The Death Penalty or Life Meaning Life.

The UK voted the death penalty away, and now I think it should be brought back for certain cases, am i right to ask this, barbarick yes but so is murder? Now here is a question that has been on my mind a lot just recently, I know that there are a few states in America that still have the death penalty as this form of punishment. There is now a knife cult in the UK, and there is not a week that goes by when some poor person gets killed, if it is not the knife then it is the boot. Yes that is right, a person defending his home and family is kicked to death by mindless yobs, or so the papers wish us to believe. I don’t think that in today’s age of education any person can call them mindless individuals; because most have not been drinking. If whether in a gang or by themselves they are damaging a person’s property to get a response, and then kill the owner for protecting his family or home, then that is premeditated murder. I believe in certain cases an eye for an eye and a life for a life. Don’t for one minute think that I have not thought this out, as I know there are cases where it was inevitable things would turn out nasty. Two people fighting with their hands and one falls over hitting his head and dying, temporary insanity, and I believe that does happen, a crime of passion, domestic abuse. Ok the examples are still murder but only deserve life meaning life and in some cases less or even freedom. I have brought up this question because of the young girl being murdered last week in my country, and who did it? The girls ex boyfriend killed her, and I think that that is premeditated whatever the excuse. I expect him to give a plea of guilty and get life, but life in the UK life is 15 years, now that cannot be right. Life meaning life in this country will never happen, because of all the do good people that say, a prisoner must keep the knowledge that he might be freed one day. Now the question is, should the UK bring back the death penalty and hang the murderers, or life meaning life, and for all you people that say an innocent person might be hanged, this is 2010, DNA and first class forensics. Also if it was brought back, have we any Judges that have the balls to serve out the sentence of death, at the moment they have a softer attitude than the JPs.

Regards ian 2411