Quote Originally Posted by Thorne View Post
They are no more "pro-life" than someone who is pro-choice being "pro-death". These people are pro-BIRTH! Once the child is born they don't really give a damn about it. They don't want to provide medical care for babies, or nutritional aid, or anything else once they are born.
You have a point.
I am reminded of the outraged citizens in cases of alleged children abuse, where, once the child is taken away, no one cares one whit what becomes of them.

In essence, they are all anti-woman. If we were able to arrange things so that MEN would have to carry the children, and undergo the risks involved with pregnancy and birth, and deal with the problems of raising the children afterwards, things would change very quickly, I'm sure. That's why I like to imagine someone adding legislation to all these anti-woman laws they keep trying to pass which would make the fathers culpable, requiring DNA matching to determine paternity and making the fathers financially liable for both the child and the mother while she is unable to work.

But see, to these people, it isn't the man who couldn't keep his dick in his pants who's responsible. It's only the evil women who are cursed by god and have to suffer for it. Humbug!
Your points are good.