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Conversation Between panthera and Lagomorph

17 Visitor Messages

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  1. Aw, look how much we are missed. <3
  2. ~pounces your wall and leaves the wabbit a very spevual, very juicy carrot~
  3. But...but my picture is of a cute little bunny wabbit...nothing evil about it!
  4. Mmmm that new wabbit pic is deliciously evil. ~winks~
  5. How can I take care of myself when i'm just a poor innocent little wabbit...?
  6. ~giggles~ Well he can take care of himself when he is awake.
  7. ~protects the sleeping wabbit~ no fair hunting him while he is asleep cutielady... wait until he wakes up
  8. *pounces your wall*
  9. *stalks in, wondering how you got out of your chains when I still have the key... *
  10. ~Leaps onto your page, RAWR's loudly and bites your ass until you can't even think about sitting down again, then walks out smugly~
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
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