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Have a Bit of Faith

Part 4

Chapter 10

The bids for the remaining week took a jump after the Monday night party.  It seemed that more people wanted to enjoy more of that tight body that was being sold.  They jumped again after the Thursday night club event.  For the remaining eight weeks of the summer, the lowest bid was close to twenty five thousand dollars.  The only week that did not increase was week eight where the high bid was still fifty thousand.

“It looks like the scholarship fund is going to exceed three hundred thousand dollars by the end of the summer, dear,” said Jill as she drove Faith down the highway.  Faith was being delivered to her Aunt Jane who had succeeded in winning the bidding for week six with a bid of thirty thousand dollars.

“Can we stop now, then?” asked Faith.  “I dont need nearly that much money for school.”

“Oh no, sweetie,” replied Jill.  “We cant stop now.  This is your summer employment.  And just think of all of the other boys and girls youll be helping when the remainder is donated to your schools scholarship fund.  You are doing a lot of good for a lot of people.  Im very proud of my baby.”

Faith shook her head in disbelief once again.  It didnt feel like she was doing a lot of good.  It didnt feel like something that someone should be proud of.  It just felt like she was getting her brains fucked out all summer long.

Her cousins were delighted to see her.  Cinny and Linny squealed and each jumped up to give her a hug and a kiss.  And within seconds, they had her stripped naked.  Then they took her into the house to show their mom.

“Theres my beautiful girl,” smiled Aunt Jane.  She encircled the naked girl with her arms and gave her a big hug.  “I see that the twins have already gotten to work on you.”

Faith blushed and nodded.  “Yes, Aunt Jane.  I had barely gotten out of the car before they had me stripped.”

Jill laughed.  “They were pretty fast.  Now I see how they were able to capture my daughter last summer.”

“Yeah, they work pretty fast,” agreed Jane.  “The other one they caught should be here soon too.”

“Good, I havent met her yet,” said Jill.

“Shes beautiful,” smiled Jane.  “And her mothers divine.  Shes mine.”

“Thats right,” nodded Jill.  “I had forgotten that.  So you still own her?  You dont usually keep girls that long.”

“Yes,” replied Jane.  “I still own her; pretty completely most of the time and total ownership when I summon her here.  And when she gets here to deliver her daughter, youll see why I still own her.”

“So what do you have planned for my baby girl this week?” asked Jill.

“Oh, shell have lots of excitement.  I plan to share her a bit.  My new girls husband has been very good about sharing his wife.  He was a little shocked at first that I own Heather now but weve worked out an arrangement now that keeps him satisfied.  Ill be loaning Faith to him for part of the week.

Faith gasped when she heard that she was going to be loaned to someone.  She had met John at the end of the previous summer but he was still a virtual stranger to her.  And he seemed like he was three times her age.

“Is that part of the arrangement?” asked Jill.

“Yes,” nodded Jane.  “He has free access to any of my girls.  In exchange, I can claim Heather whenever I want.  He met Faith last year and has been dying for her to become my girl again.  Ill ship your daughter to him tomorrow and then reclaim her later in the week.”

“Hes going to be a very happy man, Im sure,” smiled Jill.  “Ive been hearing rave reviews from her buyers.  Have you shown him any of the pictures from the website?”

“Oh yes,” replied Jane.  “He came over yesterday afternoon as soon as I learned that I had won the bidding for her for this week.  We went through a lot of them together.  I like how youve done the cross referencing.”

“Oh, that became a necessity after we got above five hundred pictures,” commented Jill.  “We started with just one page with all the pictures.  That soon became cumbersome.  Then we organized them by week but we had two weeks with over two hundred pictures each.”

This drew another gasp from Faith.  She had given up on reviewing the photo album weeks earlier.  It was just too humiliating to relive those experiences.  But two weeks with over two hundred pictures each?

“So now you can sort by subject,” Jill concluded.  Now there was a string of buttons along one side of the web page that let the viewer pick a theme.  All of the pictures that included that theme them would be presented to the viewer.  The options included Fucking, Anal, Lesbian, Threesome, Bondage, Whips, Other Torture, Water Sports, Masturbation, and Bestiality.  Faith determined that she would have to go back to the website next weekend to see what they were talking about.

