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My submissive Journey

  1. The road not taken

    Once again I am without a Master - which is so much a lifestyle way of saying 'alone' that it makes me recoil.

    In a way it was a longer process to loose him than it was to attain that rare and wonderful, mythical thing - a Master, one that fits, one that makes my fantasies soar.
    When I felt his interest waning, being replaced by some inner demons and outer ones and inwardly turned thoughts - I wanted to stick with him. I was so used to waiting for him, that it seemed like ...

    Updated 12-21-2008 at 07:21 AM by Laila

    My submissive Journey
  2. Emotional Depth

    I just got back from a wonderful weekend with my Master. He is still going easy on me, taking it slow - letting things come naturally. I love him for that - I love how he gives us both time, how he makes me feel so complete in my submission, how he touches me.

    I am still aglow with these feelings he planted in me. Today I know what the source, what the true form of my submission is. I know now that even though I might be naturally submissive - it has never really worked one hundred ...

    Updated 12-21-2008 at 07:21 AM by Laila

    My submissive Journey
  3. Where is it gonna go from here?

    About a month ago, my best friend A. asked me if I wanted to be his slave. It was a beautiful night, we had known of each others tendencies for long, had shared a lot, secrets, weaknesses, intimacy. We'd slept together before, sometimes with hint of D/s but not really. It was always difficult and complicated because I love him and he isn't ready for something new (he's going through a divorce) but somewhere he loves me too. He's crazy protective of me for one.

    But that night things ...

    Updated 12-21-2008 at 07:22 AM by Laila

    My submissive Journey

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