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Conversation Between gemmy and Lurid

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Merry Christmas gemmy, it has been very nice getting to know you and i hope your holidays are awesome and you find something special about this coming year
  2. Merry Christmas Mr. Lurid - I hope the holiday is bringing you friends and family and lots of love and all the best for the new year coming *huggggs n wiggles* xoxo
  3. So very good to see you once more *hugs you back* thank you for letting me know you are still around
  4. ~wiggle wiggle~ Just popping by to leave some *hugs* Hope your weekend was good! xo
  5. every time i visit you, and see those chains around your feet, i get such devilish ideas of how to string you up by them
  6. *hugs you back* thank you, I am doing better today.
  7. *hugs* Hope you're having a good day *s* xo
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7

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