“Yes, I love it,” Jane said.  “You can have Heather for the night, by the way, if you want.  But Im claiming this girl.”  Jane had gathered Faiths breasts in her hands and was looking at them as they nestled in her palms.  “I have missed my beautiful girl.”

“I was hoping that youd offer that,” grinned Jill.  “Youve told me so much about Heather.  Im looking forward to meeting her and trying her out.”

“Trust me.  You wont be disappointed.”

“Have these grown, pet?” asked Jane as she bounced the bountiful breasts in her hands, enjoying the weight.

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Faith.  “A little, I think.”

“Theyre even more divine than I remember them.”  Then Jane turned to her sister.  “I still think that this little one is the ultimate slave girl.”  Jill just smiled proudly back at Jane.  Jane turned her attention back to her niece whose breasts she was fondling.

“Did your mother tell you that we have a new puppy?  His name is Olaf and hes a Great Dane.”

All of the color drained from Faiths face.  She was speechless and she started trembling uncontrollably as she remembered her week as Winstons bitch.

Jane couldnt control herself any longer and broke into laughter.  “Im just kidding, pretty pet.  I could never do that to you.  But I do have to admit that those pictures of you were pretty hot.  You were a beautiful bitch.”

Kim and Heather arrived soon after that and once again, the twins were a whirlwind of activity.  Kim and her stepmother were stripped within seconds and were brought into the house.

“Sis, this is my girl, Heather,” said Jane proudly.  Jill opened her eyes wide in surprise at the beauty that stood before her.

“My gosh!” exclaimed Jill.  “Is this all for me?”

Jane chuckled at her sisters reaction.  She couldnt blame the reaction, though.  At thirty one, Heather had blossomed into unheard of beauty and was at her sexual prime.  She was gorgeous and desirable and almost seemed to exude sexuality.  She was a perfect slave girl.  Jane viewed Heather at the same level as Faith, which was saying a lot since Faith was on a pedestal as far as Jane was concerned.

“Shes all yours, sis,” replied Jane.  “Keep her for the night.  Or, if you can stay the week, shes yours for as long as you can be here.”

“Wow!” breathed Jill.  She realized then that she should have visited Jane much sooner.  But when Jane told her that she had enslaved the stepmother of the girl who the twins had captured, she assumed that Heather was just a convenient, temporary slave until Jane found one more suitable.  She never imagined that Janes new girl would be a living goddess.

“Ill have to see about clearing my calendar for the week,” Jill said.  “Have you ever thought about selling her?”

Three naked slaves stood there and listened to the two sisters talking.  Each of them shuddered at the question.

“Good heavens, no!” replied Jane quickly.  “I mean, honestly, Jill.  This whole thing with Faith this summer is pushing you over the top.”

“Yeah,” nodded Jill, taking a deep breath.  “I do need to settle down; slow things down, maybe.  I cant for the next three weeks.  But Ill slow down after that.  But if you ever do decide to sell this girl, Jack and I would buy her in a heartbeat.”

Faith couldnt believe how her mother was behaving.  She talked about buying Heather.  She was thinking about sticking around to dominate Heather.  Last week, she had dominated Jessica.  And in two weeks, she was going to be a slave to the Simses.  It was like her whole world revolved around sex and the domination/submission lifestyle.  And she would take both in whatever form she could.  It was all just so hard for Faith to imagine.

Jane took Faith upstairs and didnt reemerge for several hours.  She and her beautiful slave bathed together and Faith was reminded again how nice it was to luxuriate in a bath with her aunt/mistress.  They made tender love for hours and cuddled in between sessions.  Finally, Jane led her naked girl back downstairs and prepared dinner.

Jill also took Heather upstairs to the guest bedroom that she usually used.  She spread the raven-haired beauty across the bed and secured her ankles and wrists to the bedposts.  Then she availed herself of her sisters pet, exploring every delectable curve and valley.  She was in heaven.

The twins took Kim to their bedroom.  The sex in that room was more athletic than in the other two, but all participants in each of the rooms enjoyed multiple orgasms before everyone congregated for dinner.

