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  1. #1
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    The Academy (Open)

    Master and I were talking, and since He knows I like to roleplay now and then, He is allowing me to continue to do so. (*grins* I am soooo lucky)

    Anyone is welcome to join in at any time, as long as the flow of the roleplay continues.

    The only condition is that He wants to be able to read the progression of the roleplay as it pans out.

    Here it goes!

    The girl kneeled naked alongside many other hopeful submissives. She more than anything wanted to please her Master, longing for His comfort and caresses. His doting affection and soul. The Academy here, was a training arena, where submissives were sent so that they could learn all they could to better serve their Master's. She wanted to please Him, and by obeying Him and coming here, thought that this would enable her to become better trained, so that she could serve Him at her fullest potential.

    The Doms who ran the Academy here, taught the submissives well, instructed, and punished, cared and loved, bending them to Their will. While the submissives were enclosed in the Academy's walls nothing else existed for them. Only until their Master's, after close consultation with the Academy Dom's, advised them to allow their submissive home. What the submissives didn't know is that their Master's assisted in catering their learning program, and while they thought their Master wasn't involved, He was given full accounts of events by the Academy's Doms.

    There were also a select group of Domme's and male submissives who were also a part of the Academy, both groups equally as important and functional.

    Kneeling before the Dom's in this fashion scared the girl, she tried to maintain her focus on a crack on the floor. She could hear them whispering amongst themselves. She was too afraid to look at the girl's next to her, and tried to think of times with her Master to ease her anxiety.

  2. #2
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    Cindy watched the girl beside her. Both of them kneeling nude and listening to the Dom in front who was into a discourse on obedience and on giving up the free right to yourself and in particular, your body openings. The thought of doing this and allowing herself to be turned over thrilled Cindy, her master had been gentle with her but she had always sensed there was a wilder side to their love that she needed to bring out. On her own insistence he had looked up this svhool, and she listened to what they expected of her: she would know how to conytrol herself for the things any Dom chose for her, she would sometimes be given a part in a session whwre she sdid not know in davance who would be using her.or if she woul be tied, gagged or neither, She'd have to submit. Wow, she thought, thye will have this right to me because I'm willing to be that kind of slave.

    She pushed slightly with her elbow into Marina, the girl beside her, and whispered "I think they're gonna show us some really nice and gritty torture and someone will be chosen to do it" Marina gave an all but inaudible giggle in reply.

    Sister in bondage with Lizeskimo
    violet girl's cunning twin

    Role Plays (click on titles) Lisa at gunpoint Surprise Reversal

  3. #3
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    Marina felt a slight bump at her side and discretely turn her head and looked at Cindy, for the first time, momentarily forgetting that they were to sit there quietly. She hoped that the Dom's didn't notice their brief exchange.

    Perhaps I have a new friend in Cindy, she thought to herself. Us girls have to stick together, in preparation for what we have to face, in order to train ourselves.

    Suddenly without warning one of the Dom's stood before us, glaring down impassively.

  4. #4
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    "What are you up to?" the superior asked in a low but intent voice. "We want attentive students here and this is not your normal kind of girlschool. Didn't your master explain that, Cindy?"
    "She just told me how great the Dom speaking looked, that's all" Marina intervened.
    "Is this a fashion academy? Whatever you had in mind it could have waited" - it came out with a low snarl - "we'll put a note later. Ah, come here, Miss" - he turned to Cindy, "We will use you as an example I think. Stretch out your hands, slave"

    Her face going red, she fumbled, then stretched her arms straight out in front. The Dom applied handcuffs on a lead-chain and tugged gently.
    "Come with me, slut."
    Last edited by gagged_Louise; 01-06-2007 at 06:59 PM.

    Sister in bondage with Lizeskimo
    violet girl's cunning twin

    Role Plays (click on titles) Lisa at gunpoint Surprise Reversal

  5. #5
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    I gasp in surprise as Cindy is taken away from the rest of us, led by the Dom. I look wide eyed as I saw one of the other training Dom's watching me as if to say it is your turn too girl.

