I hesitate to dip my toe into this very salty water. For many of us, being seen for who we are, and accepted as we are is so important in all of our relationships and especially with our parents. On matters sexual, it is quite possible that one could provoke the conservative parents to disown their child, whatever that means in today's world. Or they could say, "well, hell's bells, Junior, we always knew your were different, and wondered when you were going to say something." Or, one parent could be accepting and the other rigidly unmovable, causing a horrible split between them. My point is: you can't possibly know.

Would it be helpful to consider what it is that you really want from your parents? I can offer some possibilities. The details of your intimate relationships are not high on the list. High on the list is that you love them, and are grateful that they bore you and raised you. Also high on the list is assuring them that they did a good job as parents-the best they could. If you do not follow their faith and beliefs, perhaps you can consider just saying that, which will be hard enough. And if anyone pushes you too too hard about why you don't bring your date, BobandCarolandTedandAlice home to meet them, you might say it is because you fear they will be judgmental, if that is your fear. But if you do take this tack I would urge you to be prepared to do it without an expectation of a particular outcome.

In the interest of full disclosure, I moved half-way across country just to avoid close scrutiny, and then I moved the rest of the way. That is always an option too.