Jill got on the phone and rearranged her schedule for the following week while Faith helped Jane in the kitchen.  Jill would be staying the full week.  She would take advantage of Heather for as long as she was available.  She also had her eyes on Kim who was a beautiful, ripe teenager.  And she knew from past experience that she could always claim one of the twins, if needed.  They were little bundles of energy and had pleased her many times during the previous summer.

“I can have her for two whole days?” asked John incredulously.  He had hoped to be given Faith for an evening but never dreamed that Jane would give the beautiful auburn-haired teenager to him for more than a few hours.  Even though he had the most gorgeous wife imaginable, he had fantasized about Faith for the past year, ever since seeing her the previous summer.  It was the hope of receiving Faith as a gift that finalized the deal of his wife becoming Janes slave.

“I think thats only fair,” replied Jane.  “You have been very generous with Heather.”

“Wow!” he uttered.  “If this is how you repay me, then Ill have to give you Heather more often.”

Jane laughed.  She really liked John a lot.  And even though she had lesbian leanings, she enjoyed sharing a bed with him.  She watched his eyes darting over her naked nieces body, moving quickly from feature to feature, almost as if he thought her beauty might disappear at any moment.

“Ill gladly take Heather off your hands any time you want,” said Jane.  “And here; I have a present for you.”  She reached into her purse and extracted a felt case which she handed to John.  He opened it and smiled.

“Thank you,” he said as he smiled.  “It will look lovely on your girl.”

“Your girl,” Jane corrected him.  Then she handed him a piece of paper.  He unfolded it and saw that it was a deed to Faiths body.  His first slave girl!  “She belongs to you now.”

“Thank you again.”  He picked up the collar which was a gold chain and held it up for Faith to see.  She saw the piece of fine jewelry and saw a gold disk dangling from it.  Inscribed on the disk was:

Johns pet


She glanced nervously at Jane who just smiled back at her.  She felt the chain being wrapped around her slender neck and then shuddered involuntarily as it clicked shut.

“She looks divine,” he said as he admired the new collar.

“She looks like she belongs to you,” said Jane.  “Because she does.  Well, I should be leaving.  Enjoy your girl.”  Then she turned to walk back to her car, leaving her naked niece with the man.

“Wait,” called out John once Jane got about halfway.  He turned to Faith.  “Wait here, girl.”

“Yes, Master,” she replied and then she watched the male walk toward her aunt.

“What is it, John?” asked Jane as she saw him approaching with a concerned look on his face.

“I have a confession,” he said.  “Ive never had a slave before.  I dont know exactly what to do with her.”

Jane chuckled softly.  “You do whatever you want with her.  Thats the beauty of owning someone.  You do whatever you want.”

“I just dont want to come off as inadequate,” he said.  “I know shes had experience with other owners.  And they probably knew what they were doing.”

Jane chuckled again and reached out, gripping the crotch of his pants.  “Trust me.  You wont be inadequate.  She will love being with you.  I know her.”

“But what do I do?” he asked with a little desperation in his voice.  “I mean, I saw what others did to her but how do I do that?  Like if I want to tie her to my bed or lash her to a pole or spank her over my knee, how do I get her to cooperate?”

“Hmmmm, thats a tough one,” said Jane with a glint in her eye.  Then she giggled.  “You say Faith, lie on the bed.  Im going to tie you up now.  Or you say Faith, stand facing the pole.  Im going to whip you now.  Or you say Faith, get over my knee.  Its time for your spanking.  Its as simple as that.”

“And shell do that?”

“Shes a slave, John,” said Jane.  “Shell do whatever you tell her to do.  And if she ever balks at something, you punish her.”

“Wow!” he exclaimed.

“What if she says no?” he went on.

“She wont,” replied Jane.  “But if she ever does resist, paddle her.  She hates paddles.  Shell be very obedient after that.”


“Tell you what,” Jane offered.  “I know that Heather doesnt like anal.  Well, neither does Faith for that matter.  But I also know that you have fantasies about taking a girl anally.  Test out what I just told you by claiming her bottom first.”

