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Conversation Between sub_johnWA and juicysub

7 Visitor Messages

  1. trouble?!?! i dont know what you are talking about!! hehe *huggles*
  2. *smacks your butt* Whats up trouble!
  3. awwwww *hugs you tight* drive safely!!!! Merry Christmas to you too hun!!!! i will miss you!!!
  4. Merry Christmas sweetheart... Talk to you when i get back from holidays
  5. hehe its okies!! im sure we will talk soon!! *hugs and kisses*
  6. Hey cutie.. Sorry i missed you, the server bent me over and had its way with me... hope to talk to you soon sweets
  7. *Gives you a MASSIVE bear hug* Hey there sexy.... Just letting you know that if i were a Dom.. You would be in big trouble!! *Chuckles*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7

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