BDSM Library - Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A Domme loses a bet and her status.

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant

Copyright 2007

Chapter One The Wager Is Made

LSU kicks ass!

Sue stepped off the elevator and grinned at the cheer. She high-fived her fellow Cajun who was waiting for the lift. Geaux Tigers! she replied with a grin. The smile stayed on her face as she walked down the hallway to her office.

She loved everything about autumn from the crisp morning air to the changing leaves but especially that Fall brought with it football.  Sue loved the game and she adored her alma maters football team. She lightly touched the tiger emblem on her door as she passed for good luck. Settling behind her desk, she flipped on her CPU.

She had been jubilant since her team had demolished the opposition during Saturdays game and she wondered to whom she could brag. Hearing the woman in the next office put her voice mail on speakerphone, Sue wondered how Gwens team had done.

Gwen was Sues closest rival at the firm. She had gone to UC Berkeley and was a typical California girl. Her sun streaked blonde hair hung past her shoulders and her body was brimming with the vitality of healthy living.  In contrast, Sue was born and bred in southern Louisiana on the bayou. She was small and dark, with a bob of dark brown hair that curled into the collar of her blouses.

The two of them were district supervisors and they each headed up a team of insurance adjusters. Raises and bonuses were based on the number of policies written and renewed, the effectiveness of the claims process, the amount actually paid out in claims, and what the customers feedback was for each week. It was a numbers game and, as with everything else, Sue hated to lose.

Clicking onto the ESPN website, she checked the final score on the Cal game and saw that the Golden Bears had finally lost. With a glint in her eye, she headed to the next office to gloat.

Gwen looked up at the knock and grimaced. I dont have time for this, Sue. Its ten minutes after 9 oclock and Im already an hour behind.

Oh, Ill be quick, replied Sue as she settled into the visitors seat. I couldnt help but notice that your team lost this weekend. Sucks to be you, doesnt it?

Theyll bounce back from the loss higher and better.

Yeah, theyve had a lot of practice bouncing, havent they?

Dont be a poor winner, Sue. Now dont you have some work to do?

Okay, okay. Youre still feeling the pain from the weekend. I understand. Standing up, Sue headed back to her office.

Instead of working, she found a series of youtube videos highlighting Louisianas best plays and Cals botched ones. Sending them to Gwen from an anonymous webmail account, Sue finally turned to double checking the monthly account. The thought of Gwens face when she opened them was enough to keep her giggling through lunch.

Coming back from a client meeting, Sue saw the scowl on Gwens face and waved. Having a good day? she asked.

It would be better if I wasnt being harassed.

Now, now. Just because your team lost doesnt mean you should take it out on me.

I have an idea. Why dont we just agree not to talk about football? I mean we are being paid to work.

Sue laughed. Wheres the fun in that?

You consider sending me these videos fun? Its juvenile!

How do you know that I did it?

Because it is just like something you would do. Gwen shook her head. I dare you to deny it.

Dare me? Why dont you bet me?

What do you mean?

How about we put a wager on the upcoming game?

Only if the terms include you shutting up about the results, too.

Im only willing to do that for some pretty high stakes. Why dont we go big?  We can bet on which team wins the national championship.

LSU is ranked number one in the nation! Gwen shook her head. Berkeley is fifth. It doesnt seem like a fair contest.

Then lets not deal with the BCS ranking. Straight up win-loss record to the end of the season.

Gwen rocked back in her chair. That is tempting but I dont think that you can be quiet for that long.

We could shorten the time frame. Sue considered. Why not just to Thanksgiving?

After thinking for a minute, Gwen said, Why not to the weekend before?

What? You want to miss those games? Isnt The Big Game against Stanford that weekend?

It is but we havent listed the terms of the bet yet. Gwen kicked off her pumps and propped her feet on the desk. She winked when she caught Sue ogling her legs.

Sue coughed and flushed. What do you want?

Ive always wanted to do some exploring and the four day Thanksgiving weekend might be the perfect time.

What do you mean?

Ive seen the way you look at me. You want to do more than just look, dont you?

Sues eyes gleamed. Id be dead not to have thought about it. Youre hot!

Why havent you ever done anything about it?

Come on. You know.

Say it.

Were both Dommes! Were both too much in control. There was no way youd submit to me and Im certainly not going to submit to you.

Thats too bad.


Because it makes me hot thinking about it.

Sue cocked her head in surprise. What, exactly, do you find hot?

You topping me or vise versa. I think that would be a great bet. Gwen toyed with her diamond necklace. The loser becomes the others slave for the course of the holiday.

Youre out of your mind!

Not so confident in your team, after all are you?

Dont be daft. LSU is on a roll. Sue studied her rival. The idea of having her rival under control for a long weekend was making her damp. It was the idea of submission that worried her. She bit her lip.

Gwen was hard pressed to keep the grin off her face. Sue had no idea how well known the lip biting thing was.  It was her Tell and Gwen knew then that she had her. Why dont you think it over tonight and let me know in the morning.

In a daze, Sue left her and returned to her own office. She spent much of the rest of the day musing about the sort of things that she would make Gwen do and very aware of the throbbing between her legs. Knowing that she was not going to get much work done, she visited several blogs dedicated to predicting the outcome of the current football season. Before she closed her machine down for the day, she was confident enough to email Gwen that she would take the bet.

Almost instantly, Gwen emailed back an official wager statement. It was formally written and had a place for each signature at the bottom and a place for a witnesses signature. Sue swallowed, uncomfortable about bringing anyone else into their game.

She read the terms of the wager:

Following the games of November 17, either Sue Beard or Gwen Falk will be enslaved for the Thanksgiving weekend to the other. Slavery will commence at noon on Thursday, November 22nd and end at midnight on Sunday, November 25th (unless the slave willingly agrees to continue in servitude). Limits will be anything short of permanent marks, long-term injury or death.

Slavery will be conferred on the person whose football team (LSU or Cal) has a better win-loss record for all games leading up to 11/17.

If the teams are tied by win-loss record, the winner will be determined goal differential. That is to say by adding all the points scored by the team subtracted by all the points scored against the team.

Sue printed out the form and with a trembling hand signed it. She inserted it into an interoffice envelope and put it in Gwens inbox before heading home.

As soon as Sue arrived home, she made a call to her current sub. Within the hour she had the young woman on her knees, licking her hungry pussy. She kept her there through several climaxes. Finally, as she became too sensitive she pushed Tricia away.

Go home, Sue ordered.

But Mistress…”

Get out, she screamed at the unfortunate woman.

Tricia left in tears, not knowing what had so disturbed her Domme.

Sue spent the remainder of the evening pacing the floor. She was furious that no matter the number of orgasms she enjoyed, she was left unsatisfied. She didnt know what was wrong but knew that somehow it was Gwens fault.

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant

Copyright 2008

Chapter Two Her Luck Turns

The next few weeks just flew by. Sue was hard pressed not to gloat whenever her team won but she was glad she had refrained when her team had two consecutive Fourth Quarter losses.

She was a little worried by the fact that Gwens team continued to find success on the gridiron.  Cal was steamrolling the opposition and posting great numbers on the board. They were a shoo-in for a good bowl game and their BCS ranking just kept getting closer to LSUs.

Football aside, the proprietary air that Gwen had assumed was making her very nervous. Take that morning for instance. Sue had gotten her hair styled after work the day before. When she came into work, Gwen stopped by her office.

Nice cut.

Thank you. Sue tossed her short cap of dark curls. I glad you like it.

You know, soon youll need to be asking my permission first.

Snapping her head up, Sue blurted, Excuse me?

When youre my slave, you wont be making any more decisions. Ill be the one telling you when and how you cut your hair.

Sue stared at Gwen with her mouth open. What? You. uhI, she sputtered. Gathering her wits together, she said, Youre pretty confident for someone whose team is doing the same as mine.

Sure, theyre currently very close on win-loss record. But you forget those 42-3 and 27-7 games that Berkeley had in the first weeks and the great games theyve played lately. Do the math, babe. Gwen winked at her and walked away.

Sitting at her desk, Sues mind whirled. Going online, she feverishly compared the records of both teams. Appalled by her findings, she leaned back in her chair, her mind spinning.

It was all there in black and white. LSU was just barely ahead on wins but, because of all the games that had been decided in the last minutes, the goal differential was very much in Berkeleys favor. There were only two weeks left and Sue desperately needed wins or high scoring games if she had any hope of winning the wager.

Give me growls, Mike, she muttered, thinking about how tradition says that LSU will score a touchdown for every roar of the mascot before the game.

It was hard to concentrate with the specter of her loss hanging over her head but she knew that end of the year was fast approaching. She not only had several employee evaluations to complete but a great deal of document review.

As she worked on the paperwork, she noticed a trend. Since the day that she and Gwen had made the wager, her teams rating had slipped. She had been distracted and not given her staff the usual amount of attention. They responded to the lessoning of her vigilance by slacking off, not realizing that, by easing up on their efforts, it was bound to affect their end of the year bonuses.

Sue could have kicked herself for being too wrapped up in the dangerous game with Gwen to realize what was happening and it was almost too late to fix it. She knew that some hands on management was required.

Anxiously, Sue went from cubicle to cubicle to personally speak with each of her staff. Instead of being her usual self and barking orders, she found herself close to begging them to straighten up and work harder.

Sue was very stressed by the time she left work. She was not used to feeling like she was at such a disadvantage in her interactions with subordinates. As she drove home, she pressed her thighs together and could feel the dampness of her panties.

Soon after reaching the sanctuary of her home, she called her sub over.  Ever since the bet had been made, she had been almost desperate for release by evening. Several times, she had actually considered taking care of her needs while at work.

The worse thing was that the number of orgasms did not seem to lesson her need. No matter how many times she came, Sue had dark urges for something more.

Tricia let herself into the house and quickly disrobed in the foyer. She was barely naked before Sue came stalking down the hallway and pushed her to her knees.

Lick me, Sue ordered. She had taken off her pants when she had gotten home and had tried to bring herself off while she waited impatiently for Tricia to arrive. However, her orgasm had been elusive, hovering just out of reach.

She moaned as her subs talented tongue went to work. In just a few moments, Sue was close to coming. Her head fell forward and, from the corner of her eye, she spied a bag on the floor.

It was a distinctive bag from the nearby Italian restaurant. Normally, Sue would have been touched by the caring, thoughtfulness of her sub. Instead, she was filled with rage.

Stepping away from the kneeling woman, Sue asked, What is that?

I stopped and picked up dinner.

What part of get over here now, includes a side trip to the store?

Her fury quickly mounted and Sue grabbed a hold of Tricias hair. She dragged her into the living room and over to a specially built coffee table.

A gift from one of her first submissives, the low table had seen a lot of action. The sturdy table was designed take the weight of two people and stand up to a vigorous workout.

Mistress, Im sorry. Tricia was scared. She had never seen her Domme so out of control.