“Hmmm,” he pondered.  “Shell let me do that?”

“Shes a slave, for crissake!” blurted Jane.  “She is your property.  You own her.  She doesnt have a say in the matter.”

“Oh,” he nodded.  “Okay, Ill start with that.  But could you stick around for a bit in case anything goes wrong?”

Jane rolled her eyes at a request that she found truly ludicrous but she ended up nodding her head.  “Sure.  Ill stick around for a bit.”

They walked back to Faith who had her head cocked to one side and her brow furrowed as she tried to figure out what was going on.  Jane noticed that Faith had her hands clasped behind her back, leaving all of her feminine charms on display.  That was an improvement.  A year earlier, she would have held both arms in front of herself, desperately trying to protect her modesty.

“Your master needs some relief, girl,” said Jane.  “Lets go inside so you can help him.”

“Yes, Mistress,” replied Faith.  Thats odd, she thought.  If Master needs relief, why are WE going inside?

“Lets try a little bondage with this,” said Jane as she positioned Faith on her knees in the center of the bed.  She pulled a spreader bar from the bag she had retrieved from her car and attached it to Faith just above the knees.  Then she pushed Faiths upper body forward and placed a pillow beneath her head.  Her final step was to cuff each of the girls wrists to the corresponding ankle.

“I frequently bind Heather this way when Im going to take her anally,” Jane continued.  Faith shuddered at the news that her ass was going to be plundered.  “Its a beautiful view for me.  And it seems to get Heather even more aroused by her helplessness.”

“Wait!” exclaimed John.  “You fuck my wifes ass?”

“Yes,” nodded Jane as she made the final adjustments.  “Quite often.”

“Wow!” breathed John.  “She never lets me anywhere near her ass.  The next time you claim her, I want you to give her back to me as a loaner slave.  Were going to try her out that way.  You can assist.”

Jane laughed.  “Its a deal.  Now, let me oil up Faith and then well get you ready.”

Jane took a bottle of baby oil from her bag and poured a little into the valley between the slaves beautifully shaped bottom cheeks.  She caught the stream of oil with her fingers and coated Faiths little rosebud.  She dripped a little more oil and then pushed her finger past the little sphincter, causing Faith to inhale her breath.  She pumped her finger in and out, twisting it.  She pulled her finger out and then pushed two fingers back into the girl.  A little more oil and she started rotating her wrist, causing the fingers to twist back and forth in the girls ass.

John watched intently.  “Have you ever put your whole hand in?”  Faith gasped at the question.

“Not in there,” replied Jane as she busily worked her fingers in the girl.  “Shes too tight.  Youll see in a minute.  It would be too painful to fist her ass.  Now her pussys a different matter.  Faith and Heather are both delightful to fist.”

“You have fisted my wife too?!?!?!?  You definitely have to give her to me as a slave.  I have a lot of exploring to do on that body.”

Jane chuckled and then pulled her fingers out of the girl.  “Now, lets get you ready.  Oh, you still have your clothes on.”

John remedied that problem quickly.  He peeled off his clothes and tossed them to the side in a matter of moments.  Now Jane was the only one with any clothing on.

She saw that Johns cock was semi-erect, having started to stir at the sight of the naked slave girl and her preparation.  Jane got off the bed with the bottle of oil and walked to him.  “Lets get you ready now.”

She lowered herself to her knees before him and lifted the cock in her hand, bringing it to her lips.  She kissed the tip and then wrapped her lips around it, sucking it in.  She let her tongue bathe it and felt the shaft hardening and lengthening.

“Oh gaaawwwwwd!” groaned John.  “Thats wonderful.  You do it all!!!!.”  He felt the warm mouth engulf his cock.  It felt so divine.

She pulled her head back, letting the stiffening cock slip from her lips and grinned up at him.  “Im a full service dominatrix.  We aims to please.”

She sucked the cock back into her mouth, hearing him groan again.  She would have to be careful.  She wanted him to be able to spear his new girls ass.  She couldnt afford to over stimulate him.  She felt the cock continuing to stiffen as her lips glided up and down its length.