    He comes up to my closely. "I believe I have been assigned to oversee your training girl."

    I blink at Him being non-responsive.

    He clenches a handful of my hair in His hands, forcing me to look deep into His eyes. "What was that girl?"

    "Y...y..yes Sir." I stammer. "ThankYou for taking care of me."

    "Ohh I am sure you won't be disappointed girl." He stares impassively. "Hands behind your back."

    I fully comply, as I feel Him stand behind me, tying my wrists together, not too tightly but enough for me to feel reliant on Him. I feel a sharp sting of a crop on my left ass cheek, and gasp in surprise. "Walk" is all he says.

    I move ahead slowly, not quite sure where I am meant to be going. An occasional tug of my restraints, sets me on the right path.

    "Walk through that doorway and kneel on the mat over there." He points.

    I tremble slightly, a little reserved in taking orders from another man other than my Master. "Yes Sir." Is all I say.

    I kneel with a little difficulty with my arms tied back. I wriggle my wrists, subtly, trying to relax them.

    He pulls up a wooden chair and sits before me.

    "From this moment on, I am responsible for your training, your safety, your discipline, your care, your needs. I am here if you need Me, and while you are here I will be your best friend as well as Trainer. To receive such respect from Me, I expect you to obey Me without question, and in time to trust Me, as I too act on behalf of your Master." He pauses. "I am fully aware of your limits, and I have permission to see if during your time here I can find other ones. At times you will hate Me, be frustrated, want to leave. But this isn't an easy path to follow. In time you will see."

    "Yes Sir" I nod.

    "You may call me Sir M, or Sir, during this time."

    "Yes Sir."

    "We shall begin your training. As you are kneeling open your legs wide, I want to see your cunt."

    "Yes Sir." I murmur as I spread my legs wide, until my muscles are aching.

    "Good girl. Now thrust your tits out."

    "Yes Sir." I stick my chest out, showing Him my tits. I whimper as my nipples harden at His gaze.

    "Responsive too I see." He chuckles.

    I stay in position silently.

    "On My agenda, it seems you need more work in orgasm control girl." He watches her eyes light up. "I will help you."

    I watch Him stand up and move off to a cabinet where I hear Him rummage for something. I keep my eyes down, trying to keep my breathing as normal as possible. He returns and crouches down in front of me.

    I feel Him carress my hard nipples, pinching and twisting them lightly. "What's your safe word? Remind Me."

    I moan softly, as He teases my nipples, causing my body to writhe slightly.

    "Keep still." He warns me, as He waits for my response.

    "Yes Sir, girl is sorry Sir, she will keep still."

    "Good girl." He pinches them a little harder. I watch Him smile as I remain still.

    "Snow, means please slow down Sir, and rain means stop everything."

    "That's a good girl. Your Master told Me that you at times seem to have trouble remembering those words in sessions."

    My stomach churns, realising that my Master had met this man. I realised that He could be trusted, as Master wouldn't let me be with anyone who He thought would hurt me.

    I gasp as I see Sir hold up stainless steel nipple clamps, and sigh thankfully seeing that the edges were lined with rubber.

    "I believe those nipples need to be attended to." He said almost absently. "Take slow breaths girl."

    "Yes Sir." I shiver, and start controlling my breathing as the clamps are placed on my erect nipples. I whimper loudly and with one look at Sir's expression, I try to remain as quiet as possible.

    "You did better than I would have thought girl." He pats my head, then raises the crop.

    THWACK! THWACK! I feel a stinging slap against my inner thighs. I moan as I feel the flat crop end rub against my clit mercilessly. I close my eyes, trying to allow my mind to drift.

    "Keep your eyes open girl." His voice rouses me from my state. "I have a new trick for you."

    "I look at Him intently as I gasp with familiarity."

