As those who have read previous postings from craven,

posted i have to confess as a result of my bad or errant behaviour you will be aware that there has been no such incidents for some time.

Alas mr smart ass strikes again, or rather he did this afternoon, yes i am afraid that yet again i have shown my wonderful Domma disrespect and been overly sassy.

Hence this post, i wont bore you with the exact details, i had been i confess pushing for some time, when i congratulated my Domma on some recent good news, "well done" and then patted her on the head !! yes, Yes i know it was going to far but the words were out before i could stop them, i felt instantly bad, and have accepted my punishment which is in effect three fold.

part one being this post

part two being to ask you very kind and helpful people to post on this thread your suggestions as to what form my punishment should take

with part three being to endure the decided upon punishment

I should point out before anyone gets too excited it is a corporal and not capital offence so please if you could bear this in mind when putting forward your suggestions and ideas.

So over to you lovely people, if a sub behaves as badly as i obviously have, then irrespective of remorse of which i am very remorseful (and not just because i got caught) then punishment is of course due, what form should said punishment take ?