You wanted me to worship You
Drown You, Saturate You,
Flood You, Inundate You
With eternal adoration.
What a grand exploration, what a perfect collaboration.
But unnoticed was resistance to Your life's redecoration-
What started as mere discoloration, in a flash, was my deportation.
And neither desperation nor crying exhortations
Will bring about this joy's regeneration.

Your demands were met by me
Loving You, Admiring You,
Revering You, Inspiring You
Submerging O/ourselves in thoughts of forever-
Oh, what an untrustworthy endeavor.
Not seeing just around the corner was never-
Not knowing so soon W/we would be severed.
So tearfully wrong W/we were, my Love, however.
So sad W/we could not have been more clever
To recognize that fate would pull down the lever.