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Conversation Between thrall and Sir_G

23 Visitor Messages

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  1. Love that pic on the message you left me. And thanks for the hug. Big hug back.
  2. Hello there....big hugs!
  3. long time no see!.............big hugs and kisses!
  4. do i need to poke you to make you laugh.........lmao

    hey........this will make you laugh.......i purged my email........so you will have to give it to me again........lol
  5. i love you G

    smile for me as you feel my warm breath in your ear. Whispering that all will be well.......
  6. Hello beautiful lady. You know, one of the things that has kept me going these last few weeks has been the knowledge that my online friends have been there to support me in whatever way they could. A stark contrast to my "real life" friends who have been there when I've begged them to come over and listen to my emotional ravings and watch the tears and snot leak from my body as it convulsed with the emotional pain I was going through.

    You've constantly been in my thoughts whispering to me, touching a part of me that no one else has. Not even the mythical Amethyst. I say mythical because I think she was a idea or a construct I have built up in my mind of something that used to be real once upon a time but just doesn't exist anymore and she certainly is finished with me for now.

    That's life I guess. The lights came on and I was home for a change. It was quite a revelation for me and is helping me to begin the process of moving on. Still a long way to go but life is a journey not a destination.

    Thanks for being there my whisperer and I can quite honestly say I love you.

    So I will.

    I love you.

    That deserved a line all its own. Now all you have to do is love you too and the circle will be complete.

    Huge hugs.
  7. big hugs.............
  8. Boo! A tender carress, a long deep soft kiss while rolling your nipples. How are you sweet orchid.

    love G
  9. hugs........i love you
  10. The move was sheer hell. Took me three days to move my ex's stuff and 2 trailer loads to do mine. My back is wrecked again but I'm aliave and thankful to have you and others around to keep me sane. God I need all the friends I can get at the moment. Keep whispering sweet lady, keep whispering.

    Much love, hugs and depraved thoughts
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