    He smiles knowingly, as He wraps the belt of the clit stimulator around my waist, attaching the ever so teasing applicator squarely on my anticipating clit. Strapping it in securely so there is no movement.

    "Stay still girl. Or you will be punished."

    "Yes Sir." I whimper in fear, as when I did this with Master I always writhed about.

    Taking His place at his seat, He holds up the remote almost mockingly. "Be good, and remember to breathe."

    I could hear an audible hum as the stimulator kicks into action, very slowly at first. My clit tingling at the rhythm. The pain in my nipples no longer as they throb in time with my needy clit.

    My breath quickens as the stimulator is turned up a notch, then down again, for what seemed to be at five minute intervals. Without warning He puts it up higher, my will power leaving me as I writhe about, whimpering loudly. I look at Sir, disappointed, realising my error. So wanting to please Him.

    He switches it off. Looking as if almost sadly at me. He helps me up silently, holding me until my legs are able to stand my weight once more.

    "Do you understand that you need to be punished girl?"

    "Yes Sir, I try choking back the disappointment in my voice"


    "Because I disappointed myself in not following Sir's orders, and not maintaining position. Knowing full well of punishment occurring if I didn't do as asked."

    "Good girl. Come with me."

    I follow him to a restraining bench. I look at it in utter fear and embarrassment.

    "Hop up here and put your feet on these mounts so I can tie you in."

    "Yes Sir." I comply not daring at this time to ask questions. I feel my ankles strapped apart, securely, my wrists still bound behind my back. I whimper realising that the clit stimulator is off, but still attached to my waist. I feel Him apply a leather strap over my back, further securing me in my bondage.

    He comes around and stands in front of me, His eyes meeting mine.

    "I am going to paddle your bottom with this wooden paddle thirty times girl. During this time I shall have the clit stimulator on. Feel free to writhe about as much as you like the restraints shall hold you. I want you to count, thank Me, and say that you are Sir's disobedient little cunt. Under any circumstances you are NOT ALLOWED TO CUM. Is that understood girl?"

    "Yes Sir." I whimper, as I feel the stimulator, turned on the third speed. I squirm.

    WHACK! "One, thankYou Sir, I am Sir's disobedient little cunt." I yelp on impact.

    WHACK! "Two, thankYou Sir, I am Sir's disobedient little cunt."

    Sir continues whacking me mercilessly, the clit stimulator, driving me to the point of orgasm again and again. I feel the speeds lessen as I realised that Sir knows I am close and He's teasing me.

    WHACK! "Sixteen, thankYou Sir. I am Sir's disobedient little cunt." I can't no longer hold back the sobs that have been fighting in my throat.

    He stops at twenty and gently rubs my stinging bottom. The clit stimulator coated in my shame, my thighs glistening. I choke back sobs, writhing as the clit stimulator hums mercilessly, my body shuddering.

    "Ten more to go girl. Then you are forgiven." I feel Him stroke my hair.

    As the whacks get harder, I felt myself slipping away. With each tremendous whack, my mind found the words to speak what He required of me. Making my mind remember my predicament, my error.

    WHACK! "Twenty-nine thankYou Sir. I am Sir's disobedient little cunt." I am on the verge of passing out, the waves of pain and torment running through me.

    WHACK! "Thirty thankYou Sir. I am Sir's disobedient little cunt." I say barely above a whisper, as I lay defeated in my prison.

    Instantly the stimulator is switched off and removed from my body. I mumble nonsensically, feeling my feet and arms removed from their restraints. Everything goes black.


    I awake in confusion, I cry out, trembling, wondering where I am. I feel Sir's arms around me telling me to be still.

    "It's okay girl. You are safe. You did well."

    I lay back a little more relaxed as He kisses my forehead.

    "You rest here girl, get your strength up, all you require is in this room. Tomorrow's session you are going to thank your Sir, for punishing you for such disobedience." He says with a wry smile.

    "Yes Sir." I murmur as He gently forces me to sip some water.

