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Conversation Between Jollyoldchap and jules

8 Visitor Messages

  1. It's tough, very tough... i just have to distract myself with .... well, other things
  2. How on earth do you survive without it.....
  3. No F1?? How will you cope with life without it... ~cries~ although i had to learn to do without when BBC couldnt afford it anymore
  4. Summer break!!! No F1!! More time for library.
  5. oh wow. thanks... i completely forgot

    Good race though... so grateful to you so we don't get them all televised or at normal times..

    *hugs Jolly*

    Leaves empty dish on the table, hoping for refill when chat is back open *grins*
  6. *Drops off a bowl of chocolates. Time for the Monaco GP.
  7. mmmmm...yummy......spots them on the floor before i can slip on them. Grabs the m&ms from the floor and runs them quickly under the tap. Starts to eat them, feeling a sugar rush coming on..... oh no! ....never a good sign....

    Quickly runs to your wall and using permanent markers draws a huge picture of an m&m packet..so you can think about them alllll the time

    giggles and runs away
  8. Walks in and empties packets of m&ms on the floor.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8

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