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Conversation Between voxelectronica and craven

12 Visitor Messages

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  1. wouldn't it be nice if things like moving went smoothly?
  2. sorry to hear you have been below par, i have a feeling that normally it is a very good par, hope the move went well, if such things can happen, great to see you back
  3. hey thanks. I moved. So I've been kinda out of sorts.
  4. good to see you around the forums, it has been a while, hope you are well
  5. Well with our avatars combined, I figure that people will just give control to us. I have some back up avatars as well.
  6. *smiles* oh you were, were YOU, hmmmmm single handedly or with help, or are we now some sort of super tag team eh, world domination in deed, and on a tuesday morning, as if ! i think some one is getting a little ambitious .........
  7. Well I was planning on simply going on to take over the world but if you insist on talking first then so be it.
  8. i think i might do yes .........next thing you know we may actually start talking ....... imagine that ........ *winks*
  9. well you know what this all means right?
  10. mutually respected avis, hmmmmm not a bad start i guess, *smiles* yes, works for me
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