H is for Humiliation

Humiliation… one of the most delicious and misunderstood topics in Lifestyle. What is humiliation? There are many types of humiliation, and many people classify different humiliating things into different categories. I will try and touch on some of the more common categories and as we take a stroll through the world of humiliation…

Warning Note:
Humiliation, in various forms, can be an extremely sensitive topic for the submissive. Dominants should sit and talk through humiliation with the submissive BEFORE trying anything out. Some subs have had past relationships where humiliation was not used in a positive way or the sub was degraded. Also, most subs like certain types of humiliation and not others, so lesson to be learned? Be prudent and know your sub! Make SURE you discuss it before and afterwards at the beginning, to ensure it’s having its desired effect! Safe, Sane, Consensual!

Humiliation v. Degradation
  • Humiliation: The state of being disgraced or shamed… an instance… strong feelings of embarrassment
  • Degradation: Changing to a lower state, decline to a lower level