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Conversation Between michaelwarlock and Pheonix5

6 Visitor Messages

  1. you're welcome .thank you for reading .
  2. Yes..you did it right. By the way loved reading all you wrote. Thank you for sharing.
  3. I see . I hope Im doing it right right now . if not I have to try harder then ...
  4. I only see these cause we're friends. But when you reply, typically you put it on the other persons wall so they get notified. *smiles* Look forward to chatting again and again best of luck.
  5. *chuckles* that should have been on my wall sweetie. But i'm glad hope we get to meet again soon.
  6. Was nice to meet you today. I hope you find all you seek. You seem very sweet. Best of luck and message if i can help at all.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6

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