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2nd Chance - The Organization Series 3

Chapter 9


Chapter 9

"Your slave appears to be bleeding." Master Charles had followed the trail of red footprints on the path towards the stables until he caught up with the couple. The man was Crown Prince Hassan - a spoilt playboy from a tiny oil and mineral-rich state, heir to a corrupt dynasty and viciously cruel. The slave was a cowed, limping young white girl - tightly harnessed, covered in red whip marks, and struggling under the weight of a saddle.

Hassan turned, flashed a look of contempt at master Charles then struck the girl across the back of her thighs with a crop. "Why you filthy bitch! If you have marked the leather it shall be replaced by your own miserable hide!" The poor girl was so distressed, she did not respond. Her eyes darted in panic, watching his hands and the crop. The gag was too tight in her mouth and the crotch strap of her harness was digging severely between her labia.

"I think it is her foot - the left one."

"What of it? What business is the white scum-bitch's welfare to you?" The Crown Prince sneered disdainfully at the interfering stranger.

"If the slave had been your personal property, then no business at all. However, I can see from her ear-tag she is a House Slave - which very much makes her treatment my business."

"And who the devil are you? Don't you know who I am - how DARE you speak to me like that!"

Master Charles sighed. The man was an unstable tyrant. "I am Head of Security for the Organization, your highness. I am in charge here." He looked at the shaking girl. How long had she been harnessed? The base of her vaginal dildo was barely visible between her swollen labia. "Come here, slave."

"Stay as you are, white-scum! I haven't finished punishing you yet!"

The girl hovered between them, unable to decide which of them to obey - terrified of angering the Crown Prince but even more frightened by the calm manner of master Charles. She knew of his reputation for severe discipline but had managed to avoid his attention until now. She started to keen and stared miserably at the ground.

"Slave, put down that saddle and come to me...Elona, isn't it?" Master Charles patted his thigh, indicating she should kneel before him. She looked imploringly at him but was rooted to the spot, too afraid to move. It was too much - she wet herself in distress. The hot urine stung the insides of her thighs as it forced out past the tight strap between her bruised labia.

"You filthy, disgusting creature! Bend over while I thrash you for your insolence!" Hassan advanced towards the whimpering girl with the crop raised in his clenched fist. But master Charles simply walked over to block him before the first blow could fall.

"Your Highness, I shall deal with this creature. Perhaps you should look after your horse."

"What..." Hassan paused to look at his stallion. The thoroughbred had wandered towards the stables and was nearly out of sight. Hassan spat on the ground just in front of master Charles. "Take the bitch then, curse you!" He glowered at the wretched slave standing in her own puddle. "And treat her harshly - the last time I was served by such an insolent cunt she filled the air with her screams for two days!"

He watched the furious young man running after his precious horse then turned his attention to the cowering slave. She flinched as he examined the padlocked strap holding the gag in her mouth then took out a knife. "Shh - he's gone." He sawed through the thick leather and pulled it away from her head.

"Uhhh! M-master Charles S-sir, p-please I'm s-sorr..."

"Silence!" He cut through each strap of her harness until it hung between her thighs, held only by the dildoes wedged in her cunt and ass. "Keep still but I will allow you to cry if you really must." She whimpered and tightly closed her eyes while he took hold of the leather and began to pull downwards.

"UUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Elona couldn't help it - the pain was awful! She sank to her hands and knees and panted in shock.

"Well you certainly annoyed him, slave! Do you think you can make it back to the pens?" The girl tried to get up but fell badly and clutched her belly in agony. "Don't move, Elona. Stay down where you are." He lifted a radio to his mouth. "Send Security to meet me at the main entrance to the stables immediately please." Minutes later, two guards rushed to join him. "Take this slave to the Infirmary please. She is to be treated and thoroughly cleaned up. And have her delivered to my quarters at 8 o'clock, gentlemen." He watched them starting to drag the terrified girl by her arms. "For goodness sake, CARRY her!" He quickly strode off before his temper got the better of him. Stupid fools!

"What the fuck's wrong with him?" One of the guards cuffed Elona's wrists behind her back while the other one fettered her ankles close together. The first guard grumbled as he threw the soiled, injured slave face down over the saddle. "This one's not worth pissing on!" They carried the groaning girl towards the main building. Her head hung limply down over the saddle's edge with tears filling her eyes - she was going to be sent to master Charles! He would torture her and kill her slowly - she'd heard the stories of his extreme cruelty from the other girls. She was going to be horribly executed tonight!