Without a word, Sue pushed Tricia down onto the table on her stomach. Kneeling by the table, she strapped Tricias thighs to one set of legs and her outstretched arms to the other side.  Crawling around the table, she repeated her actions.

Standing up, Sue stared down at the outstretched form. She liked Tricias pale skin for the way it colored so nicely and she intended to see all sorts of different shades tonight.

She strode into her bedroom and looked around for something to use. Sue thought about paying a visit to the Good Vibrations store or going down to Mr. S. Leather to buy something to use on Gwen. Running her finger over her belts, she grabbed a soft one and went back into the living room.

Tricia was pulling at the bonds that held her to the table. Mistress, please. Youre scaring me.

Sneering to herself at Tricias whining, Sue folded the belt in half.  Not speaking a word of warning, she drew back her arm and began to land blow after blow on her subs ass.

At first, Tricia had tried to count and thank her Mistress for the punishment but she was soon reduced to tears and cries of pain. There was no let up in pace and power and Tricia was out of subspace and into pain when she finally cried out, Yellow.

Sue stopped and stood there panting. Whats wrong? she was able to ask once she had caught her breath.

I dont want bruises.

I do. Sue grabbed a hold of Tricias hair and pulled her head up. She put her face right up to Tricias. I like knowing that youre wearing my mark.

Please, I have to work tomorrow.

I dont care.

I dont want this.

But I do. Sue picked up a gag and proceeded to spank her some more. Feeling particularly vindictive, she even spanked Tricias lower on her thighs where Sue knew that the short skirts Tricia wore as a waitress would reveal them.

Ignoring the pleas for mercy, Sue spanked her until her arm was sore. She finally released Tricia. Sue pushed her off the table and sat down on its surface.

It was warm from Tricias body and wet from her sweat. Sue was sweating herself from her exertion and she nudged the crying woman with her foot. At first, Tricia only huddled more tightly but then she looked up with tears glistening on her cheeks.

Opening her legs, Sue pointed between them. Stop crying and get over here. I want your tongue, she ordered.

Wincing, Tricia got up on her knees and tentatively stuck out her tongue. She was amazed that Sue was not very damp. Normally, Sue would be very wet from spanking her. Shrugging to herself, she applied herself to her task. To avoid another beating, she would soon have Sue crying in ecstasy.

Sue leaned back and her hands touched the cuffs. Taking hold of them, she allowed her mind to drift. Pulling on them, she thought about Gwens threat to top her and she had an almost immediate orgasm.

Her eyes opened wide in shock at her bodys response to the image of being a slave to her rival. Embarrassed by her hair trigger, she stood up and pulled on her pants. When she turned around, she saw Tricia staring at her.

Go, she commanded.

Tricia was in tears as she walked out. She knew that Sue had always been a mercurial Top but in the past several weeks she had become distant and cold. She couldnt remember the last time that she had been allowed an orgasm.

She flinched as she sat down in her car seat. Tricia was very upset that Sue had ignored her and instead had put even more bruises on her posterior. Taking a final glance at the house, she decided that she wouldnt be available the next time Sue called.

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant

Copyright 2008

Chapter Three Losing More Than a Bet

On Monday, November 19th, Gwen strolled into Sues office and sat down in the guest chair. She grinned at the look of trepidation on Sues face.

What do you want?

Well, we can start with a little better attitude.


And Id like to see what Ive gotten.

Sue shot a glance toward the open door. Here? Now? The pay up date isnt until Thursday.

True but I never was very patient. You wouldnt want me to have to go and get our witness in here to see that youre welching.

Im not. I just…”

I dont care what youre just. I want to see what I own. Stand up.

Reluctantly, Sue stood up behind her desk.

Come over here.

Sue walked over and took a position to Gwens side. She tried to stand without fidgeting but it was very hard to stay still under the scrutiny she was receiving.

You arent really planning to involve Betsy, are you? she asked, softly.

Not if you are properly obedient and respectful.

Does she know about the terms?

No, I just had her sign underneath both of our signatures. She never saw the rest of the document.


Gwen smiled, wickedly. That isnt to say that no-one else will be involved, she said.


If you recall, there are no limits.

You cant expect me to go along with this.

You and I both know that you would have had no problem at all pushing me to my limits. Dont make this harder on yourself than it has to be. Gwen leaned further back in her chair. Spread your legs wider. They should be more than shoulder width apart.

Sue shuffled her feet in opposite directions until Gwen nodded.

Good girl.

Gwen continued to study Sue and was finally rewarded when Sue dropped her head to stare at the floor.

You have a current sub, right?

Sue nodded. Yeah, I do. She smiled slightly as she thought about their last encounter. Tricia had sported an impressive set of bruises on her ample behind when they were through.

When I come to get you on Thursday I want her there.


Gwen jumped up with surprising quickness and grabbed hold of Sues chin. Because I said so. This will be a lot more pleasurable for you if you get it through your thick skull that Im the one in charge.

Mulishly, Sue shook her chin free. She doesnt fall under the terms of the bet.

The terms are pretty damn vague. Most everything short of death or dismemberment is included if I want it to be. Gwen patted Sues cheek.  Dont worry about your precious sub. Im not going to touch her. I merely want her there to help you understand your new role.

Gwen walked to the door. To help you get into the proper mind frame, I dont want you to wear any underwear from now until Sunday. Take off your current set and put them into an envelop in my mailbox downstairs.

You cant tell me what to do until Thursday.

If I leave your office and you arent on the way to the ladies room to follow my instructions, I will be heading directly to Betsys office. Im sure that shell be fascinated to read all about our deal.

Sue dropped her eyes to the floor and sighed. She followed Gwen out and they turned in opposite directions. Gwen was heading upstairs to meet with the Deputy Director and Sue was off to the bathroom to take off her underwear.

She felt very self-conscious as she returned to her office with the seam of her pants pressing into her bare pussy. She kept her head down and tried to ignore the feel of her shirt rubbing across her nipples. Reaching her office, she quickly closed the door behind her.

She looked around before she picked up an interoffice envelope and pulled the bunched up fabric from her pocket and slid them inside. Sue was distressed by how bulky the package looked. She tried to press it flat and knew that anyone seeing it would know that it wasnt work related. There was a chance that a nosy coworker would undo the string and look inside.

She removed the bra and panties and refolded them before trying again to fit them inside. The envelope did not look quite so ready to burst and she quickly carried it to the downstairs mailroom.  There were several people in the room and so she couldnt hesitate in putting it into Gwens slot.

Racing back to her office, she tried to busy herself with her document review. Sue was so distracted that she clocked watched most of the afternoon. She only barely made her afternoon deadline and then she decided to leave work early.

She spent a restless night, tossing and turning in her big bed. She was furiously horny and masturbated until she was almost sore but the fire still burned in her loins.

The next morning, she slunk into the building. She felt so exposed at having no underwear on and she just wanted to make it to the safety of her office without stopping to talk to anyone.

She stayed there, working on her projects until lunchtime. Sue really regretted not bringing a sandwich into work. Gathering her nerve, she left the building for the short walk to a café. She kept her gaze on the sidewalk for much of the walk, sure that everyone passing by could see that she was naked beneath her clothes.

Coming back after eating a turkey sandwich that tasted like dust, she sat down in her chair and punched in the number for voice mail. There was a single, short message from Gwen. Swallowing, Sue obeyed the order to come into her rivals office.

You wanted to see me?

Close the door, Gwen responded without looking up from the file she was reading.

Sue shut the door and approached the desk. She dropped down in the chair.

Get up. Did I give you permission to sit? Gwen barked.

Um, no.

No what?

Standing before the desk, Sue fidgeted. Um.

The proper address of a slave to a her owner is Mistress. You are to use that anytime we are in private. Gwen paused. Do you understand?

Gritting her teeth, Sue forced, Yes, Mistress, out of her mouth.

Good. Gwen pushed the file on her desk to the side. I want to check to see if youve been obedient. Show me.

Here? Now?

Address me properly, slave.

Mistress, were at work.

I am well aware of where we are. What you dont seem to be aware of is that Ive given you an order. Slaves obey without question.

Mistress, please.

Dont make me repeat myself. Im already pissed that you dont seem to comprehend the basics. I cant believe that you left the building without speaking to me. That was very discourteous. What if I had wanted you to bring me something?

Im sorry, Mistress.

Yes and soon youll be even sorrier. I thought I told you to show me.

With shaking fingers, Sue undid the buttons of her blouse.

Did you used to wear a bra?

Yes, Mistress.

Why? Those things are too small to need any support. Ive had mosquito bites that were bigger.

Blushing furiously, Sue pulled her shirt back closed.

Did I tell you to cover yourself? Gwen asked. You are so fucking slow. Slaves dont do anything without permission. Now, show me the rest.

Unbuckling her belt, Sue opened and dropped her slacks to the floor.

You know this process would be so much easier if you wore skirts.

I dont wear dresses.

Gwen raised an eyebrow at her. You failed to address me properly and what you used to do has no bearing on what you will be doing as my slave. She pushed back from her desk. Come here. When Sue reached for her pants, Gwen shouted, Leave them.

Terribly embarrassed to have to shuffle around the office with her pants around her ankles, Sue clumsily obeyed. She felt even more naked for still wearing the open shirt and pants as a hobble.

Gwen twirled her finger. Turn around and put your palms down flat on my desk.

Obeying, Sue swallowed. Her bare ass was facing her new Mistress and she knew just how vulnerable a position that was.

You will be punished now for not immediately obeying my order to come here, for failing to address me with the proper respect, for questioning my orders, and because I like to beat my slaves.

Gwen took a plastic ruler out of the desk and rubbed it between Sues legs. She smirked at how damp it was when she pulled it out. God, you are just dripping. Your body is completely responding to this. I dont know how you ever thought you were cut out to be a Top.

Im not…”


I did not give you permission to speak. I could not care less what pathetic excuse you have. She stood up. Im going to spank you now. You are to count, thank me properly, and ask for another. Do you understand?

Yes, Mistress. Sue ground her teeth. She was going to show her. She would take the worst Gwen could dish out without a problem.


The ruler landed solidly and Sue had to fight the urge to pull her hands off the table and protect her vulnerable ass. One. Thank you, Mistress, for disciplining me. May I have another?

Good, Gwen said before proceeding to lay into her rival. She was able to get out a lot of her built up frustrations before she heard Sues voice crack. 

Sixty two. Thank you, Mistress. Maymay I please havehave another. Sue had to force the words out of her mouth. Tears were dripping freely down her cheeks. She wanted to beg for mercy but was afraid if she said anything but what Gwen had told her to say that the punishment would be prolonged.

Well done. At least you took your spanking well, slave. Gwen sat back down. Go back in front of my desk.

Sue reached her hands to rub her ass as she shuffled into position.

