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Conversation Between thrall and orangeblossoms

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. oh honey...you have no idea how happy i was to see you!!...your just too sweet for words. ill be back down soon....and we will surly spend more time together..........lol
  2. Hiya!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, Hugs Hugs! How have you been?! You gotta forgive me for not logging on sooner but we have been so busy cleaning and doing the whole taped up slave thing, hehehe, since I got here that its hard to come online. It was wonderful getting to meet you and finally put a face to that voice you have, and I can't wait to get ya back down here so we can hang out again, its wonderful to have a girl to talk too, not just Dean! Take care!

    ~ Moni
  3. kisses and hugs!
  4. i sure do................so how about the 19th??
  5. changed my mind.......and how would breakfast next week be????..........lol
  6. Oh good, can't wait to see ya hun, I will have to expedite the cleaning process in the house, lol, Im so tempted to spend all my free time encased in duct tape and seran wrap from head to toe, you know how that can be!!! Hugs!
  7. lol.........i may be there in two weeks!............big hugs!
  8. Hi hun!!! How are ya?! Miss ya, been so damn busy having fun that I haven't had anytime to log on and say hello. So HeLLO!!!! When are we gonna be graced with your presence down in sunny southern cal hun, remember were gonnna spend the ENTIRE day at Disneyland, hehehe!!! Let me know how you are doing!
  9. I know!!! i know!!.........i cant wait. Im so excited i cant stand it!
  10. guess who is moving in with Dean this next thursday, yes as in next week. I can't believe its finally happening, im a little anxious and missing that man a lot but its happening!!! I get to be a very sexy little house wife dont ya think?!
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