    "I must go for now. If you need me, press this button on the chain that is around your neck, and I'll come. That chain is to show everyone that I am training you, and no one else is to do so without my permission, or presence. Understood?"

    "I smile, thankfully. Yes Sir."

    He strokes my hair. "You still have a lot to learn girl. But then again that is what I am here for." He stands and walks out of the room, leaving me to reflect on the day's events.
    Last edited by slaveangel{HM}; 01-12-2007 at 12:03 AM.

  6. #6
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    Cindy followed the Dom silently, wondering what was in store for her in the next part of her training. She knew that he was annoyed that she spoke out of turn, but she also knew, that He knew her needs and cravings.

    She was led into a room, that didn't contain very much, apart from a steel cupboard, and some loose chains left on the floor. She looked up and saw hooks on the ceiling and on the wall. She shivered.

    She felt a sudden pull of the chain, as she was forced down to her knees.

    "Before we begin your training, you need to be punished for speaking without permission. Do you understand this Cindy?"

    "Yes Sir." She said, barely audible.

    "Stand up." He ordered. "Legs apart. Stay still."

    When she stood she saw Him walk over to the cupboard, and key in a code, which opened it. She heard chains rattle. She shivered again, as He came back to her, with gear in His possession.

    He bent down before her. "I am going to restrain you Cindy, pay attention, and do not be afraid."

    She looked down and saw Him cuff her ankles with steel cuffs, attaching a spreader bar, so that her legs would be apart. She gasped.

    "I hope girl isn't protesting." His voice cold, as He looked up at her.

    "No Sir." She stammered.

    Her wrists were starting to ache in her restraints, but she knew that the session was far from over.

    He stood in front of her and smiled wickedly as He clicked a switch from a small remote. A long chain descended from the ceiling and reached almost above her head. Grabbing her wrists He fastened them to the hook and flipped the switch again, the chain, ascended slowly, and He stopped it, as soon as He noticed that her body was elevated and straight.

    He noticed that her nipples were hard. He pinched and twisted the right one. "Does girl like this?"

    "Yes Sir." She moaned softly, as she realised that her cunt was on display, at any moment her arousal would become evident to Him.

    He showed her some nipple clamps with biting teeth. "I believe little Cindy is a pain slut" He laughed.

    She said nothing, but looked at the clamps curiously.

    He attached a clamp over each nipple and enjoyed watching her bite her lip hard, and writhe as it clamped over her sensitive flesh. He got some clamps with rubber edges and applied them on her outer cunt lips, and smiled, threading a thin silver chain through the loops of the clamps, linking them together.

    With deliberation, He picked up a rectangular wooden paddle, and almost thrusted it in her face.

    "It is time for punishment girl." He looked at her coldly.

    She saw Him go behind her, and wriggled as the clamps bit into her nipples more, her cunt lips, stinging deliciously.

    TWHACK! ~ hard and square on her ass, she screamed in pain, as the clamps and chains digged into her flesh.

    TWHACK! ~ the next stroke made her skin warm and tingly, the pain in her clamped flesh numbing her from the blows.

    Her ass seemed to start to let off it's own heat, as she lost count after ten, as the paddle continued to strike her mercilessly. Her body slowly betraying her as signs of arousal, made her spread thighs glisten.

    Suddenly the paddling stopped, and He was standing before her holding a long crop with a thick flat leather tip. He tapped it sharply against her wet thighs.

    "I see girl enjoys punishment." He taunted. Without warning He struck down the crop on her clit, causing her to scream in lust and pain.

    "Pleasure and pain girl. Pleasure and pain." He smiled. She was doing well.

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    "Pleasure and pain," he taunted after cropping her clit. Her cringing face told him two things, the throbbing pain knifed through her like a sharp knife through butter, and that she longed for this treatment. She would become an excellent sex-slave, with some proper training, of course.

    After that brutal punishment, Cindy was once again led back to the training room, where her scorched butt met the cool, soothing wood of her desk chair.