Get your hands off my ass. Put them behind your neck. Gwen laughed as she watched Sue dancing in place from the pain in her butt. Cute moves. I think Im going to have you dance for me often.

Her ass on fire, Sue could not believe how wet she was. As she moved, her upper thighs were slick with her juices. Her painfully erect nipples were rubbing against the shirt and causing her arousal level to rise even further.

It is time to get back to work. Gwen smiled in satisfaction, as Sue remained standing. Good. You may now get dressed and leave. As Sue opened the door, Gwen raised her voice and said, Im sure I dont have to remind you that you can only climax after I give you permission, right?

Sue turned murderous eyes toward her. No, Mistress.

Excellent. We only have one more day until you are mine, completely. I am so looking forward to it. Have a good afternoon.

Returning to her office, Sue threw herself down in her chair and immediately hissed and stood back up. Her ass was still burning. She glared at her chair but knew that she would have to sit.

Sitting back down she waited for her computer to reboot. She squeezed her thighs together. The gentle pressure was just pleasurable enough to take her mind off the pain. As she felt her pulse rise, Sue forced herself to stop.

Considering Gwens recent mood, she did not want to give her any reason to punish her again. She thought about how Tricia must have felt after her spanking and knew that she had done a worse job on her sub. Shifting on the seat, she wondered just how Tricia had stood up to it and feared that she was going to sincerely regret her actions that afternoon.

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant

Copyright 2008

Chapter Four Thanksgiving

The ringing phone woke Sue up on Thursday morning. “Yes,” she rasped into the phone.

“Good morning, slave.”

Sue sat up. “Mistress!”

“Remember that I want to see your sub after I arrive at noon. Have her come over by 12:30.”


“But what?”

“What if she wont come?”

“Get her over there. I dont care what you have to do. You will be severely punished if I am failed in anyway.”

Sue hung up the phone and chewed on her lip. Since the last beating, Tricia had not returned her calls. Sue herself hadnt called since the Saturday when she knew that she had lost the wager.  With a sigh, she resigned herself to pleading for Tricia to get her to come over.

Since she was already up, she spent the rest of the day cleaning the house. She had no idea what Gwen had planned but she did not want to give her owner any ammunition against her. She had just gotten out of the shower when she heard a car in her driveway.

Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she gasped at the time. Pulling on her shirt and slacks, for the first time she was thankful that she did not have to worry about underwear.

Gwen knocked on the door. When an out of breath Sue pulled it open, she pointed over her shoulder. “There are two bags in the trunk. Bring them in,” she said as she brushed past Sue.

Sue was shocked at being so easily ordered about. Glancing at Gwens shapely backside as she continued into the house, she snapped shut her mouth and went to fetch the bags. It was bad enough that she was forced to be a slave, she was not going to give Gwen the satisfaction of punishing her for disobedience, too.

“Bring me a glass of iced tea.”

“I dont have any made.” Sue paused. “Mistress.”

“Then, go make some. Hurry back because weve got a bit to discuss before your sub gets here.”

Gwen relaxed on the couch.  She admired the sturdy little coffee table and thought about ways to use it on her newest acquisition. Glancing up, she shook her head at the sight of Sue approaching with a glass in her hand.

“Stop. Dont just bring me the glass. I dont want your sweaty fingerprints on a glass Ill be putting to my lips. Go back and put it on a serving tray with a spoon and cut lemon and a choice of sweeteners. Drop to your knees beside me and hold the tray still while I sip.”

Blushing at the reprimand, Sue hurried to obey. She had to look around to find a tray in her kitchen. Her hands were shaking when she finally got everything set up and she was biting her lip as she sank to her knees and held the tray up for Gwen to easily reach.

“Now, here is what you are to do and say when your sub gets here.” Gwen lowered her voice and laid out her plan.

“Why are you doing this?” Sue whined.

“Because youre a poser and you need to reveal the truth of yourself to everyone. You are only a slave. Youll never be more or better and the sooner you accept that, the quicker youll be happier.”

“Im just a slave for the weekend.”

The tray shook and Gwen shook her head. “Be honest with yourself. Youre loving the idea of being owned.”

“No, Im just marking time until Sunday when things are going back to normal.”

“You and I both know that youre not getting that genie back in the bottle.”

“Im not a slave.”

Gwen grinned. “You say that now but I am willing to make you another wager. I bet that you will beg to be my slave permanently by Sunday.”

“No way.”

“Address me properly, slave.”

“Mistress, I wont do that.”

“Want to bet?” Gwen shifted to get even more comfortable on the couch. “If I win, youll get a piercing at my direction.”

“If I win? I mean, what about if I win, Mistress?”

“Highly unlikely but Ill agree to be your slave for the equivalent time of this wager.”

“Four days?”

“Yes, slave and it looks like I will have to beat you to get you to remember how a slave is to address her owner.”

Sue dropped her head. “Im sorry, Mistress.”

The doorbell rang and Sue twitched and nearly spilled the glass.

“Clumsy, slave. Put the tray down on the table and let our guest in.”

Moving as slowly as she could, Sue obeyed and went to open the door.

“Sorry but I mailed back the keys.”

“That is all right. Wont you please come in?” Sue asked politely.

When Tricia paused to disrobe, Sue shook her head. “No, you should keep your clothes on. Come into the living room, please.”

Tricia looked at her with concern. She had debated coming at all but Sue had begged so nicely on the phone for her come over. Now, Sue was saying please. Things were very strange.

She led the way into the living room and stopped when she saw the other woman lounging on the couch. Tricia glanced back at Sue and was surprised to see standing with her head bowed.  “Um, I dont do groups,” she said, regretfully. The woman on the couch was hot.

“Oh, dont worry. I think youll enjoy this.” Gwen looked pointedly at Sue. “Dont you have something to say?”

“Tricia, I would like to apologize for my actions toward you. I am sorry for abusing you and leading you on. I am not qualified to be a Top and I would like to go down on you as a small token of my regret.”

Tricia looked shocked at her former Domme. “What?”

“She might believe you really meant it if you were on your knees and kissing her feet,” offered Gwen, as she sipped from her glass of tea.

Sue hated how her nipples seemed to get even more erect when she obeyed the implicit order. As she lowered her face to kiss Tricias feet, she mumbled, “Please, Tricia, let me use my mouth to bring you pleasure.”

“What is going on? Is this some kind of a joke?”

Sue looked at Gwen but she was no help. Sighing, she sat back on her heels and said, “I lost my freedom in a wager with Mistress Gwen. As my first act of slavery, I must relinquish my own sub and make amends for my presumption of thinking I could be a Domme.”

“Im not sure about this.”

“Please,” Sue pleaded. She stared up into Tricias eyes. “I beg you to let me please you.”

“Why should I? You really hurt me the last time and now youre pulling this shit?”

“Tell her why.”

Sighing, Sue confessed. “If I dont, she will whip me.”


“Please let me use my mouth on you. I promise to make it good for you.”

“What if you dont?”

“Uh.” Sue thought furiously, “If I dont pleasure you satisfactorily, my Mistress can whip me for failing you. Please let me pleasure you.” Sue was wringing her hands together. She never knew how hard it would be to convince Tricia to allow her to lick her to orgasm.

Tricia looked at Gwen. “No tricks, now.”

“No tricks. You can sit in that chair over there and shell do her best to please you.”

“I guess.” Tricia walked to the chair and pulled her skirt up her thighs and sat down on the chair. She grinned when Sue stayed on her knees for the short trip over to her side.

Tricia moaned at the first touch of Sues lips on her mound. In their entire relationship, she had never felt Sues mouth on anything but her lips. She thought about Sue getting a beating if she didnt satisfy her and she suppressed any other noise she might have made.

Working furiously, Sue tried to finish as quickly as possible. She knew by the tensing of her legs that Tricia was getting close but her former sub gave her no indication of how she was doing. Finally, she was rewarded with a flood of moisture.

Leaning back, she look up into Tricias narrowed eyes and her heart fluttered in fear.

“Well, how was it?” asked Gwen.

“Ive had better,” Tricia said snidely.  After a pause, she added, “From men.”

“Hear that, slave? Youre a pretty sorry excuse for a lesbian who couldnt even satisfy a sub. Well have to work on your oral skills.” Gwen sipped from her drink. She studied Tricia. The young woman was pretty enough but not to her tastes. She waved her hand. “Thank you for coming over, Tricia. Im sure you can see yourself out.”

Tricia looked back and forth between the two women. One exuded power from her casual pose on the couch. The other was the picture of remorse. “Are you really going to whip her?”

“Before this weekend is over, shell have many tastes of my lash. Dont worry, Ill make sure that she regrets not being able to use her mouth properly.”

Tricia smiled and walked to the door. She had planned on ending her arrangement with Sue anyway. Now, that she had seen her true subbie nature, she thought she understood better why the woman had been such an uneven Dominant.

Gwen slowly finished her glass. She was very excited at the way the afternoon was shaping up. Sue was coming close to her breaking point and they had not really done anything. Getting her former sub to critique her oral skills was just an added bonus.


Obeying, Sue dropped her clothes to the floor.

Sue listened to the sounds of Gwen moving around behind her. She heard her zip open a bag and take out several things and place them on the coffee table. She flinched at the ominous snap of a latex glove.

“I expect my slaves to be a little neater.”

Sue swallowed and reached down to fold the clothes she had removed and set them in a nice pile.

Gwen stepped up beside her and handed her a bottle of lubricant.

Quizzically, Sue glanced at down at the container and then over at her.

With a grin, Gwen extended the first two fingers of her right hand. “Pour out some lube, slave,” she demanded.

Squirting some onto Gwens fingers, Sue tried to hand the bottle back.

“No, we might be needing more soon. Face the coffee table and put it down in front of you. Now, put your palms flat on the table and spread your legs out. Stay like that. Youre in the perfect position.”

Sue felt the warmth of one hand on the small of her back and the coolness of the lube coated other hand worming its way between her butt cheeks. She tried not jerk away.

“Just relax. I have to inspect my slave inside and out,” Gwen told her.  She probed Sues ass with a finger. Slowly moving the digit in and out, she asked, “This feels really tight. Have you had anything up here before?”

“No, Mistress.”

“Well, you will soon. I like fucking my slave girls in the ass.”

Switching hands, Gwen probed Sues cunt. “My, my. I sure dont need any more lube. You are leaking like a faucet.”

Sue blushed from her head to her toes. She wiggled a little but that felt almost too good, with three of Gwens fingers working inside her. Sue gasped when Gwen rotated her hand and dragged her fingers over her G spot.

“Your body is speaking the truth. You were born to this. You are a slave to your desires for submission and humiliation. You should be damn grateful to me for showing you the perfect path to satisfaction.”

Sue felt violated by the fingers moving around inside her. At the same time, they felt so good that she didnt want Gwen to stop.

When Sue did not respond, Gwen lifted her probing hand and forced Sue to her toes. “What do you say when someone had done something special for you?”

