Quote Originally Posted by tbank
If you're looking it online, it's being saved to your computer whether you like it or not.
Even if you clear your browser cache, the files are still recoverable by the police.

The anti-paedophilia law used in the appropriate cases is often "Making images". The interpretation of the law is that by viewing it online, the perpetrator creates a copy on your hard drive therefore an image has been "made". Wouldn't suprise me to see the same thing applied in this case.

If you think this is nothing to worry about then you're very wrong. Sorry.
(obviously I use the paedophilia example as a parallel. I in no way condone (in fact utterly condemn) those who make, spread or encourage the creation of these images by viewing them. I simply use this as an example of how another aspect of illegal internet pornography is tackled. The danger here is that people viewing consentual images, perhaps even those on the picture thread, will find themselves prosecuted for "Making" images of "violent sex")