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Walking on Water.

Dark, Strict and Lacking Humor

Rating: 1 votes, 5.00 average.
I've decided to change my persona around those who are "into" BDSM or D/s or whatever the hell you like to call it. I plan on going from silly, ridiculous and fun-loving to dark, strict and lacking humor. Also, I will stop wearing casual clothing and wear more formal attire.

It's not because I want to do this. I really don't. It's mainly to impress the "subs" and "Doms". Ya see, it seems to me that the "Doms" who have little humor and who take things extremely serious get tons of respect simply because they have unpleasant personalities and have an opinion on everything.

I am also going to start calling "subs" "little one" and other terms expressing their status compared to me. I will insist that all the "subs" call me "Sir" or take a particularly respectful attitude towards me.

After I have established this personal I will become involved with several different women - have 4 or 5 "slaves' online. Eventually, I will release them, leaving them devastated at taking their "collars".

Oh, I will never meet them. They will all be married and I will refuse to send any pictures of me or give out my phone number.

Man, I am gonna be in demand!


  1. Pearlgem's Avatar
    You crack me up, HD. How can anyone not find you utterly irresistible?
  2. H Dean's Avatar
    I ask myself the same thing every day!
  3. jeanne's Avatar
    You so crack me up! How's that 'being in demand' working out?
  4. TwistedTails's Avatar
    You have a gift for sarcastic discourse.


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