“Thank…thank you, Mistress.”

Pulling her fingers free, Gwen reached down and fondled Sues clit. “Someone is eager to come, arent they?”

“Yes, Mistress.” Sues voice was breathy.

“I bet you would give anything to have an orgasm right now, wouldnt you?”

Sue bit her lip.

“You know, you dont have wait until Sunday to beg me to be my slave. I promise that if you beg me now, I would let you come.”

Sue shook her head.

“Your choice. Im almost glad that you chose not to because it wouldnt be right for me to let you come yet. Tell me why?”

Sue was having a hard time speaking as Gwen was still moving her hand around her pussy. Occasionally, Gwen would let a finger brush over her erect clit.

Gwen tapped her clit twice with her fingernail. “Answer me.”

“I dont know, Mistress.”

“Sure you do. Why shouldnt my slave come now?”

“I dont deserve it?”

“Close. It wouldnt be right for you to climax before your owner. Your Mistresss pleasure comes before your own. Repeat that.”

“My Mistress pleasure comes before my own.”

Gwen stroked her faster. “Again.”

“My Mistress pleasure comes before my own.”

“Correct. You should keep repeating that to yourself, now and through the weekend. It is the correct answer to most everything. You will find that remembering your new mantra will make things so much easier. Say it again.”

“My Mistress pleasure comes before my own.” Sue was panting and thrusting her butt up. She wanted so much to come. “My Mistress pleasure comes before my own,” she cried without prompting.

Gwen grinned and watched Sue dance on the end of her fingers. She knew that Sue was getting quite close to coming without permission. “If you climax now, I will be very disappointed.”

“Youre making me,” Sue wailed.

“Bullshit. Thats your subbie nature speaking. If you were really a Top, you wouldnt be feeling like thisready to climax as another woman has you bent over in your own living room, being inspected like a piece of meat. Would you?”

“No, Mistress.”

“What are you, then?”


“Youre a slave. Say it.”


“Say it,” Gwen ordered as she pulled her hand away and pulled Sue upright before spinning her around. She glared into the lust filled eyes and asked again, “Say it.”

“Im a…Im a slave,” whispered Sue, closing her eyes to shut out the truth.

“Excellent progress, slave.” Gwen continued her inspection by forcing open Sues mouth and running the fingers of both hands over her teeth and tongue.

Sue tried not to gag at the mixture of tastes from her ass, lube and pussy juice.  The latex felt odd against her skin as Gwen groped her. She flushed as Gwen stuck a finger in her ear and then grabbed her ear lobe to peer inside.

Grazing just the tips of her fingers along Sues sensitive neck, Gwen continued to catalog her new slaves responses to her touch. She massaged Sues shoulders and then moved her hands to Sues breasts.

She tried to heft them in her hands but they were too small. Instead, she lifted them by pinching the nipples.

Sue moaned and raised herself up on her tiptoes to relieve the pressure.

“I dont think Ive ever seen such small titties on a grown woman. You look just like a little girl.” Gwen dropped one tit and reached down to pull on Sues pubic hair. “You dont deserve to have this hair down here, since you are such a baby. After you fix me dinner, while Im eating, I want you to shave it all off.”

Sue wanted to argue. She wanted to fight to keep her cunt covered. But she said nothing as the throbbing between her legs intensified when Gwen gave her the order. Sue knew she would obey and that it would feel good for having done so.

Sue was kept nude while she fixed Gwen an early dinner and then went into the bathroom to shave. Going back downstairs with her newly bald snatch was one of the hardest things Sue had ever done.

Gwen was not satisfied with just a look. Shaking her head, she said, “Open yourself up. I need to see what sort of job you did.”

Holding herself open, Sue tried not to moan when Gwen ran a finger over her supersensitive skin.

“Turn around.”

Gwen made her bend over and pull apart her butt cheeks.

“You missed some. Go back and try again.”

Sue was nearly crying when she reached the bathroom and had to sop up her juices before she could use the razor.  After she finished, she sat looking into the mirror and touching herself.

“Ahem.” Gwen was standing in the doorway and was glaring at her. “God, you have no control whatsoever.”

Sue felt like a little child after getting caught by her mother.  “Im sorry, Mistress,” she said as she blushed and stood up.

“Go and change the sheets from the master bed,” ordered Gwen. “Ill be sleeping there tonight and I want clean bedding.” She followed the naked woman to the bedroom. “Youve got a guest room, havent you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Strip that bed to the mattress.”

Gwen followed her into the guest room and watched Sue with narrowed eyes. She considered pushing things further that evening. Instead, she decided that Sue needed time to reflect on her new life.

Sue nervously finished her task and looked over at the silent woman. The look in Gwens eyes scared her and she trembled as Gwen approached her.

Gwen pulled Sue into a tight embrace. Placing a thigh between Sues legs, Gwen slid her hands behind her and pulled Sue hard against her. She bent her head and moved her lips to Sues ear and sucked and nibbled her earlobe.

Sue whimpered at the feel of Gwens hot mouth against her ear. Instinctively, she slid her arms around Gwen and tried to pull her closer.

Breaking away from kissing her ear, Gwen shook her head as she removed Sues hands from her waist. “You dont deserve to touch me, slave,” she whispered. Gwen leaned close and kissed the delicate ear and smiled at the shiver that passed through Sues body. “Slaves dont touch their owners unless given express permission.”

The breath warm against her ear, Sue moved her hands away reluctantly. To be denied to touch the beautiful body wrapped around hers was a torture in itself.

Continuing to stroke Sue, Gwen backed her slave up against the bare mattress. She pushed Sue so that her ass rested on the edge. Stepping between her legs, Gwen kissed her hard on the lips before trailing her kisses along Sues jaw and down her neck and chest until she reached her nipple. She smiled at Sues sharp intake of breath and low moan as she took Sues nipple into her mouth, nibbling on it gently.

As if that was a sign, Gwen straightened back up. She pulled four leather straps out of her back pocket and smiled down at the highly aroused woman.  “Lay back and give me your hands.”

More quickly than she thought possible, Sue was secured to the bed. Gwen flipped off the light as she left. Sues entire body burned but, tied spread-eagled on the bed, she had no way to relieve the need that was the sole focus of her mind.

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant

Copyright 2008

Chapter Five Black Friday

Sue was plagued by highly erotic dreams all night. Every time she would try to move her arms down or squeeze her legs together, her bonds foiled her attempt at self-gratification. Eventually, she fell into a deep sleep from which she was startled awake when Gwen removed the straps that held her to the bed.

Gwen was freshly showered and dressed in a comfortable looking skirt and a clingy blouse. Peering closely, Sue thought she might be able to see the shape of Gwens bra. She heard a cough and she quickly raised her eyes to see Gwen shaking her head.

“Good morning, slave.”

“Good morning, Mistress.”

“Go into the bathroom near the kitchen and do your business and clean yourself. Join me in the kitchen when youre ready.”

“There isnt a shower or tub in that bathroom, Mistress.”

“Im aware of that. Slaves dont get the luxury of a shower, unless they are permitted to clean their owner. They arent permitted to let themselves get filthy either. Im sure you will find a way.”

Sue sighed and turned to go.

Gwen said, “No. That is not acceptable. Naked slave girls scurry to obey. I want you up on your toes with your hands held up at your tit level. Take short, quick steps. The only time you dont scurry is if you are carrying something heavy, breakable or would cause a mess if a clumsy slave dropped it.”

Her face burning in shame, Sue scurried to the restroom. She felt foolish as she used the washcloth to wipe herself down. It felt good to rub the scratchy cloth between her legs but she was scared to do more than just clean.

When she was finished, she started to walk down the hall only to turn at a slight noise to see Gwen standing at the other end.

“What did I tell you about moving, slave?”

“I am supposed to scurry, Mistress.”

“Then, why arent you? Slaves dont just obey when they are being watched, they obey all the time.” Gwen walked to the front door. “Since you obviously need a lesson, I want you to fetch the paper.”

Sue gulped. It was still early but there was a good chance that her neighbors would see her running naked across her lawn. She dashed to the paper and back only to be brought up when she saw Gwen standing in front of the door with her arms crossed.

“Stupid, slave. Sprinting is not scurrying. Now, go to the end of your driveway at a proper scurry and then back.”

Sue scurried with the paper held up between her small breasts. The morning chill and her unavoidable arousal made them form hard little points.

“Better.” Gwen opened the door and slapped her ass as she walked by. “Now, go make me breakfast.”

Sitting down at the table, Gwen read the paper. She mused about her days plan. She wanted to fuck Sue in every room of her house. She wanted the memory of Sues capitulation on every surface. She thought that she would start with the kitchen.

She enjoyed the well-cooked omelet and then sent Sue into the kitchen to clean the dishes. After a few minutes, Gwen entered the bright room. Sue was elbow deep in suds and had her back to the door.

Gwen stepped up behind her and slid her hand between Sues legs. “Spread your legs wider apart,” she ordered.

Sue obeyed and dropped the plate she was washing into the sink at the first contact of Gwens fingers with her clit. She was so ready to come. It had been four days since her last orgasm and, in seconds, she was panting. She leaned over and clutched the counter.

“Did I say you could stop cleaning?”

Struggling to focus on the dishes and not on the wonderful sensations between her legs, Sue was close to weeping in frustration. Her hands were shaking as she wiped the plate and she moaned when Gwen thrust two fingers into her cunt.

“God damn, girl, you are actually dripping. Look at the mess youve made of the floor,” Gwen said, taking a step back and pointing downward. “Clean that up.”

Sue squeezed out the rag but stopped at the harsh laugh.

“No, slave. Clean it up with your tongue.”

Sue went down to her hands and knees and put her face to the floor. At the first touch of her tongue to the floor tiles, she moaned. She could not believe how depraved she was acting.

Gwen stepped up to her and fluttered her fingers over Sues clit. “I cant believe how wet you are.”

“Mistress, please.”

“Do you know why youre sopping wet?”

“I dont know, Mistress.”

“I think you do.” She laughed. “I think that you know that youve found your role in life, havent you?”

Gwen did not really expect for Sue to answer. Having her say it out loud wasnt necessary yet. She did need for Sue to lose control, though, so she moved her fingers expertly through the slick folds.

Sue continued to lick at the floor, ashamed and excited. She was panting and moaning. The sensations were building and she could feel herself cresting. With a shriek, she came.

“You do realize that you will have to be punished for doing that, dont you?” Gwen asked, as she stood up and wiped her fingers on the dishrag.

“You made me.”

“Youre such a slut. How you ever thought you could dominate someone when you have no self discipline is beyond me.” Gwen reached onto the counter and pulled a wooden spoon out of a jar.

Kneeling beside Sue, Gwen put her hand on the back of Sues neck and forced her to kiss the floor again.  “You remember your mantra dont you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Say it.”

