4)Voluntarily entering into such a conditioning process is not for the faint of hear or the unprepared.

One will experience great physical discomfort and will not wish to continue at several points (especially during those muscle cramps lol).

Additionally one will experience a drastic change in the way one thinks about submission and one will know just how vulnerable one actually is as a submissive.

It can be very very scary experience, one can even find themselves both consiously and unconsciously avoiding one's dominant for a time afterwards for fear of the power he now holds....after all once your fully conditioned he can make one cum just for kicks as his whim suits.

5) Once one is conditioned in this manner one will find a couple side effects that are not all that great...for instance one may find they will have great difficulty achieving orgasm via other means...in my case I eventually got to where I was unable to cum at all without the trigger...unless I went a considerable amount of time (6 months the one time) without receiving the command or any maintenance sessions.
I just wanted to repeat this points, and add from my personal experience that yes, prolonged orgasms can go from extreme pleasure to pain and soreness, and you may beg to stop but your Dom wants to keep going and he has the power to make you keep going. But still, it's something I would not give up for anything. One more thing, after a while you build up endurance and don't get so sore

And the total surrender of having your pleasure so controlled and on demand is an amazing thing. I don't recall being scared so much as over- awed, as if by some sort of magic, although I know it is not magic.

As far as the avoiding, yes, even though I did not want to, I found myself at times turning my back or avoiding looking at him so I could avoid the command, and no, he won't let me do that, so I end up giving in whether I wanted to cum or not at that particular time, whether it would be inconvenient to have soaked myself and clothes at that time or not.

And to the last point, not being able to cum without the cue, I'd agree with that as well, and for me it was good to hear it up front as a possible side effect to try to get work-arounds in place from the very beginning. My Master did not want to prevent me from cumming on my own, which would have been the easier thing to do after training. After I failed at bringing myself off when he wasn't around but had given me permission, I had to get a new toy, and then picture him in my mind giving the command when I wanted to cum.