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Conversation Between H Dean and denuseri

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Things are good. Busy as hell, though. But, I am still writing and stirring the pot.
  2. Giggles...peek a boobs! Long time no see, hope all is well with thee!
  3. One word: Tits!
  4. Hey you! Nice to see your nic on the boards again Sir!
  5. Glad to here all is well with you. I am off the stage and back in school Sir. It has been a busy time, and I don't get into the chat as often as I used to.
  6. Doing great - how the heck are you? I haven't been in the chat often but you sure have been absent when I was.
  7. Smooches Sir, How ya been doing??
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7

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