“My Mistress pleasure comes before my own.”

“You failed to follow it, didnt you?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“You know what you must do, dont you?” Gwen tapped her ass lightly with the spoon.

Sue knew what Gwen wanted. Through her tears, she managed to say, “Please, Mistress. Punish your slave.”

“I will. While I spank you, I want you to repeat your mantra.”

After fifty strikes with the spoon, Sues ass was a ruddy red and her voice was hoarse from the repetition of the phrase.

Gwen stood up and tossed the spoon into the sink. “Clean up in here and meet me in the living room. Dont touch your ass and dont dawdle. I dont like to be kept waiting.”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Sue scurried into the living room when she finished putting away the final dish. She stood in front of the couch until Gwen looked up from her magazine.

“I want you to bring me all of your sex toys and everything you have ever used to get off on. You need to practice your scurrying, so fetch one item at a time and set them on the coffee table.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Sue left the room on her toes to obey. She went directly to her bedroom and pulled out the handcuffs. Turning, she made the first of many trips into the living room. By the time she placed the belt on the coffee table her calves hurt.

She fidgeted for a few moments while Gwen flipped through the channels on her television. She watched Gwen toss the remote onto the cushions beside her and sat up.

Gwen looked over the pile. She pushed aside the blindfold and peered at the selection of vibrators. She shook her head. There was something missing. “You have a strap on, dont you?” Without waiting for an answer, she ordered. “Go get it.”

Sue hesitated for a moment until Gwen raised a single eyebrow. Dropping her head, she scurried to her bedroom and returned. With a sigh, she held it out in both hands as an offering.

“So, thats your cock?”

Gritting her teeth, Sue nodded. “Yes, Mistress.”

“Its almost as small as your tits.”

Sue flushed angrily.

“So, what part of bring me everything doesnt include this?” Again, she didnt wait for an answer. “I think you need to have a little lesson in submission.”

Sue glanced up quickly and then dropped her head at the look in Gwens eyes.

“First off, you need to undress me.” When Sue took a step forward, Gwen raised a hand. “Considering all the problems youve had with simple tasks, Ill give you easy to follow directions. Get on your knees.”

Sue hastened to obey.

“Starting at my feet, you are to remove all my clothes. Before you start, place a kiss on the item you are removing. When the item is off, you will fold it neatly and place it appropriately. Kiss the area revealed and move to the next item.”

Crawling over, Sue held herself over Gwens black pumps. She hesitated. This would be the biggest step of her nascent slavery. She knew that after she removed Gwens clothes that she would be expected to serve Gwen sexually. Once she did that, there would be no going back.

But she had also spent the past several nights thinking about just what she would do when the opportunity presented itself. She had already come from the touch of Gwens fingers. Glancing up, she saw that Gwen had put her hands on her hips and was smirking down at her.

She swallowed and lowered her puckered lips to the right shoe. Sue placed a kiss on the matte leather finish and gently worked the shoe off. She repeated her action with the other one and set them next to the couch. Bending down, she kissed Gwens stocking clad feet.

“Well done, little slave. Now, you may remove my skirt. You may place the kiss above my mound.”

Slowly but surely, Sue revealed the glorious body of her Mistress. The first touch of her lips on Gwens skin was wonderful and she was sorely tempted to put out her tongue for a taste but she held back.

When the last article had been folded and set aside, Sue found herself staring at Gwens pedicured feet. She was startled when the straps of her strap-on interrupted her contemplation of the emerald polish adorning Gwens toes.

“Put it on me.” Gwen ordered.

Sue shook out the straps of the harness. The dildo itself was slightly curved, pink colored replica made of silicone.  With slightly trembling fingers, she eased the straps up Gwens long legs and put it into place. She leaned back once it stood out jauntily from Gwens loins.

“Ill bet you had your subbie suck it before you used it on her.”

Sue nodded.

“Show me.”

Sue leaned forward and took the hard silicone between her lips. The oval of her mouth slid back and forth and, soon, the object of her attention was shiny with her saliva.

“Thats enough. Drop down onto your elbows and knees. Put your forehead onto the carpet. Im going to take you from behind.”

Gwen grasped Sues hips and gently stroked the tip of the dildo up and down the length of her slit several times. As she felt Sue relax, she it eased the dildo in just the slightest bit. She rotated her hips and pulled back out.

The teasing at her opening made Sue squirm with anticipation. She wondered what Gwen was waiting for.

“Ask me.”


“Ask me for what you want.”

“Please, Mistress.” Sue whispered.

“Please what?”

“Please make love to me.”

“Slaves get fucked, they dont get to make love. Ask me properly.”

“Please, Mistress. Fuck me,” Sue whispered.


Sue shouted, “Please, fuck your slave, Mistress!”

That time the request was clear and urgent enough to satisfy Gwen. She pushed forward slowly until she was fully inside, enjoying Sues drawn out groan. “Thats it. Relax your cunt around your new owners dick,” Gwen whispered huskily in Sues ear.

“You…you dont own me,” Sue stuttered,

“This weekend, I do so own you,” Gwen replied. “I won you, and now, for the next three days, you are mine and I can do anything I want to you.” She began thrusting in and out, very slowly, until Sue began to moan.

“Right now, my little slave, I really, really want to fuck you.” Gwen began lightly slapping Sues small tits with every thrust.

She grinned evilly as she felt Sue began pushing back to meet her. Gwen leaned over Sues back and whispered into her ear.

“You like it dont you?”

“Oh, god.” Sue shook her head, trying to deny what her body was feeling.

“Answer me. You like what Im doing to you?”

Sue shook her head again.

“If you dont answer me, Im going to stop.” Gwen withdrew all but the last inch of the dildo. When Sue tried to move back, Gwen pushed back on her hips.

“Yes.” Her answer was panted out between moans of pleasure.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Mistress. I like you fucking me.”

“What am I fucking you with?” When Sue did not answer right away, Gwen jabbed the cock forward sharply.

“Uh…my dick. Youre fucking me with my cock.”

“You dont deserve to wear a cock, do you?”

“No, Mistress.”

“So, this is my dick, thrusting into my slave, isnt it?”

“Yes, Mistress. Please.”

“Please what?”

“Please fuck me with your dick.”

“Say it right.”

“Please fuck your slave with your dick, Mistress.”

“You are quite the bitch now, arent you?”

When there was no reply Gwen spanked her ass. “Answer me.”


“Whose bitch?”

“Yours, Mistress. Im your bitch.”

Satisfied, Gwen reached down and began rubbing Sues clit as she continued to spank and thrust. The friction from the base of the dildo began exciting Gwen as well and she rocked harder and faster, panting with her efforts.

Gwen reached up and grabbed hold of Sues hair and pulled back. She forced Sue to look at herself in the mirror that was affixed to the far wall.

The sight of having her own dildo being used on her, of being reduced to such desperate need that she would beg was enough to send her over the edge.

The two of them climaxed together. Sue arms trembled and she moaned when Gwen withdrew the cock from her throbbing core. She felt so empty with it gone.

“My, my. What is it about your Mistress pleasure coming before your own do you not understand?”

Sue whimpered as satiated feelings from her climax came roaring back with Gwens question. There was also a healthy dose of fear in what she was feeling. Her ass still ached from the wooden spoon. “Im sorry, Mistress.”

“No but youre going to be. Turn around and clean me while I think about how to make you remember the core concept of slavery.”

Obeying, Sue swiped her tongue across the head of the dildo and then opened her mouth. She tasted herself on the silicone and wanted more. She longed to taste Gwen but knew that she first had to endure this.

Gwen watched Sue clean off the first few inches. Growing impatient, she began to pump her hips, driving the dildo deeper into Sues mouth.

After a deep thrust, Sue gagged and choked.

“With such a shallow gag reflex it is no wonder you purchased such a small cock,” Gwen said snidely. “Youll need to get good at this, as Ill be fucking your face with a normal sized dildo soon.”

Sue increased her efforts to relax her throat and neck. She wanted to show Gwen that she could be obedient. Maybe if she did a good job, Gwen would show mercy to her.

“Good. Youre taking it like a slut.” Gwen was really enjoying having Sue on her knees, servicing her new girlcock. She stared down at the eagerness with which her coworker was taking the face fucking.

Sue could not help but to bask in the first compliment that Gwen had paid her. She knew from experience that each thrust into her mouth made the base of the dildo rub against Gwens clit.

“Oh, yeah,” Gwen muttered. She locked her knees and held her breath through her orgasm. She gave no other sign of pleasure. When she pushed Sues head back, she smirked. “Not bad. Maybe you should have been sucking cocks instead of pussys all this time. I know I havent tried your skills yet but, according to your sub, your oral skills are a little lacking.”

Grinding her teeth in fury, Sue struggled not to argue. She wanted to defend herself but knew that she was in enough trouble for her climax.

Stretching, Gwen walked over and sat down on the couch. “Okay. I want you to clean off this table. Put all the vibrators and dildos up on the mantelpiece and the rest of the stuff, except for the belt, onto the end tables.”

Sue scurried to obey.

“Now, move that chair to the other side of the room.”

Huffing, Sue pushed and shoved to walk the heavy lounge chair out of the corner. When she set it in place, she turned to see Gwen taking the picture down off the wall. On the hook she hung the belt by its buckle.

“Come over here and get on your knees. Move closer to the wall. Closer. Now lean forward until your nose touches the leather. Stay like that until I tell you otherwise.”

In moments Sue could feel the burn of the muscles in her back, butt and thighs from the awkward position. She was going cross-eyed from her face being so close to the belt. She tried to clear her mind.

She could hear Gwen moving around for a bit. Sue couldnt identify what she was doing but, soon enough, she heard Gwen settling down on the couch. As much as she strained her ears, she couldnt hear anything else.

For innumerable long minutes, Sue knelt in the corner. The position was uncomfortable and there was a burn in the muscles in her thighs and back.  She slowly leaned forward more so that her forehead was leaning on the wall.

“Dont think that Im not aware that you keep moving out of position.”

Sue stiffened at the mild tone and resumed her original position. Soon, it became unbearable again. She slouched down some and jerked when Gwen reprimanded her again.

“Im sorry, Mistress. This is just so hard.”

“It is hard because you failed your primary duty to me.”

Sue was tired of staring at the belt. She was also growing desperate for Gwen to talk to her or touch her; to do anything to acknowledge that she existed.  Most of all, she realized that she was very sorry for disappointing Gwen.

“Please, Mistress. Im sorry.”

“Sorry isnt good enough. You need to be punished.”

Sue tried to roll her shoulders and flex her legs without moving. Her body was trembling from trying to keep the pose. “Ill take the punishment. Please, let me move, Mistress.”

“I havent decided what I should do to you.” Gwen paused, “Do you have a suggestion?”

“Anything you wish, Mistress.”

“Anything? How about I whip you?”

“Please, Mistress. My butt is so sore.”

