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Review This Story || Author: Jake

kitten's Punishment


This is a short, one part only, story that is loosely based on a fantasy conveyed to me by one of the forum members.

As always, I would appreciate hearing your feedback on this story. Please leave a review or email me at

                                                        Kittens Punishment

It was early in the morning, her Master was in the shower and sunlight was just breaking through the bedroom window. Kitten lazily rolled over in bed after a full night of love making. As she did, the sheets dragged across her erect nipples and sending a buzz through her body. Her pussy was still swollen and a little sore from last nights passion, but still ached for more.

Knowing that she was not allowed to cum or touch herself without permission, kitten glanced at the closed bathroom door and heard the shower still running. She slowly slid her hand under the sheets and snaked it down her body to her bare pussy. Her body trembled as her fingers parted her lips and began to lazily massage her clit. Her breathing became rapid as her sex became more excited, as she continued to play with herself and recalling last nights love making.

As gasps and moans began to escape her lips, she pulled one of the pillows over her face to prevent alerting her Master. Her fingers were now working her button at a feverish pace as she climbed towards orgasm. She pulled the pillow down tighter against her mouth as her moans became louder and more intense. A glowing light began building in her loins as her entire body tensed for what was to come.

Suddenly an iron grip clamped down on her wrist and yanked her hand away from her sex. The pillow was pulled away from her face and her eyes blinked to adjust to the light. Her master stood above her with a towel wrapped around his waist. He clamped down even harder on her wrist as he glared down at her.

She knew she was in serious trouble.

Without saying a word, her master deftly wrenched her arm, forcing her to roll over onto her stomach to take the pressure off her shoulder socket. Before she knew what was happening, her hands were cuffed behind her and he flipped her back onto her back.

Her Master glared down at her once more.

“What do you think you are doing? Have you been given permission to cum?”

“NNNo Sir,” she stammered in fear.

“So you were deliberately disobeying my orders. Is that right?”

“No Sir, I was……. I mean……..I…….” kittens voice trailed off knowing that she had no excuse.

“I dont have time to properly punish you now, so I going to secure you so that you cant get into any more mischief while Im away. Get down on the floor.” Her Master ordered.

With her hands cuffed behind her, kitten had to wiggle off the bed and dropped to her knees on the floor. She waddled to the center of the bedroom and sat back on her feet with her knees spread wide.

Master walked over to the dresser and opened a drawer and took out his favorite toys. A ball gag that had whiskers attached to it, a headband with cat ears and a large butt plug with a long silky feline tail attached. He knew that this outfit both excited and humiliated her. He slid the ears onto her head and forced the ball gag into her mouth. After buckling the gag snuggly in place, he leaned her forward guiding her face to the floor. There she lay, face and tits resting on the carpeting with her ass in the air.

Master picked up the butt plug and walked around behind her, out of her field of view. She braced herself for the assault of her tiny hole, but instead she felt his finger slide into her pussy and begin to slowly massage her G spot. She humped back against his finger trying in vain to orgasm.

“My, you are a hot little pussy this morning. You were about to cum, werent you?”

“Uh Huh” kitten mumbled around the gag.


He brought his hand crashing down on her ass, leaving a perfect red hand print on her left ass cheek.

“I believe that Yes Sir is the proper response”, he said as her slid his finger back inside her.

“Yes Sir”, she corrected herself, hoping he would have mercy on her and allow her the orgasm that she desperately desired.

“Well you wont be doing that for quite awhile.” He said as he pulled out his finger and wiped the juices off on the stinging hand print.

“Lets get you some lube, so this plug doesnt hurt your tight little hole.”

Kitten groaned in frustration as she flipped her head around to watch her Master walk into the bathroom. The lube was always kept in the drawer by the bed.  She knew what he was going to get and that she feared it.

Master returned and squeezed a big red glob of cinnamon flavored toothpaste on his finger and began to coat the plug.

“There, that should do the trick”, he said as he sat the spicy gel aside and knelt down behind the girl.

Master pushed the plug against her puckered hole with steady pressure until her sphincter relaxed and allowed the intruder in. A grunt escaped her lips as he firmly seated the plug in her ass. Master then wiped the excess gel on his finger against her sex. Methodically, he rubbed the toothpaste into her clit and pussy lips until kitten could feel the burning begin. Her rosebud, by now, was also beginning to glow from the heat. Kitten wiggled her ass in the air trying to escape the cinnamon concoction that burned at her most tender tissues.

“If you keep wiggling like that, your tail is going to fall out.” Master said as he walked over to the closet and pulled out one of her thin leather belts.

Master knelt down and laid kitten over on her side. Wrapping the belt twice around her legs, just above her knees, he buckled it tight. With her legs now clamped shut, the burning between her legs intensified.

Quiet little mews and whimpers escaped around the gag as he picked her up and carried her into the walk in closet. He placed her on the floor and stood up.

“Ill have to keep you in here while Im gone to make sure that you dont get into further trouble. Ill be back in a few hours.”, he said, leaving kitten whimpering and pleading.

With that he stepped out of the closet and closed the door, leaving her in total darkness to suffer and contemplate her misdeeds.

Kitten had always been a little afraid of the dark and that coupled with the searing heat emanating from her pussy and asshole, caused tears to begin running down her cheeks.

In her mind, she begged. “Please Master, I cant take it anymore. Please come release me and let me wash this gel off.” And yet, he didnt come to release her and the burning continued.

For safety, her Master didnt leave the house. He simply went downstairs and got the paper, closing the door loudly enough to make kitten think that she had been left all alone.

He tiptoed into the den, quietly reading the paper and working at the computer as she lay on the floor of the closet. With no light or sound, kitten lay on the floor quietly sobbing as the burning in her rectum and pussy continued relentlessly.

