By applying a contextual meaning to a word you influence the understanding. Sadism, to derive pleasure itself from inflicting consensual delight onto another lends itself to a direction of being dominant, as you are giving to another. Equally as a masochist you enjoy receiving the pleasure therefore taking it, submissively, subservient, taking it.

However, I also agree that it should not be presumed that as Dom/me you are automatically sadistic as sub you are masochistic. I think the level of personal dynamic determines how pleasure can be mutually experienced. Communication within the relationship is paramount, learning about each other, what is enjoyed by parties involved. As I understand it, a person can be both a sadist and a masochistic within both D/s personality traits it is the exchange of power that derives enjoyment. To make the distinction would be a matter of being honest, to give or receive is ultimately to experience and please each other in an individual manner
