Quote Originally Posted by skittish doe View Post
I am unsure if I am posting in the correct place. I would like to find out more about the Writers' Society, please. What is required of the level one members, please? Do I simply request permission to join level one and find out as I go? If this is the case, please consider this my application. Thank you for your time.
Aloha Doe

here (Below) are the instructions for entry to Level 1

It is best if you post a seperate thread for yourself as it will be noticd easier. I believe the is at the moment no administraor for Level 1 but one of the Admin will pick it up and get you started.

Regards Dragon

About The Writer’s Block
The Writer’s Block provides both new & experienced writers the chance to develop & enhance their skills. It’s a participation-based area, so the more you participate, the more you will get out of it. Additionally, if you don’t participate, you will be removed from the area. Only other writers given access to your level or higher will be able to see what you post—so don’t be embarrassed to give it a try!

The Writer’s Block is broken up into 4 levels of instruction, designed to develop the writer. All writers begin in Level 1, and progress through the levels as the Writing Instructors think they are ready.

Our great Writing Instructors:
Level 1: pejanon
Level 2: Aussiegirl1
Level 3: H Dean
Level 4: Mad Lews

How to Start/Gain Access
You need to write a brief, 25 word description/essay on why you wish to be a part of The Writer’s Block. Then, a Writer’s Instructor will contact an Administrator to provide you access to Level 1.