“I could whip you somewhere else.”


“Why dont you ask me to whip your tits and cunt?”

“Mistress?” Sue could not believe what she had heard.

“I expect my slaves to be obedient and respectful. Your failure to put me first will not be allowed to continue. I want you to beg me to whip your tits and cunt with that belt until I am satisfied that you are truly remorseful.”

Sue felt a tightening of her gut. She hated her current position and wanted out of it. She did not want a whipping though, especially on one her happy places. Sue could hardly believe that she was actually considering begging for the beating.

After another few moments of increasing pain from her muscles, Sue licked her lips. She said, “Mistress, I beg you please whip me. Im truly sorry for failing you. Whip me on my b…breasts and pussy.”

“You call that begging? Youre not really very good at that either, are you? Youll have to do better if you want me to believe you.”

“Please, I beg you to beat your slave.” Sue was nearly in tears. “Mistress, I am so sorry.”

“Come here, slave. Crawl on your belly to me.”

Dragging herself across the rough carpet, Sues skin became hypersensitive. Her nipples were even more erect from the friction of her passage.

“Lay down over this table on your back.” Gwen walked to the corner and pulled down the belt. Folding it over, she snapped it a few times. “Im not going to tie you down. You better not move.”

Reluctantly, Sue got into the required position. She watched Gwen approach and lift her arm. Sue closed her eyes tightly and braced for the impact.

“You know, it hurts worse when you tense,” Gwen said softly. “Show me that you can take a beating like a good slave and this will be the last final task of the day.”

Swallowing hard at the lump that formed in her throat at the sudden and unexpected kindness, Sue nodded. She tried to keep her muscles loose.


The first crack of the belt across her breasts was agonizing. Sue grabbed at the legs of the coffee table to keep her hands from protecting her now throbbing tits. Catching her breath, she whispered, “One. Thank you, Mistress.”

Gwen smiled. She was impressed at how quickly Sue was falling into the proper patterns of respect. It just confirmed to her that Sue was a natural slave. She raised her arm and began to rain blows down.

She would let the middle of the belt hit sometimes and other times just the tip. Gwen enjoyed how Sues voice would change depending on where and how she struck. When Sues breasts were a mottled red, she moved down to stand at the end of the coffee table.

“My goodness, Sue, you are just dripping. I never would have guessed that you were a pain slut.”

“Im not.”

Gwen dragged the belt up Sues pussy and then held the slick leather to her lips. “Look at that. That, my dear slave, is the sign of someone highly aroused.”

Shaking her head, Sue bit her lip. She did not know why she was so wet. The whole situation should have her as dry as the Gobi dessert. She tried to tell herself that it didnt mean anything for her body to be responding like this. It didnt have to mean that she was enjoying herself.

While she was thinking, Gwen brought the belt down sharply. As she smacked the leather against Sues thighs and mound, she talked. She said, “Surrender to the pleasure. Embrace the pain and make it your own. You are a slave to your body and your body is enslaved to me.”

Sue was close to screaming when Gwen finally stopped. She opened up her eyes and watched Gwen bend over and hold the belt down to her lips.

“Kiss it.”

She would have made love to it, if Gwen had commanded. Opening her mouth, she gave it a kiss.

Gwen slid the belt around her neck and tightened it through the buckle. She laid the tail of the belt down across Sues belly and went over to sit down on the couch. 

“Now, I want you to stay still until I say otherwise,” Gwen said as she put her feet on Sues chest.

Picking up the remote, she spent the next several hours watching television.  When dark fell, Gwen left Sue lying there while she went into the kitchen and made herself a sandwich.

She used Sue as a table while she ate. She fed Sue the crusts of her bread and then, sitting back on the couch, used her as a footstool again. Finally, she yawned and stretched.

“Go and clean the kitchen and do what you need to do before getting ready for bed. Ill meet you in the guest room in seventeen minutes.”

She watched Sue roll stiffly off the table and smirked when Sue scurried from the room with her dinner plate held up at breast level. Gwen wondered if she would be able to get Sue to move like that at work. She was really enjoying keeping Sue around as a naked slave girl and did not know what she would do if her plan failed and Sue did not beg for permanent slavery in two days time.

Shrugging philosophically, Gwen went to the guest room to secure Sue to the bed. This time, Sue was on her stomach and she writhed on the bed as her tender breasts were pressed against the cool mattress. Gwen made sure to put a pillow under her hips to make sure that Sues clit was not in contact with the firm surface.

“Good night, slave.”

“Good night, Mistress.”

“Try to get some sleep. Youve got a busy day tomorrow,” Gwen said, as she flicked off the light.

Chapter Six The Big Game

Sue spent most of the night tugging fruitlessly on the straps holding her in place. Even though she had come twice yesterday, she was on fire with need. She was finding the reversal in roles to be incredible arousing. Sue had never been submissive before, but surrendering the lead to Gwen was easier than she had imagined.

A sharp slap on her ass woke her up the next morning. She stood up when the last strap was released and waited for Gwens first order.

Good girl. Youre such a natural at this. Gwen handed her a couple of silky pieces of fabric. Go to your bathroom and make yourself presentable. When youre finished, hand wash my panties.

Yes, Mistress. Sue turned to leave with a pair of panties in each hand.

Oh, I think you should carry them in your mouth. Leave them there as a sort of pre-wash until you are ready to clean them properly.

Sue sighed, Yes, Mistress.

She looked down at what she held. The dark green pair was a little crusty and the maroon pair felt warm and damp to her touch. Bringing the panties to her mouth, she caught a whiff of the aroma and was surprised when her mouth began to water.

Stuffing them inside, she glanced at Gwen for approval and blushed at the knowing look on Gwens face.

Dont you look cute? asked Gwen as she laughed. Youre really enjoying the taste of me, arent you? She slapped Sues ass. Hurry up. Ill be waiting for breakfast.

Sue jumped and scurried to the bathroom. She caught a look at herself when she arrived and was surprised at what she saw. Despite her uncomfortable night, her eyes were bright. Her cheeks were puffed out from the mouthful of panties and there was a blush that spread from her face to her chest.

She had to admit to herself that she had never looked nor felt so alive. It was turning in to a vicious cycle: she was always stimulated and the hotter she seemed to get, the more she wanted Gwen to do things to her. The shame and the loss of control was turning her on.

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva and Gwens secretions and got busy getting herself clean. She had no idea what was in store for her today but she knew better than to keep Gwen waiting.

Hanging the freshly cleaned panties on the towel rack, Sue scurried into the kitchen. She made scrambled eggs for Gwen and herself. When she was ready to plate up, she jumped when Gwen appeared at her shoulder and told her to put everything on one plate.

Gwen sat down in the dining room and told Sue to stand slightly behind and to the side of her chair. Slaves should be in position for ready service without making a nuisance of themselves. Anticipate my needs for refills or condiments, fulfill them and, then, disappear.

Tapping the table, she said, For example, the salt and pepper shakers are out of my reach.

Sue jumped forward and moved the shakers. With the barest hesitation, she scurried back to her position near the wall.

Good. If I notice something before you I will tap the table. You will have a moment or two to figure out my need. If I have to tell you what I need, youll be punished for failing.

Gwen ate and drank, while Sue watched with her stomach rumbling. She had not had a good meal since Gwen had arrived and taken over her life. As hungry as she was, she knew that Gwen had some humiliation planned before she would see any food.

She noticed that Gwen had almost finished her glass of orange juice, so she scurried to the kitchen for the container.

Just half a glass more, pet.

Wiping her mouth after her last bite, Gwen picked up her plate and put it on the floor. She placed her bare feet on the plate and squished the remaining eggs between her toes. Looking over to Sue, she grinned.

Breakfast is served, slave. Come over here and get it.

Sue felt slightly queasy but she dropped to her knees and put her face to the plate. She was so hungry that she quickly slurped up the eggs.

I expect there to be not the slightest speck on my feet or the china when youre through.

Sue sighed and sucked one of Gwens toes into her mouth. Swirling her tongue around, she swallowed the small bit of egg and then moved to the next toe. She finally sat back after the plate and Gwens feet were completely cleaned.

Not bad. Now, go clean the kitchen and join me in the living room. You are to be facing me, on your knees, with your arms clasped behind you in twelve minutes.

Sue jumped up and scurried to obey. She did not understand what Gwen was playing at with these odd times but it was never enough for her slack off. She just barely got into position before the couch before time ran out.

Gwen sat smirking at her for a while. She was really enjoying turning the butch into her pet. She finally cleared her throat. Today, as you know is the day of the Big Game. Gwen leaned back. Ive never missed watching it and know that Im going to enjoy it more this year because I have my own personal cheerleader.

Gwen reached into her duffle bag and pulled out a small handful of blue and yellow cloth. She shook it out to reveal a one piece cheerleading uniform. Put this on.

No. Sues face was a mask of horror. She had always held cheerleaders in slight contempt. She had been a real athlete, not a bimbo who bounced around to excite equally brainless boys. There was no way that she would put on such a hated uniform.

Did you just say no to me?

Mistress, please. Dont make me wear that.

You have a choice. You can put it on now with no further backtalk or you can get across my knees for a spanking and when Im finished with your ass, youll put it on.

Sue wanted to fight her on this. It was too demeaning. However, she was still wearing the bruises from yesterdays punishments and didnt want to gain any new ones. Tears in her eyes, she reached out for the uniform.

I knew you werent entirely stupid, gloated Gwen. She watched Sue struggle and wiggle to get into the too tight skirt.

It pinched at her waist and the bottom of the skirt barely covered the cheeks of her ass. The only loose place was around the chest. Obviously, cheerleaders were expected to have larger attributes than hers.

To help you learn your new skill, the US Cheerleading Championships are on ESPN. I want you to grab these pompoms and get on your knees, in front of the TV.

While Sue watched and tried to learn, Gwen took several pictures. She then downloaded her camera into her laptop. There were a number of pictures that she had taken of Sue restrained and sleeping both evenings.

For a while, Gwen amused herself with setting up a slideshow. She wasnt satisfied by the number of pictures and resolved to take quite a few more before the weekend was over. Glancing at the clock, she saw that the pre-game show was about to start.

Okay, slave. Show me what you learned.

For the next several minutes, Sue sweated and strained through the high kicks and jumps.  She wasnt flexible enough for the splits but tried them anyway. Through it all, she shook the pompoms energetically and turned and twisted until she was panting.

Shake your boobs, called Gwen as she lifted the camera up for another picture. She giggled and said, Oh, sorry. I didnt realize that you were trying to do so. Theyre just so small it is hard to tell.

Sue grimaced at yet another reminder of how much smaller her breasts were. She had always been sensitive about their size but Gwens constant ridicule was making her feel entirely undeveloped.

Gwen glanced at her watch and hastily switched channels. She sighed happily at the sight of her team getting ready to storm onto the field.

