once again I will say this ---Chat and the forum just share a server ---they are run by different Admin and mods ----their rules are not the same as our rules because it is a different type of site ----if you have a beef with Chat then you need to contact AC who is the admin in chat---or Tiger who owns both the chat and the forums -----if you have a beef with the forum and how it is run then you need to contact me or one of the Admin here or Tiger

This is not the place to air out your problems with chat ---most people could care less what goes on there ---if you do not like the chat site do not go there----

Post like this serve no real purpose here ---other than a bitch and complain and usually stirs up others ----then someone starts flaming ---and member end up banned ----so I am closing this thread ---and I do not want to see any more like it ---like I said you have a complaint about chat ---contact AC or Tiger ---you can contact Tiger at webmaster@bdsmlibrary.com