Alexa stared across the tiled floor. A tiny spider was making its way up the windowsill. Sunlight streamed through the dirty glass. She could smell fresh coffee. Alexa looked down her body - somebody had covered her with a red and white checked tablecloth for a blanket. The leather belt on her neck had been untied from the table leg but was still looped round her throat. She sat up abruptly and banged her head on the underside of the table. "Owww!!!"

The door swung open and Armando hurried in with a concerned expression on his face. "Ya okay Lexie? Ya hurt?"

" Sir - I mean Armando - I'm fine." It was very embarrassing sitting on the floor in his kitchen. What could she say? No, better to leave - better to say nothing. "Umm, I-I'm very sorry for this, for sleeping here. I should go..."

"Hey, Lexie don't go." Armando ran his hand through his thinning hair. It was his turn to look embarrassed. "Look, I don't wanna know what or who ya running from. Just wanna know ya okay. Ya got a place to stay?" She looked down and shook her head. "What about all ya things? Where's ya stuff?"

Alexa stared up at this kindly old man, uncertain how far she could trust him. "I don't have any thing except these clothes and the money." He was gaping at her, trying to make sense of her words. "Err, this is a sort of test - I mean I have to live for four weeks in New York before I can...umm, go back."

"Whadya mean go back - go back where?" He struggled down on one knee so he could look directly into her eyes. "Are ya in trouble, Lexie?" His eyes strayed to the leather belt still hanging from her neck.

", I'm not in trouble. I c-can't tell you Armando. I'm sorry for being a bother." She got up and carefully folded the tablecloth. "I'd better go..."

He clambered slowly up. "Okay, okay - no more questions, Lexie. Look, ya don't have to leave. Ya can stay if ya need." He was smiling at the disheveled little angel but his mind was in turmoil. Oh my dear, sweet Lucia! What have ya sent me - what should I do? Before Alexa could protest, he poured a cup of coffee and handed it over. "So no need to go unless ya want to, and no more nosy questions from uncle Armando. Si? Okay?" Alexa nodded and sipped her coffee. "Bene, then that is settled." His mind was racing - this was crazy but the words came tumbling out of his mouth before he could think twice! "So ya can stay upstairs in the spare room and maybe ya help out here sometimes for rent and food?" Alexa was stunned by his generous offer. "I say too much - I have offended ya?"

Alexa could barely speak. "Uhh, w-why...I m-mean this is wonderful b-but I don't understand."

"Hey, can't an old man help out a pretty girl for no reason? Ya need help - I, Armando Forte, I help! Now quit ya tears and eat - then I show ya the apartment and ya can get some things from the store round the corner. Okay Lexie?" He was rewarded by a sunny smile and a grateful hug. "Hey, no going all mushy on me!" But her tender embrace felt so good it almost hurt him inside. Ah, Lucia! Our daughter might have grown up like this sweet girl - she up there watching too? Kiss little Maria for me and tell her papa hopes he will be with ya both some day...


Walking helped to clear his head. The grounds looked so beautiful at this time of year. Apart from that encounter with the vile crown prince, everything seemed in order. Master Charles thought carefully - the Oil Treaty had been signed. There was a younger prince, second in line to the throne and studying at Yale. He should be inducted into the Organization as a matter of urgency. Then there would be a little riding 'accident' that would change the destiny of a whole nation! On the path ahead were two figures - a slim blonde-haired but dusky-skinned girl in a white jumpsuit and the familiar figure of the Senator. He easily caught up with them as the girl was laboring under the weight of a large golf bag. She saw him first and mewed urgently at her owner. "Well, well...if it isn't little Guljana!" The stunning Afghan beauty had been tethered by a collar chain to the golf bag. She immediately kneeled and warily stared at him with her deep, dark eyes.

"Crack of dawn - best time of the day for golf, don't you think? You should try it, Charles." The Senator beamed and patted Guljana's cheek. "That gag stays in until I have finished the round, my dear." He grinned at master Charles. "She gets so excited when I'm putting that I have to silence the wench!"

Master Charles looked carefully at Guljana. She was exquisite. Guljana stared directly back until her new master cleared his throat then she swiftly lowered her gaze. "Your new slave - it has met your expectations?"

"Charles, she...ahh 'it' is an absolute gem! Somebody has trained little Guljana here in the finer arts of oral pleasures." The Senator winked at him. "If this is typical Afghani stock, then our Russian friends must have been insane to have left Kabul. Speaking of which..." the Senator lowered his voice to whisper out of his slave's earshot. "You never told me exactly who had kept her captive before the Marines ambushed that truck. Little Guljana and I have been enjoying a little chat about her past. Not so hot on her English yet but Sharazai is one name I recognized. We'd been after that foul bastard for months ever since he kidnapped one of our best agents who was posing as an aid worker. You know what the Talib animal did after torturing and mutilating her? Doused her with gasoline and burned her alive! It is good to know he finally reached hell on the tip of an American bullet." The Senator paused, smiled at the waiting Guljana then grinned again at master Charles. "One more surprise, Charles - you see I think I know her father!"