She snapped her fingers and pointed at the floor at her feet. Now, here are the ground rules, she said to Sue, You are to cheer for every drive. Those pom-poms better keep moving for every tackle, sack and yardage gain.

Yes, Mistress.

You are to lick me to orgasm for every touchdown. I will fuck you for every field goal. She paused and added, Ill fuck you up the ass if they get a safety. Wont that be fun?

Through gritted teeth, Sue said, Yes, Mistress.

And, best of all, Ill let you rim me every time Cal makes the extra points.

Gwen reached into her duffle and pulled out a strap on. Sue gasped at the size of the cock. It was much fatter and longer than the one she used to own.

It is a good thing that youre always so wet or you might have some trouble with this one, Gwen said with a smile.  I think youre ready to graduate to taking some big girl cock.

Sue swallowed. She could hardly imagine being able to take that monster in her cunt, much less in her ass. She prayed for a lot of touchdowns and for Cal not to make any mistakes around the end zone.

Gwen wiggled out of her panties and made herself comfortable on the couch. It felt so good when you were sucking on my toes earlier, you can go back to doing that while we wait for kickoff.

Resigned, Sue lay down on the rug. As she wiggled into place, she could feel the slickness that painted both thighs. She was already dripping wet and she just knew that she was going to have a long afternoon.

At the end of the first half and after three orgasms, Gwen called on her cell phone for a pizza.  This day was turning out better than she hoped. Fucking Sue with the larger cock had been great fun especially as she had kept Sue from coming.

Sues arousal was starting to define her. During commercials, when she didnt have to cheer, she was willingly going to her knees to kiss and lick Gwens pussy. She just could not get enough of Gwens sweet juice.

When the doorbell rang, Gwen casually lifted her foot and pushed Sue back. She smiled as she watched Sue lick her lips clean.

Good, slut. Youre enjoying yourself, arent you?

Sue nodded.

I told you today would be fun. However much youre liking your new favorite activity, the pizza is here. Get up and bring it here.

Sue had been so preoccupied that she hadnt heard the bell. She felt like she was in a haze and she blinked at Gwen. Slowly, it sank into her brain that she was expected to answer the door in her current state of dress.

Sue ran her hands nervously down her scantily clad body. The navy uniform with pleated skirt was very short and she was horribly embarrassed to be seen in public and by the pizza deliverer wearing it.  Mistress, may I change clothes?

No, you stupid slave. You should be proud to be allowed to wear the colors of my school. Now, go get the door.

Whimpering, Sue scurried to the front door and opened it. She quickly took the box and realized that she did not have any money. Blushing furiously, she scurried to her wallet and got enough cash to pay the man.

Her pussy spasmed from the thought of what she must look like. Even worse, she knew that her state of arousal was evident to the nose. She tried not to make eye contact, knowing that he was enjoying the show.

She gratefully closed the door and his leering face. With a sigh, Sue returned to the living room with the box held up.

Wordlessly, Gwen pointed at the coffee table and waited while Sue set down the pizza. Get over here across my lap.

Sue lay down with her butt in the air. She felt so young and very vulnerable to be over Gwens knees, knowing exactly what was going to happen.

Gwen pushed the short skirt out of her way and laid several spanks with her bare hand on Sues ass. When will you learn not to question me? Simple obedience is all I ask and you cant even get that right.

Mistress, Im sorry, Sue wailed.  Her still tender backside clenched as the blows fell. She felt so badly for disappointing Gwen again.

Thank you, Mistress. Thank you for disciplining me, she cried when Gwen finally stopped spanking her.

Reaching into her duffle, Gwen pulled out the bottle of lube. She greased up the handle of one of the pompoms and worked it into Sues ass.

She ignored Sues moans and pleas. Maybe this will help you keep the right frame of mind.

She shoved Sue off her lap. Looking down onto the tear streaked face, she sneered. Pathetic. Now, go get me something to drink and some napkins.

Gingerly, Sue got to her feet. The feeling of handle filling her rear channel was overwhelming. The strands of the pompom tickling her upper thighs, Sue scurried to the kitchen. She was so humiliated and so close to coming.

Returning to the living room, she saw that the game had resumed. She stood beside the couch watching Gwen eat and was startled Gwens hand flashed out to slap her ass.

Ow, Sue cried as she jumped in the air.

I thought I told you to shake those pom-poms?

Sues face was scarlet but she wiggled and rolled her ass. Moving with the plug was an entirely new experience and she was soon giving it her all. Her face was a mask of concentration as she got closer and closer to a climax as the Golden Bears made a drive down the field.

Cheerleaders, like slaves, should be happy. They both are using their bodies for the pleasure of others. Wipe that look off your face and get into it.

Yes, Mistress. Sue thought about how the game was almost over and was able to smile a little. Thinking about there being only one day left of her slavery made her smile bigger. Glancing at Gwen and thinking about tasting her again caused a big smile to cross her face.

Much better, slave.

Sues smile turned even more genuine at the praise. Cheering wildly as Cal made another touchdown, she was down on her knees before Gwen before the extra point kicker could even get on the field.

My, you are really getting into this, arent you? asked Gwen as she felt the touch of Sues tongue.  I know that I am.

Gwen lifted one leg to rest it on Sues shoulder. My team is winning and my slave is performing to expectations. If you keep this up, you might just finish the day without any further punishments.

Sue began to lick and suck with even greater enthusiasm. She was very close to agreeing to anything if it meant that she would not be punished. She was happy to stay on her knees, servicing Gwens pussy for as long as it took to please her Mistress.

Title: Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Author: Euryleia Rider


Codes: F/f, D/s, job, humiliation, reluctant

Chapter Seven Sunday Suffering

Sue woke up for what seemed like the hundredth time. She turned her blindfolded head back and forth and tugged at her bonds. Last night, Gwen had secured her wrist cuffs to the outside of her ankle cuffs. Lying on her back, her knees bent and her legs opened wide, she felt incredibly vulnerable.

She startled at every sound, straining to hear if someone was in the room with her.  While she knew it was unlikely that there was anyone there, Sue knew what she must look like, spread open and ready for sex.

And she was so very ready.  She could not help squirming on the bed. Her hips were pumping at thin air, hoping for a touch. She could feel a trickle of her juices sliding down between her ass cheeks.

Sue tried to bring herself under control. She knew that she only had one more day to endure at Gwens hands and then she would be free of this nightmare. All she had to do was master herself.

She tried to calm herself but her thoughts went back over all the things that she had been made to do in the past sixty some hours. As she remembered all the humiliations, the many spankings and her orgasms, she writhed uncontrollably on the bed.

My, youre a hot one this morning.

Sue flinched at the words and then stiffened at a light touch between her legs. Before her conscious mind could control it, her hips had raised off the bed to follow the sensation. She whined as the fingers lifted up and away.

No, I dont think so. What kind of Mistress would I be if I just let my slave off so easily?

When Sue took a breath to speak, Gwen laughed. Be careful. I wouldnt want your mouth to write a check that your body will have to cash.

Sue subsided and was rewarded with a brief tweak to her nipples. She sighed and thrusted her chest up, trying to make her small breasts even more prominent.

Gwen unclipped the wrist cuffs and took off the ankle cuffs. Sit up.

Silently, Sue complied. She still felt off balance from the blindfold. She felt Gwen unbuckling the cuffs and then pulling her upright.

Turning her around, Gwen pulled Sues arms behind her and tightened a zip tie around her thumbs.

When Sue stiffened at the sound, Gwen said, Im going to have you bathe me and I dont want to get my restraints wet.

Sue wiggled her fingers and realized just how much losing the use of her thumbs restricted her ability to move. She couldnt even struggle like she could in cuffs, as any movement of her arms translated to pain in her tied digits.

Taking a hold of a handful of Sues hair, Gwen tugged her out of the bedroom and down the hallway. This would be so much easier if Sue was wearing a collar and a leash, Gwen thought. However, she was pretty strict about who earned her collar and Sue wouldnt even be able to start that process until she accepted her slavery.

Sue tried to figure out where in the house they were going but the awkwardness of her bent over position, the pain of her pulled hair and tied thumbs and the blindfold was incredible disorienting. Only when she felt cold tiles under her feet, did she realize that she was in the master bathroom.

Letting go of her hair handle, Gwen turned on the shower. Looking at Sue, she smiled at the uneasiness apparent in Sues stiff stance. Okay, time to get in.

But how? I cant see, Mistress.

You havent earned the right to look at me. Gwen took hold of Sues elbow and ushered her into the large stall. She let Sue stand under the water while it warmed up and then climbed in after her.

Picking up a large sponge, Gwen poured on the liquid soap and worked up some lather. Open wide, she said.

The taste of the soap that filtered through the sponge was disgusting and Sue instinctively spat it out.

Gwen slapped her and picked the sponge back up. Dont do that again. You wont like the consequences.

Her face hurting from the slap, Sue grimaced and opened her mouth for the sponge. Holding it gingerly, she stood there waiting for the next command. It wasnt long in coming and she moved forward enough for the sponge to make contact with Gwens flesh.

In a few strokes, she realized that she was scrubbing Gwens back and she was able to follow the curve of spine. Her mind was filling in the details of the flesh that she couldnt see and could only touch through the soapy sponge.

Sue had to use her entire upper body to reach all of the skin hidden from her eyes. She paused when Gwen turned slightly and raised her arm. Her neck beginning to get sore, Sue went back to work, cleaning Gwens pits.

She looked forward to doing the rest of Gwens upper body. Running the sponge over and around Gwens breasts, Sue hoped to feel Gwen react to her touch. When the other woman only turned to present her other armpit, Sue was resigned to simply performing the required service.

Gwen quirked her mouth when she noticed Sues change of attitude. Good girl. I knew youd get your mind right, she said as she took the sponge and helped Sue to her knees. She poured on more soap and shoved it back in Sues mouth.

Finish the job, slave. We havent got all day.

Scooting forward, Sue touched the sponge to Gwens hip. Her nose twitched when she realized how close she was to Gwens mound. Her mouth was flooded with saliva and she instinctively swallowed. She coughed and choked.

Easy there, girl. Dont want you to drown. Ive got plans for today.

Sue gurgled and bent back to her task. She couldnt believe how much she would rather have just used her mouth to clean Gwens pussy. Taking shallow breaths and trying not to swallow, Sue continued to clean the standing woman. It was difficult to contort herself to get at Gwens feet but she was happy to be successful.

Turning around, Gwen picked up the shampoo. Looking over her shoulder at the kneeling woman, she said, You can drop the sponge and put your tongue in my ass. I want to feel you rim me until Im through.

Gwen sighed in pleasure as she felt Sue obey. She was really starting to like the unquestioning obedience and, as she washed her hair, she wondered if her plans for the day were going to end up with her owning a new slave or having just gained a compliant coworker. She shook her head and rinsed out the shampoo. Either way, she mused, she was the winner.