    She received no condolences from the stern looking teacher, who instead, looked straight-faced at the freshly punished pupil.

    "I have a question for you slut!" Cindy dared not protest about the word, but instead focused her attention on the teacher's face. "All I need is a number."

    Cindy waited.

    "The question is, 'how many cocks have ever sucked off' " ?

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    The next few days Marina was allowed time to recover, and find her way around the Academy. She as yet hadn't been able to cross paths with Cindy, and longed to see her. Perhaps some time soon they'd meet.

    She silently walked through the main corridor to where the Dom Trainers were located. She knocked on Sir M's door.

    "Excuse me Sir, may I have a moment?"

    "Of course. Come in girl. Kneel before Me."

    "I think I have a problem Sir..."

    "Oh? Please continue."

    "I was thinking about our first session, and I didn't realise how hard it would be to control myself in such a way."

    "Yes I could see that myself. One of your Master's instructions, was for Me to train you in cum control. It was your first session girl, there will be many others, in time you will learn."

    "Yes Sir."

    "From what I have seen, you are an obedient girl, you followed instructions well, that isn't an issue, W/we just need to tweak you a little, to set you on the right path, in your Master's eyes."

    "I understand Sir."

    He comes closer to me and pats me on the head. "I know you have reservations about this girl, and I also know you would do anything to please your Master. I also know that you need open communication and to air your thoughts. You are welcome to do so anytime, just like you have done now."

    "ThankYou Sir, girl appreciates this."

    "You are dismissed girl. Prepare yourself, you and I have a session in two hours. I will come for you."

    "Yes Sir."

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    Marina's heart was beating fast. The clock ticked over she knew that soon it was time for Sir M to arrive. She reflected on His last words to her in the session room. Tomorrow's session you are going to thank your Sir, for punishing you for such disobedience."

    She wondered what He would have her do. She thought about what her Master would have her do and then realised with a pain in her heart.

    The door opened and Sir M strode into the room. Girl kneeled instantly and lowered her eyes.

    "Good girl" Was all he said.

    Silently she felt Him attach a short leash to her collar. He gently tugged at it motioning her crawl and follow Him. The ground underneath her was cool, her hands and knees ached. She wondered how long He'd have her crawl.

    He stopped before a door, and swiped it with a card, that He fished out of His pocket. A little green light lit up and the door opened. He tugged on her leash and girl proceeded cautiously behind Him.

    The room was dark, and it took some time for girl's eyes to adjust. She saw various leather strapped benches and implements neatly arranged on shelves around them.

    Sir sat on a bench and motioned to His cock. "I believe girl needs practice in servicing a man's cock."

    He saw her cringe slightly and shook His head. "Is this the way a good submissive should act? Hmmmm?"

    "No Sir.." She answered meekly.

    "For such disobedience so early in this session, you have lost the privilage of training using My cock. Instead..let Me introduce you to a cock gag."

    "Please Sir I am sorry...I..."

    "Did Sir permit you to speak girl" His voice laced with anger.

    He watched her lower her head, and whimper in frustration. "I said be silent."

    He stood up and proceeded to walk to one of the shelves, He took His time selecting a good 7" rubber cock and a black leather head brace. The girl looked up curiously. "Open wide." He slid the cock through the brace and attached it to her head. Already it seemed that she was having difficulty managing the cock. He smirked.

    Tugging at her collar He led her to a long leather lined bench. "Straddle it."

    Girl climbed up and lay on her stomach along the bench. Her breasts hung over the other side and her ass stuck up in the air. Her cunt was on display as her legs were spread on either side, and she could feel the air against her exposed flesh. She felt Sir take her right wrist and buckle it down with one of the leather straps. He did the same with the other. She whimpered in confusion, but remained as still as she could. She could feel Him behind her as He grabbed her ankle and stretched her leg to the other strap. When both legs were tied in, she whimpered in her shame being so exposed, while on the other hand her body reponded to the humilation of it all.

