Here is what happened to me.. I started out a few months ago in another chat room. My screen name did not work well and since I was new to all of this, I was quickly not taken seriously. So I cooled down for a while and re registerd with a different, perhpas more serious name, and kept quiet...listened...and slowly made a few remarks where my humour and character worked...and I worked the character carefully and low and behold I became respected by the other Doms and Dommes and got many PM from some of the better known subs as well..

Rule: good for many areas; better keep your mouth shut and make people think you are a newby than open it and say something stupid and prove it.
Some subs will accept that you are new and are willing to learn with you, while others dont want to bother with you...

Think of chat as going to a party or bar... going up to a girl and saying "duh hia there how are ya" is not the best openin line...just like "how r u" doesnt work in chat.
