Honestly, that's an impossible question to answer because it completely depends on you. With only two exceptions, none of my sexual partners have ever known that I was abused. One only knew in the general "I was abused in the past", my current is the only one who knows the entire truth. It depends completely on the person and the way you feel about him/her.

What matters the most is whether you can be truthful with your partner and trust them to be understanding. There are people out there that don't understand, who'll judge you based on those things, but unfortunately you won't know for sure until you tell them.

I know it sounds cliche, but I just knew one day that it was time to tell my boyfriend the whole truth. It happened out of nowhere, but suddenly I really wanted to tell him. And I did and it all ended up working out great. If you decide to tell people, be truthful. Go all out or don't go at all, but wait until you're ready. It doesn't matter what they think, just make sure you're ready.

Hope that helps, feel free to message me if you want.