Despite her realization that she was lesbian, she still liked a good cock now and then.  And Johns was a particularly nice one, primarily because it was attached to Heathers husband.  For the past year, John had been her exclusive source of cock and she always enjoyed it when they fucked.

The cock was fully erect now and Jane pulled back again.  She poured some of the baby oil into her palm and then reached up, coating the shaft.  Again, she knew she had to be careful.  He needed his strength for the waiting slave girl.  Finally, she stood up and wrapped her fingers around the slippery shaft.

“Come along, big boy,” she said as she pulled him forward.  “Your girl needs a good reaming.”

“Oh gaaaawwwd!” he repeated as he looked down and saw Janes fingers wrapped around his pole.  “Oh gaaaawwwwd!” he said again as he looked ahead and saw Faiths inviting ass waiting for him.  This was all so unbelievable to him.

She led him to the bed and he crawled up on it.  He positioned himself behind the girl and then Jane grasped the cock again.  Oh gaawwd, he thought to himself.  Shes going to help me fuck her niece!

Jane stroked the oily cock one more time and then positioned the tip at Faiths little pucker.  “Shes all yours now.  Claim her.”

John leaned forward as Jane held the stiff cock in position.  He felt resistance at first but, as he continued to apply pressure, he felt the tip of his cock push past the tight little sphincter.  John and Faith both moaned at the same instant.  John kept pushing and looked down, watching as inch by inch, the shaft disappeared into the girls body.

Jane had been right about the girls ass being tight.  Without the oil, he never would have been able to gain access.  Without the oil, her tight grip would have rubbed off his skin.  It was like being squeezed tightly in a warm, oiled, gloved hand.

But Faith felt exquisite to him.  He could fuck this tight asshole forever.  But he also knew that he had limitations at his age.  His youthful prowess now that he was over fifty was not what it had once been in his youth.

Then again, the wonders of medicine could come to his assistance.  Researchers had discovered ways of returning youthful virility to men.  He had popped one of the magical pills this morning and had plenty more to sustain him for the duration of this girls slavery to him.  And he would have to line up a new batch of the magic pills for when Heather was delivered to him as a slave.

Jane had slipped off the bed and removed her clothes once John had established a steady rhythm.  She got back on the bed and knelt beside him, lifting both of her breasts in her hands and offering them to him.  “Would master like to nibble on anything while he enjoys his new girl?”

“Oh yes,” he exclaimed.  He leaned down and sucked one of Janes nipples into his mouth, enjoying the feel of the firm breast against his lips.  This woman was amazing, he thought.  She enslaves her niece.  She enslaves my wife.  And she offers herself to me.  She was like an erotic dream.  Nothing was out of bounds for her.  Nothing was too kinky.  It was all like a quest for the ultimate pleasure.

Faith was a whirlwind of emotions.  Part of her was disgusted that she was being treated as property again and fucked in the ass no less.  Part of her was amazed at the free love attitude being demonstrated by her aunt.  It was incredible how libertine she was.  And part of her liked the tentative master to whom she had been given.  He seemed kind and caring.

John did not last long.  He spewed his seed into the girls bottom soon after Jane offered her breasts.  Jane reached beneath Faith and brought her off with her fingers as the cock softened in her ass.

“I know that this is a lot to ask,” said John as the three of them lay together in the bed afterwards.  One girl was on each side of him, resting her head on his shoulders.  “I know you want to get back to Heather.  But could you spend the night?”

Jane lifted her head and kissed him.  “I would love to.  Besides, I can summon Heather whenever I want her.  I would love to stay and watch you enjoying your new girl.”

“Let me just call my sister and let her know,” Jane added.

Chapter 11

Jane woke up first the next morning.  She did not move for fear of waking the other two.  She smiled as she saw John with his face nuzzled up against the side of Faiths breast.  Faith was lying on her back and breathing slowly as she slumbered.

Jane drew the sheet down to expose the bodies.  John had a nice trim form, especially for someone his age.  But it was Faiths curves that she adored and which she wanted to view this morning.

She watched her nieces chest rising and falling with each breath.  She looked so peaceful and serene.  But then she realized that was how slaves should look.  They had no responsibilities and, therefore, had no reason to worry.  Their owners always controlled everything for them.