    She shivered as she felt a leather crop being traced over her back. "Girl needs to remember how to be a good girl and be a good cocksucker."

    The crop trailed down to her exposed cunt, she knew her clit was protruding rudely on display. The leather crop end rubbed against her clit, she moaned through the cock gag.

    THWACK! The crop suddenly descended sharply on her cunt. Her muffled screams choked, through the cock gag. The crop rubbing against her clit.

    THWACK! Another sharp stroke, then the crop end once more rubbing her swollen clit.

    girl lost count at how many times Sir struck her in this way, but she writhed in pleasure and pain, as her cunt became wetter and the sting grew sharper. her screams suppressed by the cock that was pressed deep in her throat.

    "10" He said quietly and proceeded to rhythmically spank her ass with His hand. Left to right cheek, He spanked without pausing, watching her ass cheeks turn pink, then red. Her cunt flowed freely. He knew she needed it.

    "I think we need to work on cum control, don't you girl?" He grinned, knowing she couldn't see Him.

    He felt her moan in desperation and chuckled. Pulled out her butterfly and attached it to her clit.

    "Shall we try again?" He said coyly as the butterfly was instantly placed on high speed......

  10. #10
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    Cindy felt caught off guard, and much like a newbie she dropped her gaze to the floor. The only times she had been giving head were a few with her earlier buddy, it had been over soon and he had not forced himself deep in. She swallowed. "One, Sir."
    "Only one? Well, you will learn that it is part of the duty and making of any good slave to be able to suck cock good, and to take it in deep. If you get through the years here you will know how to perform that service in many positions, on your knees, on your back, with your head leaning down from the bed and so on. But we need to train you,. no, slut?"
    She shivered inside. "Yes, I think we need that, Sir."
    "What do you need to know?" he asked with some emphasis.
    "I need to learn how to suck cock, how to have my mouth filled with the cock of a man who...has me in his power."
    "That is right, slut. And in what position do you need to begin?"

    Cindy waited a moment. "On my knees, Sir?"
    "Correct, slut. And to make you concentrate on sucking, you will have your hands bound behind your back."

    Cindy knelt before him, and he undid her handcuffs, then walked around her and grabbed her wrists, now tying them off tight with hemp rope.
    Last edited by gagged_Louise; 05-29-2007 at 11:34 PM.

    Sister in bondage with Lizeskimo
    violet girl's cunning twin

    Role Plays (click on titles) Lisa at gunpoint Surprise Reversal

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    girl screamed through the cock gag, and as she did, the cock pushed deep in her throat, causing her to fight against it, uselessly. She tried to remain focused as the butterfly quickly hummed relentlessly square on her already swollen clit. She struggled against her restraints unable to give much movement, as the butterfly caused her to writhe and gasp, she felt her cunt dripping. She felt the speed slow down, the intensity less than it was before. Sir M suddenly bobbed down in front of her, meeting her glazed eyes.

    "I am surprised girl, I was sure to see you fail. You are learning."

    She felt His hand carress her sweat laced hair. "As a reward you are to cum on My command." He removed the cockgag from her head. "You may be vocal." He smirked, as the butterfly was once again put on high.

    Again girl was on the verge of cumming, but she heard no word from Sir.

    Grunting in desperation, she closed her eyes to maintain focus. She knew He was testing her again. "As if rewards would come so easily?" She thought to herself

    "NOW." He said sharply.

    girl sighed loudly as she heard that magical order as her body floated. Her body instinctively spasmed and she had one of the most intense orgasms in her life. She felt free.

    A moment passed and she realised she was out of her restraints and on the floor, Sir M was close by, watching.

    "These are the things you will enjoy if you are an obedient girl. Understand?"

    "Yes Sir." She smiled inwardly, although her body was drained.

    He hooked her to her leash and led her back to her room.

    "This evening you will have your lesson in cocksucking. If you maintain obedience."

    "Yes Sir."

    "Clean yourself up, and be waiting, I'll come for you."

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