Hello Yana

Its always good meeting people who are new to the lifestyle. I have had a passion for my way of life for over 20 years.

My speciality is in most cases is differant to most because Myself and my slave are to the extreme. I am a Sadist and my girl is very masocist.

Mindset is the most important part of who we are..its quite simple if your mindset is not there sometimes its just best to sit and talk. Entering into play without your mind where it needs to be is dangerous. (same applies for my girl).

We do not use safe words because I am a stickler for knowing everything about who I use my talents on. ask my girl ceegee...smiles...Trust is always my first issue. ceegee trusts Me with her life without question. I know my stuff, I know my girl. Being new I would suggest you chose a safe word/movement and always use something simple like NO or maybe even a finger or hand movement...However if you watch your submissive they will show signs of discomfort. Also start slow you dont have to find out how far you can go the first session.

Learn the body language how your slave/sub breathes, facial movements, know what makes them tick and dont leave anything out.

I have been with my girl for over 3yrs. I watched her every movement for over 2 yrs before I even entered into any play. I asked her questions beyond her belief laffs...maybe even drove her nuts at times as her need was to please and she so badly wanted to experience everything I had to offer.

Lead by example and remember this :

Love when you lead...

Comfort when you are pleased.

Always after you have punished your submissive reassure them that you care..explain in detail why so they understand fully..smiles..

Before care is crucial and aftercare is essential.....Master those the rest will come in time.

If you have any further questions you are welcome to message Me.