for this role play to work i would need a male dom welling to work with a zero experience still testing the water virgin Sub

The Scene: i just turned 33 and i am still a virgin ( that is the sad truth) i wake up in the morning frustrated as ever as my clitoral stimulation does not satisfy me these days as it used to do in the past ( i still have my hymen so never been penetrated with any thing in my life).. I open my mail to find a weird mail sent to me through a virtual reality site that i surf.. The mail is a posted ad on one of the billboards stating a Dominant man requires a submissive female to entertain him as he just relocated and still no social ties in the new city.. it was in my city.. The weird part is that the mail was sent with a personalized note from the ad owner telling me that he wants me in specific and that if i am in any way as my avatar indicates he promises we will have lots of... I was stunned for a second there but them remembered that my avatar wears a collar as an accessory ( just liked the way it looked)... something took over me and I found my self hitting reply and writing the following:

Dear Sir,

I just got your flattering mail but some how confused... what is a dominant and what does a submissive do exactly?

PS: my avatar is of a chubby curvy girl with a tight jeans and sleeveless top.. care to elaborate on what does that indicate exactly
