Quote Originally Posted by rebekka View Post
Until we as a society learn how to identify those individuals with mental illness - and how to help them, as well as come up with some sort of legislation that will tighten controls of who is allowed to have guns, this type of incident will continue to happen.

We need to come up with a better application process for those individuals who want to purchase a gun - including some sort of section regarding the mental state of the applicant.

We need to remove the stigma that accompanies mental illness.

And yes, SagaciousDom Sir, these sorts of incidents will continue to occur until we as a society stop it. How, I don't know...
I believe you are right about mental illness and lack of help as well as stigma. At least, in the European countries I am familiar with this being the case, and tragedies have occurred. Here in England they have campaigns from time to time, trying to make mental illness seen as any other illness, but I think it is tough going. It is not just about habitual thinking, I think mental illness scare people because we know too little.

As for gun laws I do take your word and that of others for the fact that it is too easy to get one. You cannot stop all these incidents, but you can stop some, I think.

But isn't it also necessary to work with the misogynist attitudes, which is the hate in this case, as if it had been racial or any other hate?

In the 70's women started their work for equality, and many changes have come from that. But there are two genders, and, as I see it, men did not change their lot nearly as much. There is an imbalance, one part changes, the other does not (nearly as much.)

Do men need to define themselves differently? Do they need to protest against divorce laws economically and who gets the children? Do they need to protest against having to be the providers, in countries where this is the case? Do they need to see themselves differently?

Many men dislike feminists, why? Isn't it time we met, men and women, and got ourselves sorted out??