Stepping from the shower, Gwen turned down the hot water. Do you have to pee? If so, do it now.

Sue swallowed and dropped her head. Before, as she knelt behind Gwen and tongued the other womans ass, she didnt think that she could sink any lower. Now, she knew better.

Youve got ten more seconds and then Im turning off the hot water entirely.

Jerking her head up, Sue pleaded, Please, Mistress, I have to go. I just need more time.

SevenSixFiveFour, Gwen counted. She smiled when she saw the yellow stream head toward the drain.  Good girl. I knew you could be obedient if you really wanted to. Gwen helped Sue to stand up and step out of the stall. Ive tossed my towel down on the floor. You can dry off on that.

Sue heard Gwen walk out of the room, leaving her standing in the bathroom, dripping wet and blindfolded. She carefully felt around with her foot for the towel and then lowered herself to lie on the damp cloth.

Rolling around with her thumbs still tied together was painful but she was soon mostly dry. She finally gave up and climbed back to her feet. Sue wondered what she was supposed to do now.

Glad to see that youre done. Gwen stepped back into the bathroom and pulled off the blindfold.

Sue blinked in the sudden light and saw that Gwen had gotten dressed in knee high boots, a black leather mini skirt and red satin corset. The other woman filled the clothes wonderfully and Sue was mesmerized by her beauty and power. She tore her eyes from the sight when she realized that Gwen had said something to her.

Pardon, Mistress.

I asked if you have ever you done any figging?

No, Mistress. I dont know what that means.

Oh, then youre in for a treat today. Follow me.

Gwen led the way to the living room and went to the bag that had held all manner of torture devises. She pulled out a clear plastic vegetable bag and removed the hand of ginger from the bag. Watch and learn, slave, she commanded.

Sue trailed behind her owner and kneeled down next to the counter after Gwen pointed to the floor. She watched nervously as Gwen snapped off each of the ginger fingers and began to peel the hand. The strong smell of the root filled her nose and she wondered where else it was going to fill.

Gwen carefully whittled down the hand to form a makeshift plug. She tapered it from a narrow end to the wider top and then carved a notch around the thicker end of it. She did want to be make sure that the Sue would not be able to expel it. Feeling generous, she rounded off the tip and set it in a glass of water.

Come with me.

Sue followed closely all the way to the guest bedroom. She started to tremble when Gwen picked up a dagger and moved toward her.

Dont be a fool, slave. Im going to release your hands. Gwen cut the zip tie and pointed at the bed. On your stomach, with that pillow at your hips. She watched as Sue lay down. Smiling, she said, Im going to do you a favor and tie you down. You can thank me for it later. Now, reach up here.

Obeying Sue extended her hands and allowed Gwen to secure her on the bed. When she was spread-eagled and tied down, she turned her head and watched Gwen pick up the root and twirl it in her fingers.

Im going to put this plug of ginger in your ass and youll keep it there for twenty minutes. During that time, I will be spanking you. Im feeling generous, so I give you permission to come as often as you want during that time.

Since leaving home at nineteen, Sue had never been spanked until Gwen had done so in her office less than a week ago. Despite her increasing awareness of her submissiveness, she doubted that a spanking would make her come.

She was a little worried, though, about the affect of the ginger. She had no idea what it was going to feel like to that thing in her butt for twenty minutes. She had orgasmed just yesterday but it felt like forever and she knew that it wasnt going to take much to push her over the edge.

Oh, this spanking isnt a punishment. This is just because I want to do it. Gwens voice was a sultry purr. She stroked her fingers down Sues back. Spreading Sues butt cheeks apart, she inserted the fig up to the makeshift handle. 

Once it was secure in her new home, Gwen affectionately patted Sues ass. While she waited for the fun to begin, she went and washed off her hands. She came back and sat down in a comfy chair and watched with glee that Sue was starting to get warmed up.

It took about three minutes for Sue to begin feeling the effects on the sensitive nerves of her rectum. As the pain radiated outward, she twitched and clenched her ass cheeks and drummed her legs on the bed.

Gwen grinned at the sound of Sues moan and movements. She knew that tensing up just made the ginger sting even more.

Sues eyes were wide as the burn increased to become her entire worldview.  Her fingers were digging into the mattress and she tried everything to expel the painful root. She started panting as the heat seemed to travel from her ass to her cunt.

Gwen had been listening for a change in tone of Sues groaning. Knowing that the other woman was beginning to enjoy the side benefit of the ginger, she began to apply the strop.

At the first crack of it against her ass, Sue moaned. She yelped and grunted as the strap lashed her butt cheeks and the ginger fig stung her asshole. As Sue experienced the increased sexual arousal from the ginger, she began to welcome the blows against her ass. Despite some very hard licks of the strap, her arousal continued to spiral upwards.

Please, please, Sue moaned. Her entire body was on fire and she could no longer distinguish pain from pleasure. She begged for more and lifted her ass toward the leather strap. Oh, god. Mistress, please.

Thats it, my little slave. Come for me. Come for your owner.

With a scream, Sue came for the first time from a spanking. She did not know if it was from the words or from the incredible sensations that were still crashing through her body. She came again and again.

At the twenty-minute mark, Gwen dropped the strap onto the floor and pulled the ginger plug from Sues butt. Tossing it into the trashcan, she put her hands on her hips and surveyed the still shaking, sweaty mess on the bed.

Sue moaned from the loss of the plug and came again. She felt like she had just had an out of body experience and, even now, was almost out of her mind.

Turning her head, she looked up at Gwen. The other woman looked wonderful, posing proud and tall above her.  She was standing in a beam of sunlight but Sue did not need the light effect to feel submissive to Gwen. She knew in her heart of hearts that this was what a true Mistress looked like.

Sue nearly wept to know that Gwen wanted to own her. There were tears in her eyes as she hoarsely whispered, Please, Mistress. I want to be your slave.

Trying to keep a smile of glee off her face, Gwen looked sternly down at her. Im not really sure that I believe that your begging for slavery is truly sincere or just a reaction to the strong orgasm you just experienced.

Please, Mistress. I want to serve you. Sue was frantic to get Gwen to believe her. She would do anything for the chance to feel such an extraordinary whole body orgasm again. If that meant serving Gwen until her death, she would do so.

Gwen shook her head and released Sues bonds. Sue tried to get up but her legs were too weak to stand up.  Falling to her knees, she crawled off the bed and hugged Gwens knees. I love you, Mistress.

Now, now. There is no need to go overboard. Gwen pushed her off. Lay down on your stomach.

Sue quickly obeyed. She wanted to show Gwen how much she wanted to serve. She even kept the pout off her face as Gwen placed her in a hogtie.

Gwen took a hold of her hair and pulled Sues face up to look directly into her eyes. If you are really serious about your intention to serve me as a slave, she said. I want you to crawl to where I will be waiting in the living room.

Left alone, Sue lay still while she thought about what she was about to do. She had never expected to have to put up with being spanked yet she had been so aroused by what just happened that the difference between pain and pleasure had completely blurred.

In the span of a few days, she had changed irrevocably. Or maybe, she mused, she had just had all of the pretense stripped away. The veneer of domination had been removed to reveal the submissive underneath.

Her mind made up, Sue began to worm her way across the floor. She was panting and her skin was covered in rug burns by the time she made it into Gwens presence. She whimpered when Gwen released the catch holding her wrists to her ankles but kept her in the restraints.

Gwen sat down on the coffee table. She held a small length of leather in her hands. She looked deeply into Sues eyes and said, I take slavery very seriously and I do not give out a collar of consideration easily. She stroked the soft leather. Youve done well this weekend to recognize your true self. But you need to realize that this weekend was a cakewalk compared to what Ill be asking of you as my slave.

Sue swallowed the lump in her throat and willed herself to keep making eye contact.

Pleased at the effort, Gwen said,  There will be rules that you must obey at the risk of facing punishment. Punishment will be in whatever form that I see fit. Get used to the feeling of the lash, though, because I wont just use it for punishment. I like to cause pain.

Sue blinked. She had never really gotten off on giving pain and now she was going to be expected to take it regularly. She squared her shoulders and nodded her head.

I will ask a lot of you. You must make sure that you control yourself at all times. It is important that you learn not to embarrass or disappoint your Mistress. If ordered to do something it is not for you to perform badly or protest that you do not want to do something. You must do everything to the best of your ability because to do otherwise reflects badly on me. Do you understand?

Sue had to clear her throat before she could say, Yes, Mistress.

Good. I will now be in control of your life. You will have no time off, no holidays, no period when you are off duty. I will control when you go anywhere and how you are dressed when you go out and how you act while you are there. Gwen smiled. That includes work, as well.

Mistress? Sue whispered in concern.

You dont think that you would have the privilege of calling me by my name any more, do you? Gwen grinned. Dont worry, well discuss that aspect of our relationship tomorrow.

Sue felt her pulse speed up. She didnt know what Monday morning would bring but she knew it didnt bode well for her. She was scared but she wanted this. She nodded.

Come closer. Gwen waited while Sue moved into position between her legs. I will give you my collar of consideration. This will be in your possession at all times. You will wear this anytime I command it and at all times when you are not at work.

Sue leaned forward and shivered at the feel of the leather encircling her neck. There was a feeling of serenity as Gwen buckled it in place.

Now, I know that this has been a lot to take in at one time. Therefore, Im going to leave you alone for the night. Gwen held out her hand when Sue would have spoken. I want you to reflect on this life altering change. Starting tonight and every night from now on, I will require that you email me a journal of your experiences. You should honestly reflect upon your feelings and emotions and your reactions to being enslaved.

Gwen shook her finger at Sue. She said, I don't want to know about how your day at work went or anything banal like that.  Instead, your journal is where you tell me how many times you have touched yourself, what sexual thoughts teased through your mind and any difficulties or problems that you may be having adjusting to my mastery over you. Gwen took hold of Sues chin and enunciated very clearly, I know that this life is new to you. You may pose questions in this space, as long as the tone is respectful. All right?

Yes, Mistress.

Good. I expect to receive your entry by 11 oclock each evening beginning tonight. Gwen placed a kiss on Sues forehead and stood up.  Wait here while I gather my things.

Sue stayed on her knees, looking yearningly after Gwen as she left the room. She wanted to follow her and be at her side. She was not looking forward to being left alone.

When Gwen returned, she shoved her few things into the duffle bag. She unclipped the wrist cuffs. And no getting on the furniture while Im gone. Thats another privilege that youll have to earn.

Gwen swung the bag up and onto her shoulder. Ill see you tomorrow, slave. Have you got anything to say to me before I go?

Sue looked up at her. Thank you, Mistress. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving me this chance.

Ruffling her hair, Gwen said, Youre welcome. Now, work on your journal.  Get it to me by eleven and your butt to work on time in the morning.

With a final enigmatic smile, Gwen turned and left Sue all alone in her house.

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