Mary Louise was a beautiful and talented gymnast. She had an athletic body, beautiful green eyes, and long, flowing, dark brown hair.

She had, until recently, been blazing a trail in her field, with her artistic flair and awesome skill and sublime elegance. She was unmatched by her peers and seen as a future Olympics hopeful.

But her success had gone to her head, she had neglected her training and was spending more and more time with her mates getting drunk and messing about. She had become a spoiled brat.

But too much was riding on Mary Louise for her to be allowed to fail. Money was riding on this.

On a sunny June morning, Mr. Renoire, a legendary (and notorious) trainer from France, arrived at Mary Louise's gymnasium.
He had a reputation, it was said that girl's asses clenched in fear when he approached them, that they feared him more than respected him. Girls were his speciality. He didn't just train them, he moulded them to his liking.

The Head of the Sports Dept. was clear what he wanted.
"We want this girl sorted out, we want you to use what ever means you deem necessary, make her great again."
The Frenchman paused, "She will not be what she was, you must understand that, she will be what I make her into. I demand complete control, no interference, ok?" Renoire looked at them sternly, making it clear he would walk out the door if he did not get his way.
"Of course, Mr. Renoire, she is yours."
Renoire smiled. He loved his job.

(From here on in, this is roleplay...Mr. Renoire is on his way, Mary Louise is in her changing room...)