Hello fellow writing/editing/reading/reviewing types...

I've received a few emails and reviews and such for the story, and if anyone reading this has sent comments, I do appreciate it. Most all have been positive up until the last chapter lol.. but more importantly, they've all been content/story related.. "enjoy it" "this part sucked". I would really appreciate it if anyone would take the time to read the story.. or a chapter or two.. and provide some writing feedback. More along the lines of "your grammar sucks at this part..." "I didn't understand what you were talking about here..." "This part could have used more description..." "You need to work on..."... those types of objective comments.

Here is the link: The Perfect Vengeance Fuck Plot

I've started writing another chapter and about 4 pages in... I'm just.. I'll admit it.. stuck.. which I know will pass over time.. but I'm hoping maybe some critiques of the past material might help me push through a little faster. And I've started working on another story (thanks A.D.D.) and I dont want to fall into the same mistakes I've made in this one. Its time to grow! lol..

So if anyone would like to help out a fellow writer.. I would greatly appreciate anything anyone had to offer. Don't be nice! Rip it up.. be brutal.. and if you would.. help me get better as a storyteller and writer.

Thanks so much, I love you guys!