After what seemed like hours, it had really only been 45 minutes, the effects of the gel had diminished to a warm glow that left her even needier than she had been before Master had restrained her. Instead of contemplating her misdeed, she twisted and wiggled in the closet, desperately trying to stimulate her clit, which had swollen to twice its normal size. It was no use. With her legs strapped together, she could not gain the friction she needed to satisfy her aching nub.

Kitten had lost all track of time, when suddenly the door opened. She looked up to see her Master standing above her like a god as the bright light illuminated his silhouette. As her eyes adjusted to the light, his stern features come into focus.

“Are you ready for your punishment?” Master asked, as he knelt down to unfasten the belt and helped her to her feet.

“Yes Sir”, kitten replied quietly, with her eyes downcast.

Master steadied her as they walked down the two flights of steps to the punishment room in the basement. Once in the room, Master stood her between two rough hewn wooden posts that were spaced ten feet apart.

“Dont move”, kitten was warned as her Master went over and opened his toy box.

He removed two ankle cuffs, a spreader bar and three short lengths of chain. Returning to kitten, he crouched down and secured the spreader bar, forcing her legs wide apart. The next step was to unclasp the wrist cuffs from behind her back and reattach them to the short chains. The other ends of the chains were secured to rings on the posts about three feet off the ground, forcing kitten to bend at the waist with her arms outstretched to each side. To insure kittens immobility, her Master snapped one end of a short chain to the loop on her collar and the other to an eyelet at the center of the spreader bar, ensuring that her torso remained parallel to the floor. Kitten was now completely secured with her legs and arms spread wide and her body bent at the waist. She awaited her fate.

Her eyes followed him as walked back to the toy box and removed his favorite nipple clamps. These clamps had vicious little teeth and dangling from each was a tied feather “cat toy”.

Kitten grunted twice as the sharp teeth bit into her hard nipples. Her Master tugged on the strings and played with the feather trinkets on the end, furthering her discomfort.

“These clamps will be your signal. You do not have permission to cum until I remove them. Do you understand?”

Kitten nodded her head in acknowledgement as her Master walked over and removed his most severe cane from the wall. This implement had always terrified her. It was about 3/8” thick and made of oak which made it very stiff and heavy for its size. She had only felt its slash once before for a couple of strokes. She thought those strokes were going to cut her in half.

Her eyes were wide with fright as her walked around behind her and took up his position and unclipped the feline tail, leaving the butt plug in place.

Her Master spoke, “Normally, I would not use this severe an implement on you for simply touching yourself without permission. However, while you were in the closet, I got online and saw that you had been flirting with several other Doms. This is something that you have been specifically forbidden from doing. As such, you will receive 10 strokes.”

Kitten immediately squealed in protest and began to thrash about in her chains. She knew that she couldnt take this punishment, it would surely kill her.

Master waited for her to settle down before delivering the first stroke.


“EEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHH” kitten screamed around the gag as her Master watched a whelp, at first white, turn vivid red across her ass.


“EEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIGGGGGGGHHHHHHH”, she again screamed as the next stroke landed an inch below the first.

And so it continued



The feathers that hung from her nipple clamps, danced with every stroke.





Each scream getting progressively louder until the full sentence of ten had been executed.

Kitten hung limply from her bounds, quivering from her sobs as her Master looked down at the ten perfectly spaced stripes on her round ass, that were now turning to purple contusions.

He hung the cane on the nearby post and unzipped his trousers, removing his hard cock, he stepped up behind her. Now that she had been duly punished, it was time to remind her that she was his pet and he owned her body and soul.

Master gripped her hips as he nudged against her opening. With one forceful stroke, he buried himself to the hilt, slamming against kittens inflamed pussy lips and eliciting a muffed scream from around her gag. His public bone also rammed against the base of the butt plug, jabbing it further into her asshole as well. He slowly withdrew until just the head of his cock remained nestled between her lips. Once again he thrust forward, slamming the head of his cock against her cervix, nearly knocking the wind out of her. Tears of frustration flowed down her cheeks. She knew, from experience, that her Master could keep this slow brutal pace up practically indefinitely without cumming.

Master kept up the slow pounding for what seemed like an eternity, each stroke marked by a grunt escaping from kittens lips. Each jarring stroke bringing her closer to orgasm until she begged, frantically, to be allowed to cum.. Suddenly, kitten sensed him changing gears. His pace increased and he was now fucking her pussy at a rapid fire pace. Just as kitten though she could restrain her orgasm no longer, she felt his hands slide up and yank the clamps from her captured nipples.

Instantly, the wave of pain from her nipples rippled down to her sex and was reflected back as an earth shattering orgasm. Feeling her orgasm, Master slammed against her punished ass one last time and released several violent gushes of seed into her.

They stood there locked together as the last of the orgasmic waves echoed through their bodies. She moaned in protest, as she felt him pull out of her pussy, leaving her feeling achingly empty.

Master appeared before her, lifting her drooping head. Wiping the tears away with his thumbs, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

“You have been punished for your acts and now all is forgiven, my pet. Lets get you unfastened and Ill carry you upstairs.”

She sighed at the further emptiness she felt when her Master gently removed the plug from her rectum. The whiskered gag and ears were also quickly removed. Kittens legs were too weak to support her weight, so after he had unsnapped the chains from her wrists and collar, he laid her back onto the floor. He moved around to her feet and removed the spreader bar and ankle cuffs. Her Master then leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her engorged clit sending one last wave of pleasure through her body, before scooping her into his arms.

As they ascended the stairs, kitten nuzzled her face into his chest and purred contentedly.

She loved her Master with all of his heart and she knew that her Master loved her.

She was truly happy to be his pet.

Review This Story || Author: Jake
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