Even in her sleep, Faith was adorable.  One arm was draped across her chest and her hand seemed to be pushing her breast toward Johns lips.  Her other hand lay across her belly.  A year ago, both arms would have worked furiously to protect her modesty, even in her sleep.  Now, she appeared to be comfortable with the knowledge that she should always be nude so that others could appreciate her body.

Jane reached out and ran a finger lightly down Faiths cheek.  Faiths eyes fluttered as she started to awaken.

“Shhh,” said Jane quietly.  “Come with me.  Well make your master some breakfast.”

Jane rolled carefully out of bed.  It was a little more difficult for Faith.  She had to separate herself from John who had one leg draped over her and was nuzzling against her breast.  Eventually, she succeeded without waking him up and followed her aunt downstairs.

“Why are you still naked, Aunt Jane?  I mean Mistress.  Im not sure what I mean at this point.”

“Why not?” replied Jane.

“Well, hmmmm…” said Faith.  “Well you are acting like a slave girl yourself.  Are you going to be Masters slave too?”

Jane chuckled at the question.  “Maybe just for today.  This is the first time your master has owned anyone.  I wanted to make sure that he enjoys the experience.  I want to make sure he feels free to borrow you again in the future.”

“Oh,” nodded Faith.  She wasnt sure that she wanted people to feel free borrowing her, but at least that explained her aunts presence.  “Thats why you stayed yesterday.  Now I understand.”

“Yes, pet.  Thats why I stayed.  Now get the coffee going.  But dont burn yourself.”

It was all becoming clear now.  Her aunt had remained naked since John had first fucked Faiths ass.  And her aunt allowed John to fuck her too which really surprised Faith since she thought Jane was a lesbian.  But the two of them had alternated, giving John quite a variety throughout the day.

They busied themselves in the kitchen and prepared a tray.  Once breakfast was finished, they went back up to the bedroom.  Jane knelt on one side of the bed and gently tugged the sheet off of John.  Faith knelt on the other side of the sleeping master.  As soon as Jane wrapped her lips around the flaccid cock, Faith leaned down and kissed John on the lips.

“Good morning, Master,” Faith said as John opened her eyes.

“Mmmm,” John smiled.  He looked up at the beautiful girl who had just kissed him awake.  Then he looked down and saw the blonde head bobbing up and down on his cock which was already starting to wake up on its own.  “What a wonderful way to start a morning.”

“We made you some breakfast, Master,” said Faith as Jane continued to slurp on the cock which was now fully erect.  “May I serve it to you?”

“Yes, you may,” he replied.  He sat up and ran a hand across Janes smooth soft back as he enjoyed her warm mouth around his cock.  Faith piled pillows behind his back to support him and then fetched the tray.

“Just a moment, girl,” he told Faith as she stood beside the bed with the tray.  “Let me adjust this other girl first and then you may feed me.”

He cupped Janes chin and lifted her face off of his erect shaft.  Then he arranged her so she was straddling him.  She slowly lowered herself and she felt his cock penetrate her sex until it was firmly seated inside of her.

“Now Im ready to eat, girl.”

Faith thought this was one of the most bizarre sights she had ever seen.  John was half sitting in bed as Faith fed him forkfuls of the omelet they had prepared for him.  She held the bacon and toast up with her fingers for him to eat.  All the while, her aunt was bobbing up and down on his cock, coating his pole with her lubricating juices.

“Coffee, girl,” he commanded.

“Im afraid that might spill on you, Master,” Faith replied.  “The bed is bouncing too much for me to serve it.”

“Good thinking girl.”  He reached out and grasped Janes hips, pushing her down on his shaft and holding her there.  “Stay.”

Wow, thought Jane.  For a guy who had never handled slaves before, he sure caught on quickly.  She was sure that Heather would be in for some interesting times in the future.  She wondered if he would also want Kim to belong to him at times now that he had discovered the wonders of owning slaves.

Jane remained still with the cock fully embedded in her body.  Faith held the cup to his lips and he drank the coffee.  Then she held the glass of orange juice to his lips and he sipped some of that.

