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Conversation Between sirbootnocka and Zarine13

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. I was and still am a student of jeet kune do as well, which you know, has it's roots in win chun.
  2. We may just meet up somewhere in the future. If I can keep my son from engaging in street-fights long enough to not go to jail. And he's only 15!
    If I can keep him grounded, he has a real chance to be great.
    My teacher taught us D'maat, a style that uses the chi to break bones, or burst organs, and such.
    While I don't condone it's use to such degrees, the lesser disciplines do have thier advantages.
  3. I just finished helping Shifu with a tournament MMA vs Sanshou. It was very interesting (and exhausting).

    Your kids will really benefit from that training. My son is in Kung Fu as well.
  4. I did when I was young. Korean karate. Man Bok Song, may his spirit rest, was my teacher.
    Now training sons in MMA.
  5. Shaolin. Do you take Kung Fu as well?
  6. What disciplines? Win Chun maybe?
  7. Studying currently.
  8. my bad, studying or the show?
  9. I think I have to change that, I like Kung Fu, not necessarily the movies.
  10. So you like kung-fu movies too, huh?
    Have you ever seen "the five deadly venoms"
    or "the master killer" ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
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