When I was in the chatroom, the other day, I noticed several of you are gardeners (or, at the very least, take an interest in gardening). I do quite a bit of gardening (managing a personal garden and a nursery business) and I have often found similiarities to gardening and BDSM. (Odd, I know. But, I think you will get what I am talking about, in a minute.) And, I thought, I might share some of these things with you.

First, do not ever believe you are a bad person because you are into BDSM or any particular fetish. So many people judge because they lack the knowledge and understanding behind the nature of things. The nature of everything is that you can use it for good and you can use it for evil. It depends on the user. Anything can be a tool or a weapon. Take for instance, the castor plant. Castor oil is often used to heal but the Castor bean can kill a person. A weed is a weed only because the person calling it a weed can only see the bad in it. But many weeds are just as beneficial as any food or medicine. Just like we in the BDSM community are sometimes seen as "weeds" of society, because they can only see the bad in it. But, the same things most people call weeds can also be very helpful, useful, healing things. Take, for instance, the dreaded dandelion. They are the most common dreaded weed, people spend lots of money to exterminate them. But, they can also be cultivated and be used as an excellent source of nutrition. And, they can help cleanse a person's body. Ignorance makes things evil. Don't let anyone make you evil. Instead, attempt to educate them. And, if they refuse to learn from you, remember, their loss. They are the ones that are going to spend all their time and money on trying to get rid of the bad they see instead of taking advantage of the good that you see.

Growth does not happen overnight. Every seed must be planted and nourished. You can't just drop a seed in hard soil and expect it to grow overnight. You can't really expect it to grow at all, really. Or, you shouldn't.
You need to do your research and find out what it needs. Find out what the best place for it is. Put it in a place where it has room to grow. And then nourish it properly with what it needs to grow. Otherwise, it will just sit there and do nothing more than be a seed, day after day. You will never be able to watch it get strong. You will never be able to see it flower. And, you will never be able to see it bear fruit for you. But, if you are patient and give the seed what it needs it will do all of those things (and possibly more) for you. It will make you so proud that you will want to show it to others and say "See, I planted this from seed and look what it has become".

Don't be afraid to prune but prune wisely. It is neccessary to prune things, in order for them to grow. It is just the same with plants and people. There is a proper way to prune and an improper way. When you prune, you don't cut them down until there is nothing left. When you do, the plant dies. If you don't prune the right things, examining the plant carefully so that you know when and what to prune, you could end up with a weak plant. However, if you find where the new growth is starting, and prune the old off, being careful not to snip off those new areas of growth, you will find the new growth to be stronger and will take the place of the old removed growth. And, in fact, very often, for every one place that you snip, two things will often grow to take it's place. But, you do need to prune. Otherwise, the plant will become a mess and the new growth will have no room to grow strong. It is the same with people. If you don't let go of some things so that other things will grow, you will become weaker with time. But, if you are too hard on yourself (or with another) no growth at all will occur because you will have pruned yourself to the point of no return. So, be wise and careful when doing your pruning.

Pests and problems can be a challenge but they don't have to mean the end of something. Consider pests in the garden. Some are beneficial. It takes a wise person to know which ones. It takes a wiser person to be able to take the ones that are not so beneficial and turn them into beneficial. It is the same with people problems. Some are easy to get through. Some aren't. But, a wise man can take even the most horrific situation and make some good of it. Don't let pests or problems overrun and ruin your life or relationships, you do have the ability to make any bad situation into a good one if you consider your problems simply challenges to meet.

Too much of anything is not always the best thing. Even sun, water, and minerals in excess can be bad for a plant. Just as too much of any one thing could be dangerous or bad for a person.

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Okay, that's all. But, if any of you have anything to add, feel free.