“Begin again,” John instructed Jane once Faith had set the liquids aside.  Jane once again started her steady up and down motion, feeling the beefy shaft sliding inside of her again and feeling it filling her completely.

Faith finished and was ready to get off the bed but John told her to stay.  “Feed me your tits,” he said.

Apparently, he was still hungry, thought Faith.  She leaned over and dangled one breast and then the other over his mouth and he greedily sucked on each.  After awhile, he had a new command for her.

“Kiss the other girl for me,” he said.

“Yes, Master,” Faith nodded.  She straightened up and shifted closer to her aunt.  She leaned forward and kissed Jane, letting her tongue dance with the older womans.  John availed himself of the four breasts that were presented to him, marveling at the control he had over the two beauties in his bed.  This was wonderful!

He squeezed and stroked the glorious orbs.  Janes bounced as she rode his pole but he noticed how they seemed to have minimal movement, indicating how firm they were.  He gripped one of Faiths nipples and stretched the breast away from her chest.  It became a little more conical as he pulled but her breasts were also very firm and retained most of their shape.

He wondered what his daughters breasts were like.  He knew that Kim had large breasts but were they as firm as the ones displayed by the two girls in his bed?  Maybe he would have to find out.  He would talk to Jane later about borrowing that slave too some time.

All of the erotic input to his senses finally overwhelmed him.  He climaxed and then held Jane down, impaled on his cock as he spewed his seed into her.  The two girls continued kissing and now were fondling each others breasts.  It was magnificent.  Maybe he should find a permanent slave of his own.

Jane was finally released by his hands and she slowly raised her body, letting his cock slide from her sex.  Without even being commanded, Faith bent down and sucked the semi-hard cock into her mouth, bathing it with her tongue and cleaning it.  She knew he would order her to do it so she decided to take the initiative.

They both curled up next to the master and cuddled with him.  Jane knew that it would take him awhile to get hard again.  They all fell back to sleep and awoke an hour later.

“I think Id like to see my two girls play together,” he announced when they were awake again.  “Show me how fisting is done, Jane.”

Faith gasped as she heard the words.  At this point, she had been fisted many times but it still shocked her.  It was uncomfortable at best and sometimes even painful.  But it was always degrading and humiliating to her.

“Yes, Master,” replied Jane.  “Do you want me to do it here?”

“Yes, do it here,” he said as he scooted closer to the edge of the bed to give Jane room to work.

“Yes, Master,” said Jane.  She arranged Faith lying on her back.  Then she lay on top of her niece, kissing her.  She assumed that Faith was already quite aroused and well lubricated.  But a little bit of foreplay never hurt.  Besides, she just loved to feast on Faiths body.

Her tongue explored every nook and cranny of Faiths mouth before moving downward.  She kissed her way down Faiths throat and then showered the soft upper swells of the girls ample breasts with more kisses.  She focused on the nipples, pulsing them in and out of her mouth at times and raking them with her teeth at other times.  Faith was moaning by the time Jane slid down so that her face was directly over the girls sex.

John had become hard again as he watched the erotic display of feminine love.  The little magic pills certainly did as they were advertised.  He slowly stroked his thick shaft as the show continued.  He watched Janes tongue flicker over Faiths clit and saw the girl suck in her breath as her belly quivered from the arousal.  He shifted to get a better view as he saw Jane insert one finger and then two into the swampy sex.

He saw that Faiths pussy was positively flowing as Jane pushed three fingers into her niece.  The fingers pumped in and out, glistening in the morning light with the sweet dew from the sweet slave girl, and then Jane added a fourth finger.  Faith was rocking her head back and forth as the thumb slipped along the side of the fingers.

Jane moved her fingers in and out of the girl many times to ensure that her fingers were well lubricated.  Then she started pushing in earnest.  Faith groaned as she realized that the moment had arrived and braced herself to be stretched widely by the intruding hand.  Her eyes opened wide as the stretching got to its maximum and then the hand popped through.  Her sex closed a bit and relaxed somewhat once it was wrapped around the slender wrist.  She felt the fingers moving inside of her as if exploring her inner recesses.

