I wrote this awhile ago, but wanted to share it with you guys for a laugh or two.

For a lot of us, the internet has been the virtual key to the closet door. An all too familiar story I hear, is that if it weren't for the internet BDSM community, most kinklings would still be thinking that they are the only one for miles around who has this kinky affliction.

In an effort to learn more about myself, I use the internet as a great portal for BDSM resource material. It's a great place where you can read about or chat with like minded folk, in an effort to learn more about ourselves.

What I quickly realized over the last 6 or 7 years of online activity, is that even though most of us are like minded, we are not all exactly the same. (a topic all of its own) However in my internet travels I've tried tirelessly to keep an open mind. That being said, I have to admit, that there are some things about the online lifestyle that drive me absolutely batty. Pet Peeves of the online BDSM community that even though I've tried to tolerate with an open mind, I just shake my head every time I see them. I though maybe you'd get a chuckle or perhaps a nod in agreement by me posting a few of my "Online BDSM Pet Peeves" and perhaps add a few yourself.

My intent here sincerely is not to offend, but to share an opinion.

1) The use of the word "one" or "one's" when people try to describe a persons actions or feelings. "It all depends on how it affects one's feelings..." This conotation pops up all over the place and it drives me crazy.

2) At some point, in every BDSM story, you'll read this sentence "I stepped back to admire my handiwork."

3) Political correctness gone bezerk when P/people decide that it's appropriate to make sure T/they don't offend O/others by using ambiguous C/capital and S/small letters. Give it a rest, we get the point.

4) People who reffer to themselves as the third person. (especially submissives) "Sir, this little one would humbly request to go to bed." "This ones stomach is grumbling because she's hungry." ARRRG! I know this is heavy in the Gor lifestyle, but it drives me batty.

5) The need for people to try and impress by using old victorian English while in chat or posts. "How is thou this eve?" Please folks, Hamlet has left the building.

6) Mistresses seeking financial slaves. Enough said.

7) Chat rooms that are dominated by a couple cyber playing in the main chat window. Private message windows are a wonderful thing and free of charge.

8) Unrealistic scenarios of D/s portrayed as everyday activities. "My Dom makes me kneel in the corner on thumbtacks for 10 hours for punishment"

9) Fakes, Professionals and attention getters who aren't into BDSM because they've known for a very long time that they were different, but are here for profit, thrill or boredom alone.

10) BDSM preachers who claim that their views are the way it should be, and you should share in that opinion.

11) The stigma that all submissive men are sissies, whimps and doormats. Some of us kneel proudly and strongly, but only for the right person.

Well I've vented and feel better. I'd love to hear your thoughts and perhaps even add a few peeves yourself!
