I am a new sex slave and my Master is also new, but willing to educate himself on the subject and is learning quickly. However, I cannot help myself when he leaves a loophole but to take full advantage so he won't do it again. Let me give you an example...

He gave me permission to go to the bathroom, but then one thing led to another and we were soon having sex. I was on top and about half way through I decided to get off of him and go to the bathroom. He did say I could...

Anywho...as you can imagine, he was less than pleased and almost sent me home (ha, ha....but he didn't). At any rate, I apologized profusely and we finished....but technically, he left the loophole and I snagged it.

Every time he leaves a loophole, I take it....but he never leaves the same one twice. Personally, I think I am helping him become a better Master.

Nah! I am just a very naughty slave!!

Does anyone else do this?