John was beside himself with excitement.  He had never seen anything so blatantly sexual and erotic in all his life.  He was going to climax soon.  But there was no way he was going to waste his orgasm on his hand.  He got up and moved behind Jane and, in one swift motion, completely impaled her on his cock.  She turned her head and smiled at him as the cock filled her once again.  She kept moving her fingers, stroking the smooth vaginal walls and returned her tongues attention to her nieces clit.

Faith climaxed from the over-stimulation but Jane kept moving her hand around inside of her.  She would keep stimulating the girl until the master climaxed.  Faith had a second orgasm.  Or was it just a powerful aftershock from the first one?  After her third orgasm, she was begging for her aunt to stop and was writhing uncontrollably on the bed.

But Jane kept her hand and tongue moving, tormenting the wiggly girl who was wrapped around her hand.  John finally couldnt take any more stimulation.  He once again shot his seed into the beautiful aunt before Faith had a fourth orgasm.  Faith breathed a sigh of relief that the tongue had stopped teasing her clit.  But her body was coated with a thin sheen of perspiration at that point from all of the stimulation.

Jane left at noon and said that she would return the following day to collect Faith.  Faith was left alone with the new master.

John decided that he kind of liked bondage and the affect that it could have on a female form.  Jane had left him with a supply of toys that included cuffs, shackles and an arm binder.  The bag also included nipple clamps, which he discovered that he also loved, much to Faiths chagrin.  She hated those nasty little things.  Other items in the bag included a leash, some vibrators, several dildos and a butt plug.

At one point, he realized that he truly could do anything he wanted with this girl.  He decided that he wanted to spank her.  John draped Faith over his knee and started slapping her beautifully rounded bottom.  But he stopped after less than ten seconds.  Her bottom had only started to get pink.

“This ass should be fucked; not spanked,” he declared.

Faith spent the next hour back in the bed on her hands and knees as John leisurely fucked her ass.  He was in no hurry to climax.  He knew that he must be running close to his limit of being able to sustain an erection.  He had already climaxed six times in the past twenty four hours.  And even though he was taking those magical pills, he knew that magic could only go so far.

Besides, he was content to look at the girl as he slid his pole in and out of her bottom.  She was an exquisite creature to behold.  Everything about her was perfect.  He especially enjoyed watching his thick cock sliding into her butt and watching it reemerge as he pulled back.  This was heaven.

Jane returned for her girl the next day and Faith returned with her.  John was exceptionally grateful for the loan and again offered his wife for Jane to claim any time she wished.

The rest of the week was embarrassing but not overly difficult.  The most embarrassing point came on Thursday when Jane gave her to the twins.  Once again, she was transformed into a human pony by the mischievous girls.  And she and Kim were attached to a cart together to pull the twins around.

Faith noticed a change in Kim from the year before.  A year earlier when Kim had been captured, she had been tentative and shy and easy to embarrass.  Now, she was composed and confident and even elegant.  She held her head high as the two of them trotted together, pulling the cart.  She arched her back, thrusting her full breasts forward proudly and raised her knees high as she pranced along the trails.  It was obvious that the twins had spent a lot of time training their pony.

Jane reclaimed her at the end of the day and they spent the remainder of the week together, making love frequently.  Jane was not into pain or humiliation but she did demand complete obedience.  Control was like a drug to her.  And Faith fed that addiction as best she could by obeying every command instantly and completely.

“Mmmmmm, that was a delicious week,” commented Jill as she drove her daughter home on Saturday.  “Did you have fun, dear?”

“It was different,” replied Faith.  “Fun, I guess; but different.  I was surprised that I was given to Heathers husband; but he was nice.  And Im not real wild about how the twins treated me.  But I love being with Aunt Jane.”

“Yes, shes fun,” agreed Jill.

“I had forgotten how beautiful Heather is,” Faith said.

“Yes, shes a little hottie,” smiled Jill.  “Im going to have to visit my sister more often.  And I cant wait to sample Kim.  Shes a little hottie too.”

Faith just closed her eyes and sighed.  It seemed like sex consumed the lives of everyone she knew.  How did things get that way?

To be continued.

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