (it has failed every scientific test by the way), the fact that thousands of people die each year because of STD in Africa because the Catholic Church threatens people to eternal damnation for using CONDOMS, the fact that repeatedly the Catholic Church has hidden CHILD RAPISTS from being exposed, the fact that Muslims will force a teenage girl to have her clitoris cut off and her vagina mutilated, the fact that people adore so called "saints" like Mother Teresa for having a house of the dying where the dying people (many of who could have been saved) were denied proper health care and denied visitations from there own family, the fact that people look at the Dhali Lama with reverence overlooking the fact that before he and the other lamas were kicked out by the Chinese lived in absolute wealth while the rest of the population around them were STARVING.

I could go on, but I will cut it off there. So, What say you?