Master Charles was stunned. "I beg your pardon?"

"Major Oleg Yasov, ex-Soviet Defense Staff, currently Security Intelligence Director at the Institute for Atlantic Partnerships - based here in Washington!"

A strangled wail behind them made master Charles turn. Guljana had been close enough to hear the name of the man who had defiled her mother and sired her! Her cuffed hands were covering her shocked face. Oleg Yasov was a ruthless man, bitterly opposed to the Organization yet he would be such an asset if he could be persuaded to join. The old KGB network of 'pleasure-prisoners' was still active and reputed to be expanding under the new eastern capitalism. And Yasov was heavily involved. "What do you propose to do?"

The Senator shrugged his shoulders. "Ohh, nothing at present - but there is the small matter of a Nuclear Arms Treaty to broker and our little jewel here might just be the key..."


The strangest thing of all was seeing children. Alexa hadn't seen any since she was abducted and couldn't stop looking at them. And older women - there weren't any older slaves, at least none she'd ever met. She didn't want to think about why. The women at the store had eyed her suspiciously until she had stammered that Uncle Armando had sent her. A sudden transformation - faces wreathed in smiles! She must be family - a distant cousin perhaps? Look, she has Lucia's eyes! Alexa just smiled and went along with their fantasies. The truth would never have been believed even if she said it. She clambered back up the short flight of steps to the apartment above Lucia's kitchen and let herself in with the key. After dumping her new possessions on the narrow bed, she hunted and found the dusters, Hoover and some polish. The apartment was so unkempt - even the windows were gray with dirt.

Armando came looking for her several hours later. He was speechless! The apartment was spotless - mirrors gleamed, furniture was dust-free, all the junk had been tidied away! As he approached the tiny spare room, he heard crying. He nearly knocked on the door but stood listening to the mournful sobs and whispers within. "I...uhh, I c-can't live outside! Ohh master, I-I'm so scared! I w-want to come back!" Armando softly walked away, confused and worried by her tearful words.


The intercom panel revealed a pitiful scene. The guard standing at the door was holding a long leash chain. At the other end was a trembling naked slave in a state of extreme distress. The guard behind her was forcing her along by prodding her backside with a cattle prod. Every time he touched her, she yelped and squealed miserably past the steel bit in her mouth. She was clutching a black bundle and had been severely fettered with heavy punishment collar and cuffs in preparation for her execution. As she shuffled closer, restricted by a tiny hobble chain, master Charles realized that the bundle was a PVC body bag. He opened the door and took a sealed envelope from the guard. He quickly scanned the medical report and sighed. That fool of a young prince had gone too far with the Organization's property! He pulled the body bag from her hands and thrust it at one of the guards. "That will not be necessary and take those damn punishment cuffs and collar off of her - Elona has been through enough."

She couldn't believe what was happening. The heavy fetters were being unlocked - master Charles was smiling at her! He unbuckled the bit strap and led her by the hand inside his apartment. In a daze, Elona knelt while a beautiful inlaid leather collar was buckled around her throat. He was being so kind, so gentle! "Where is your ear-tag, my dear?"

"Th-the guards took it master Sir - they s-said it wasn't needed anymore." She was trembling uncontrollably.

"Elona, look at me." He held her face in his hands. "You are a very good slave and have pleased me greatly by your efforts to satisfy our guests here at the Ranch. You are NOT in trouble and I am NOT going to punish you." He gently stroked her hair. "Now, serve me a drink please - red wine."

"Y-yes master Sir!" She was off like a shot to the cabinet, pouring the ruby liquid into a crystal glass and returning to hold it up in both hands while kneeling. Elona kissed the side of the glass and offered it with eyes respectfully lowered.

"Beautifully done, girl! I think we made a mistake with you - you should be auctioned to a master, not kept as a lowly House Slave! Now, pour a glass for yourself." He grinned at her radiant joy. As she turned to obey, the lattice of angry red cuts across her back made him frown. That idiot! What on earth had possessed the prince to use a wire whip on a serving slave? "Elona, tell me my dear - why did the prince punish you so severely?"

The girl looked down in distress. "I-I don't know, master Sir. I was cleaning the lobby with Martina and he was shouting down the phone at reception about finding the right girl or something. I think it was a girl who wouldn't dance with him but I don't know why." She paused as tears crept from the corners of her eyes. "He kicked Martina out of his way and I l-looked up to see why she had cried out. He saw me and s-said I, uhh...I w-would have to do until th-they found his dancer. He dragged me off and kept going on about making her dance properly with her f-feet off the ground!"

