((OOC:Anyone with an idea where to take this, preferably non-con, feel free to create a captor character, male or female, or a fellow captive female, and join in))

Elizabeth Wake's fair, white body glistened with sweat in the moonlight. Her nicely curved thighs and her shapely legs moved gracefully as she ran nude across the open field out in the country. Her breasts bounced with each run. Her short brown hair blew a little in the light breeze. The only items she wore were her sneakers, white socks rolled down and her small frame glasses.

Her friends had dared her to go streaking out here in the countryside and she had taken them up on it. It was strangely liberating. She felt strong, invincible, like nothing could slow her down. She'd just kept going well past the point when she should have turned around to get the credit for her courage. She hadn't felt like going back to her friends who were probably giggling drunkenly around the van at this very moment. No. In the cold night air, she felt truly free for the first time in a long time. The whole experience was daring, naughty, the sort of thing she wouldn't have usually done. It felt like nothing could hurt her, nothing could stop her, nothing take her freedom away. How wrong she was.