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About LadyDamiana

Basic Information

About LadyDamiana
BDSM Role:
Polyamorous. Seeking f.
BDSM Interests:
A Bit About Yourself:
I am a great many things to a great many people. What will I be to you?

Let me tell you what I am to everyone I meet:

1. I am open minded. I may not agree with you, your beliefs, your kinks, your choices, or your state of mind, but I will fight to the death to defend your right to be who you are and safely do what you believe.

2. I am respectful, so long as respect is given. Again, I may not agree with you, but I refuse to chase you down and rub what I think you're doing wrong in your face. I would appreciate the same from those I encounter in this wide world.

3. I do not well tolerate verbal ignorance. I will not respond to you if your messages replace "you" and "your" with U and Ur, or other such shortenings. Also, please understand the differences between Your and You're as well as Their, There, and They're.

4. I am well spoken, a writer with many years experience in my field, and I have a love of vocabulary and wordplay that borderlines on a kink. If you wish to gain my appreciation, or even my attention. . . Be eloquent and beautiful with your words. Move me with those and you will open the doors to my heart.

5. I prefer typing to speaking. I grew up with a keyboard under my fingers and I am much better able to express myself with letters on a page than with my voice. . . At least until I get to know you better.

6. I have a sense of humor. I love to laugh. Said sense of humor is varied, but it is all mature. Sure, I'll giggle at a decent dick joke, but I'm not one for childish humor, especially potty humor. Perhaps this comes from my leanings towards education and intelligence in my interactions with people. . . I also love puns. Perhaps the groans are groans of pleasure? We can hope! Either way, puns are certainly the epitome of verbal sadism. Bwahaha!

7. Finally, I am poly-amorous. I have (currently) 2 wonderful men in my life. I am not, I REPEAT NOT, interested in men in any capacity beyond friendship. Thank you.

There now, that's a good bit of the basics, isn't it? There is much more to me than those things, but much of it fluctuates depending on the day, the weather, how many ducks were born in Canada last week. . . And other esoteric and hard-to-trace phenomenon.

Some of the important, varying information:

I have a high functioning form of multiple personality disorder. I have several "Main" personalities. We all know of each other and work together. This Fetlife is for Damiana, who is a Sapphic Dominatrix that sometimes has a Russian accent. None of the other personalities will come out here, unless you ask to meet them and they trust you enough to show through. I ask that you respect this. I am not 'crazy', except in a good way, and I know the bad reputation that this mental disorder places on those who live with it.

I am gender fluid, born and publicly female. This comes from living with that which I stated above. Some of my personalities are male. I, however, am all woman.

Now, on to the fun parts. If you've stayed with me, and read it up to this point, you've earned it! I am a sadistic, sensual, caring, loving, evil woman who's been in the Lifestyle for over ten years now. I love using physical sadism and control to bring out the best in those in my power. I am NOT a degradation or humiliation Domme. I may tease you about little things, but I will never, ever put you down as a person. I am here to build my little ones up, to protect them, and to see them grow under the shadow of my wings. Yes, I enjoy punishment, tasking, and giving pain. I am all about strict rules. . . But I am also a human and I can be persuaded, if you ask very sweetly, perhaps.

I require, of subs, service and obedience. . . In return, I will give them confidence, trust, love, and a whole lot of fun in the process.

I am not very picky in looks, but I DO have some preferences that gain points. I'm human after all. I like slim things with tiny breasts and long, dark hair. Maybe it's hypocritical of me, being a BBW, to prefer the skinny girls. . . Oh well! If you find my desires offensive, you're welcome to move along.

If you'd like to know something else about me, feel free to drop me a message. If you're well spoken and not out for something as trivial as a one night stand, I'll be inclined to answer you. ^_~
Vanilla Interests:
FF14, Gaming, art, crafting, animals


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