Elona went quiet but he could see her shuddering as she tried to stifle her fearful sobbing. Ahh - this explains so much! He had wondered why the scouting teams were scouring the London nightclubs for a particular female. And all to pander to the whims of a psychotic royal playboy who had been turned down by a dancer in a disco. "Put him out of your pretty head, dear child. He shall not come near you again - I give you my word. Finish your wine then come and sit on this platform with your legs apart and your head back." Elona dutifully drained her glass although it made her throat sting a little. She carefully sat on the edge of the rectangular stage facing his chair and spread her feet as widely as she could. Resting her weight on her elbows, she put back her head so he could examine the curve of her body and her smooth, clean-shaven cunt. Her head hung down over the other edge of the stage. "Good little Elona. Curve your back a bit further please. Now Elona, I wish to see exactly how responsive you can be. Wait in that position please." He went over to a large drawer and returned with a very long spreader bar that had a pair of fitted leather cuffs at either end, and a waist belt attached at the center.

She raised herself up as the bar slid under her back. Master Charles drew the ends of the waist belt together and fastened the buckle very tightly just above her hips. Elona gasped softly while her right foot was brought up and secured so her leg was bent back at her knee. When her left leg was similarly restrained, her thighs were forced apart. Master Charles secured each of her wrists in the other cuffs so they too were locked to either end of the bar. Elona's back was arched into a bow. Master Charles traced along the insides of Elona's taut thighs with his fingertips, causing a shudder of erotic pleasure to ripple through her body. His fingers reached her pussy lips. She groaned deliciously when he stroked her outer labia with the balls of his thumbs. The swollen lips were soon parted to expose her inner folds. Master Charles noted the tiny holes in her labia where the rings had been before their removal by the guards to prepare the slave for cremation. They obviously assumed she wouldn't be leaving his apartment alive. Elona began to pant in arousal when his finger lightly traced about the entrance to her vagina. She gasped as he caught her swollen clit between the outsides of his thumbs and rolled her sensitive bud between them.

"Ohhhhhh! Uhhhh m-master sir! UHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Keep still, slave - do NOT cum!" He continued to tease and explore the quivering girl's inner folds, noticing her rapid breathing and the flush spreading across her belly. Elona twisted her head from side to side in erotic anguish, squeezing her eyes shut as she tried desperately to obey him.

Her eyes suddenly opened in shock at the intense sensation between her buttocks. Something hard was pushing against her anus! A tremor ran through her spine - it had been driven further! "UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHNNNNNNN!" Elona couldn't help crying out. "S-so UHHHH S-STRONG!!" He had pushed a furiously vibrating probe deeply into her ass. Now his fingers began sliding inside her vagina, stretching and filling her as his whole hand disappeared up her cunt. First, his index and middle finger moved deeper, joined by his ring and little finger. Elona shrieked in excited terror. He rotated his hand and forced it in past the base of his thumb. She jerked and strained against the cuffs and dug her fingernails into her palms so hard she drew blood. Master Charles smiled as he marveled at the strength in the girl before him. Unlike several masters he knew, master Charles preferred to let a girl make as much noise as she wished as long as there was no major risk of her biting through her own tongue. So little Elona would remain ungagged while she was fisted. He curled his fingers inside her body and began to rotate his wrist. "UUUUUUUUUURRRRGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She yelped as the incredible agony/pleasure of having the whole of a man's large hand up her cunt threatened to overwhelm her completely. But he wasn't finished with her - a small clamp suddenly pinched her swollen clit! Elona shrieked and fought against the impossibly strong orgasm that hovered on the edge of her consciousness. "C-CAN'T S-S-STOP!!!!"

Master Charles repeatedly loosened then squeezed the clamp on Elona's engorged clit, making her howl in sweet distress. "Steady slave, hold until I permit you!" She was writhing and straining violently on the platform. Her breathing was rapid and shallow. Soon, very soon he would grant her relief but not yet - not until she was ready for a Slave Orgasm. Master Charles pitied the females who had never experienced such an event. Their emotional lives were stunted and shallow - they had never felt the power in their own bodies. Good, she is going rigid. Her toes had curled; her fingers were wide and trembling; the muscles in her arms and legs were taut. He knew she had thrown her head as far back as possible. A rosy flush covered her belly and chest. Her vagina suddenly contracted against his! "Elona, you may cum immediately! NOW, SLUT - NOW!!!"

His shout shocked her to the core. Her feelings were too big, too strong! She wasn't able to cope - she couldn't! It would be too hard - she would d... "AAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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