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Conversation Between Dejah Thoris and sinful_desires {Nikon}

5 Visitor Messages

  1. Just stopping by to wish you a beautiful weekend!
    ~hugs~ sin xx
  2. Hi sin, thanks so much for saying hi! I AM having a wonderful weekend. My Dom and I are online all this weekend together, chatting and having fun. It's been a lazy, great couple of days...not very productive in other areas I hope you are doing well!
  3. Saw you online and thought i would stop by and say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
    ~hugs~ sin xx
  4. Hi! Thanks for adding me as well. I read your blog posts regarding your master...they were lovely and inspirational. Thank you and I hope to see more letters to your master.
  5. Thank you for the friend request. It is a pleasure accepting your friendship.
    ~hugs~ sin xx
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5

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